Buzzfed democrats


Diamond Member
May 20, 2009
Now that the fictional "Trump ordered Cohen to lie" narrative has smashed like a bug on the car window of Reality, let's put on the Sherlock Holmes deer stalker, take a puff on the meersham pipe and see where else the MO appears.

A thinly veiled, dubiously sources fabrication is fed into the media to pass itself off as Reality...hmmmm, sounds like:
  • Kavanaugh raped me,
  • Moore is a pedophile,
  • Russia, Russia, Russia,
  • Trump separated kids from their parents!
Buzzfed democrats: strange but not true
No for one; its not been smashed. They stand behind it. And Mueller did not dispute it, just that it was inaccurate. Did you read their article, they said many things in it, so what part is inaccurate??
Now that the fictional "Trump ordered Cohen to lie" narrative has smashed like a bug on the car window of Reality, let's put on the Sherlock Holmes deer stalker, take a puff on the meersham pipe and see where else the MO appears.

A thinly veiled, dubiously sources fabrication is fed into the media to pass itself off as Reality...hmmmm, sounds like:
  • Kavanaugh raped me,
  • Moore is a pedophile,
  • Russia, Russia, Russia,
  • Trump separated kids from their parents!
Buzzfed democrats: strange but not true
Indeed. CNN has become an opinion only broadcast. Fake News is more than just a zinger, but rather a testament of the times. The military is very versed in 'PYSOP' and it has transitioned into the MSM.

PYSOP is described as

  • 'Operations or PSYOP planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of organizations, groups, and individual'
The Book 1984 which I'm confident most have read, has many references to mind control in order to influence the masses. Parallels can be drawn in the way news, or fake news, is conveyed today. A paragraph below from 1984

  • All of the constant messages and propaganda causes citizens to have no time for independent thought. The constant stream of propaganda is designed to make everything the Party does, look like a glorious success. Everyone thinks the Party is doing well and is a necessity when in reality, the people would be better off without the Party. No matter where the people go, the Party provides a constant barrage of information, mostly untruthful, meant only to occupy their