Bye, bye, Christie.


Sep 23, 2010
NJ’s Governor Christie stood up to the teachers’ unions to be sure, but there were other things he said and did that should have raised a signal flag for conservatives:


B Bravo = I am taking on or discharging explosives

This is one more warning:

In an interview on ABC’s “This Week,” New Jersey Gov. Christie was asked whether Missouri Rep. and GOP Senate nominee Todd Akin should have the support of the Republican Party despite his controversial statement about “legitimate rape.”

“No,” Christie replied, vigorously and without hesitation.


In a statewide tour on behalf of Akin, Newt Gingrich summed up the attitude of Republicans toward their nominee when he said the race was a choice between “six seconds of stupidity (a reference to Akin’s remark) or six years of bad votes.”

Based on his remarks Sunday, Christie seems to prefer the latter.

Christie says GOP should not support Missouri’s Akin
By: John Gizzi
10/1/2012 09:31 AM

Christie says GOP should not support Missouri's Akin - Conservative News

Christie is an establishment Republican with little to suggest he is committed to conservative ideals. Should Akin lose, and his loss affects Senate votes in the years ahead, Christie’s support for a Democrat over a conservative Republican should be remembered by Tea Partiers if and when he runs for higher office.
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Nobody ever said that Christie was a die-hard Tea Party Conservative. The Republican party is a big tent. What democrat would dare to criticize his own party? Maybe Lieberman but we remember what happened to him.
Nobody ever said that Christie was a die-hard Tea Party Conservative. The Republican party is a big tent. What democrat would dare to criticize his own party? Maybe Lieberman but we remember what happened to him.

To whitehall: So you’re advocating the same old crap. Conservatives should vote for the Republican because he is better than the Democrat. That scam went out with John McCain and it ain’t coming back with Romney simply because this election is touted as the most important election in history. In order for that to be true Democrat scum will no longer get elected when Hussein is defeated. I see nothing that guarantees that result when Romney wins. Democrat scum got elected before Hussein came along, and they will get elected after he is gone. More than likely the sewer rats Hussein brought into government with him will remain after he leaves.

In any event, the Senate is far more important than is the presidency in this election. Enough conservative senators can block anything whether the president is an establishment Republican or a Democrat.

Dumping a system where senators work for the president is the real goal in this election. Senators not treating the president as though he can fire them will spread to governors and state legislators. In plain English screw the president and you screw the federal government as well.

One thing coming out of this election supports my view. The media is less trusted than ever before. That lost trust is gone forever. In practical terms that means that in the future senators, governors, congressmen, etc. need not beg for support from the media, nor fear media displeasure. Better still, media scare tactics designed to pass garbage like bailouts, stimulus packages, tax increases to prevent economic Armageddon, and oppressive legislation will not work either. Going from wising up to media manipulation in elections to wising up to media legislation that impoverishes is only a small step.
Nobody ever said that Christie was a die-hard Tea Party Conservative. The Republican party is a big tent. What democrat would dare to criticize his own party? Maybe Lieberman but we remember what happened to him.

To whitehall: So you’re advocating the same old crap. Conservatives should vote for the Republican because he is better than the Democrat. That scam went out with John McCain and it ain’t coming back with Romney simply because this election is touted as the most important election in history. In order for that to be true Democrat scum will no longer get elected when Hussein is defeated. I see nothing that guarantees that result when Romney wins. Democrat scum got elected before Hussein came along, and they will get elected after he is gone. More than likely the sewer rats Hussein brought into government with him will remain after he leaves.

In any event, the Senate is far more important than is the presidency in this election. Enough conservative senators can block anything whether the president is an establishment Republican or a Democrat.

Dumping a system where senators work for the president is the real goal in this election. Senators not treating the president as though he can fire them will spread to governors and state legislators. In plain English screw the president and you screw the federal government as well.

One thing coming out of this election supports my view. The media is less trusted than ever before. That lost trust is gone forever. In practical terms that means that in the future senators, governors, congressmen, etc. need not beg for support from the media, nor fear media displeasure. Better still, media scare tactics designed to pass garbage like bailouts, stimulus packages, tax increases to prevent economic Armageddon, and oppressive legislation will not work either. Going from wising up to media manipulation in elections to wising up to media legislation that impoverishes is only a small step.

Damn Flanders, do you always look for a guarantee when you pull the lever in November? You must get disappointed a lot.

Damn Flanders, do you always look for a guarantee when you pull the lever in November?

To whitehall: No. I’m just too experienced to pull the level for the same old crap.


You must get disappointed a lot.

To whitehall: Not any more. I used to be every time I voted for the Republican because he was the lesser of the two evils. Now, no matter which lying sneak gets in there I will take pleasure in knowing I did not vote for him.

That he's willing to buck the party is a plus, as far as a I'm concerned.

To Kevin_Kennedy: Thank you. But just to be clear, I am a conservative not an establishment Republican. As soon as viable conservative party forms I’m there.
My guess, Flanders, is that you are a dirty trickster democrat trying to subdue republican turnout or you are a quirky Ron Paul libertarian. Most conservatives try to get the best qualified republicans and when they can't they support the party that is closest to the standards they set for themselves. Democrats have drifted so far to the left that it is incomprehensible that an alleged "conservative" would be hyper-critical of a statement made by a moderate republican governor unless the motivation was to suppress republican turnout.
NJ’s Governor Christie stood up to the teachers’ unions to be sure, but there were other things he said and did that should have raised a signal flag for conservatives:


B Bravo = I am taking on or discharging explosives

This is one more warning:

In an interview on ABC’s “This Week,” New Jersey Gov. Christie was asked whether Missouri Rep. and GOP Senate nominee Todd Akin should have the support of the Republican Party despite his controversial statement about “legitimate rape.”

“No,” Christie replied, vigorously and without hesitation.


In a statewide tour on behalf of Akin, Newt Gingrich summed up the attitude of Republicans toward their nominee when he said the race was a choice between “six seconds of stupidity (a reference to Akin’s remark) or six years of bad votes.”

Based on his remarks Sunday, Christie seems to prefer the latter.

Christie says GOP should not support Missouri’s Akin
By: John Gizzi
10/1/2012 09:31 AM

Christie says GOP should not support Missouri's Akin - Conservative News

Christie is an establishment Republican with little to suggest he is committed to conservative ideals. Should Akin lose, and his loss affects Senate votes in the years ahead, Christie’s support for a Democrat over a conservative Republican should be remembered by Tea Partiers if and when he runs for higher office.

If David Duke were the candidate, you'd support him based on your logic.
My guess, Flanders, is that you are a dirty trickster democrat trying to subdue republican turnout or you are a quirky Ron Paul libertarian. Most conservatives try to get the best qualified republicans and when they can't they support the party that is closest to the standards they set for themselves. Democrats have drifted so far to the left that it is incomprehensible that an alleged "conservative" would be hyper-critical of a statement made by a moderate republican governor unless the motivation was to suppress republican turnout.

To whitehall: My guess is that you are dirty trickster pulling the same old scam: Vote for the Republican because he is better than the Democrat. Either that, or you simply do not see that Republicans are just as guilty as the Democrats for everything that went wrong in this country since LBJ. If you do understand every establishment Republican candidate then you obviously want more of the same.

Ronald Reagan was the only one who ever stood up to them and they hate him for it. Proof: They’ve been trying to undo everything RR accomplished; including reversing the result of the Cold War. Hussein’s open mic blunder to Russia’s President Medvedev was an impeachable offense, but have you heard Romney mention it in any context.

Incidentally, I’ll wager that you cannot tell me what Romney would do about any one of the following:

1. Global government.

2. Foreign aid to known enemies.

3. US membership in the UN.

4. Repealing the XVI & XVII Amendments.

5. Full-fledged amnesty for illegal aliens.

6. Securing America’s borders.

7. Funding the education industry.

8. Hussein’s destructive executive orders.

9. Fighting Peace Without Victory wars.

10. Bipartisan legislation.

11. Unnecessary bureaucracies.

12. Bureaucratic mandates and regulations. (Think EPA and Department of Education for starters.)

13. Bailouts, raising the debt ceiling again and again, stimulus packages.

There is a lot more that is unknown about both Romney and Christie. The only thing that is known for certain is that they are governors from liberal Northeast states.

If David Duke were the candidate, you'd support him based on your logic.

To Toro: Your accusation is nonsensical as well as inaccurate. You cannot know how David Duke would govern. Romneycare is a clue as to how Romney will govern. You should know Hussein is infinitely worse than anything David Duke could possibly be, yet Duke is the archvillain in your world. It is your logic that is faulty.
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I can definitely understand why many boys here are disappointed with Christie

Christie would not sign on to the Woman are Nothing but Breed Animals plank of their misogynist wing of the GOP.
I can definitely understand why many boys here are disappointed with Christie

Christie would not sign on to the Woman are Nothing but Breed Animals plank of their misogynist wing of the GOP.

To editec: Even allowing for poetic license, there is nothing in the Republican platform even close to your characterization.

Being an establishment Republican it is more than likely Christie is a defender of women in government irrespective of their agenda; that includes Hussein’s women. Not even the Soviet Union or Communist China empowered such a collection of detestable females in their halls of power as foul as Hussein’s females. Christie’s indirect support for Clair McCaskill who was at least elected directly supports unelected women like Janet Napolitano. What Republican in his right mind would support somebody like Napolitano:

Based on this investigative report alone, it is apparent that the Department of Homeland Security is mismanaged at the highest levels to the point of threatening the civil liberties of every American citizen while failing to uncover any domestic terror threat or plot.

Explosive findings about DHS operations in congressional report
Doug Hagmann & Joseph Hagmann Thursday, October 4, 2012

Explosive findings about DHS operations in congressional report

I will be a lot happier with Christie when he takes on a few of Hussein’s spawn by name instead of covering himself in broad generalizations. He certainly had no problem dumping on conservative Todd Akin.


Akin, left for dead, rebounds
Poll shows him beating Missouri Sen. McCaskill

Akin, left for dead, rebounds
Bye, bye, Christie.

Shown here with his famous invisible Cristie Creme donut -


And, here, the night the lights went out on Christie


Wow ... Just think of the hungry and DESERVING AMERICANS we could feed if he were really gone ...
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The Get Along to Git-Along Buoys of New Jersey
Judi McLeod
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Damn Chris Christie and his paling around with the prepsident. I mean are you kidding me how could you find middle ground just because of a little devastation! in all seriousness, I live in New Jersey and I was affected by Sandy and any person who dares to politicize this tradgedy is a shameful person. My governer did what he was supposed to do, show the President of the United States why we need aid. This isny politics you fool, its humanity. I mean we say Tod Akin is critisized too heavily because he said that women cant get pregnant as a result of rape, yet what Governor Christie did was traitorus.. What world are you people living in?
The Get Along to Git-Along Buoys of New Jersey
Judi McLeod
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Damn Chris Christie and his paling around with the prepsident. I mean are you kidding me how could you find middle ground just because of a little devastation! in all seriousness, I live in New Jersey and I was affected by Sandy and any person who dares to politicize this tradgedy is a shameful person. My governer did what he was supposed to do, show the President of the United States why we need aid. This isny politics you fool, its humanity. I mean we say Tod Akin is critisized too heavily because he said that women cant get pregnant as a result of rape, yet what Governor Christie did was traitorus.. What world are you people living in?

To YoungRepublican: I began this thread on Oct. 2, 2012. You picked up on it after Sandy struck ---- almost a full month later. Getting money for New Jersey has nothing to do with what Christie was before Sandy.
The Get Along to Git-Along Buoys of New Jersey
Judi McLeod
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Damn Chris Christie and his paling around with the prepsident. I mean are you kidding me how could you find middle ground just because of a little devastation! in all seriousness, I live in New Jersey and I was affected by Sandy and any person who dares to politicize this tradgedy is a shameful person. My governer did what he was supposed to do, show the President of the United States why we need aid. This isny politics you fool, its humanity. I mean we say Tod Akin is critisized too heavily because he said that women cant get pregnant as a result of rape, yet what Governor Christie did was traitorus.. What world are you people living in?

To YoungRepublican: I began this thread on Oct. 2, 2012. You picked up on it after Sandy struck ---- almost a full month later. Getting money for New Jersey has nothing to do with what Christie was before Sandy.

So your issue is with him dumping Akin.. I didnt know that actual people supported Akin.. Is there a reason to support him after what he said? mistakes happen, granted, but I want no affiliation with a man who 1. entertained that notion as even remotely correct b. had the gaul to verbalize it
So your issue is with him dumping Akin.. I didnt know that actual people supported Akin.. Is there a reason to support him after what he said? mistakes happen, granted, but I want no affiliation with a man who 1. entertained that notion as even remotely correct b. had the gaul to verbalize it

To YoungRepublican: My issue is Christie opening his mouth at all. How many other Republican governors felt compelled to torpedo Akin because of one poorly-stated position. I’m willing to bet that Christie would not have said a word had Akin been a well-known RINO.

And I find it odd that a “young Republican” assumes the moral high ground knowing a Senate seat went to the party of infanticide, perverts, degenerates, and Bill Clinton.
The Republicans actually get a decent politician who the majority of Americans would support with him common sense no-nonsense approach to politics and they're going to run him out the party because he doesn't kneel before the utter retardation that comes out of the GOP machine. Completely idiotic but in a way beautiful because this is exactly why the GOP is dying.

And I can't believe the dumb fucks in this thread are actually defending rape. Are you people fucking stupid? Jesus, Republicans are just pathetic.

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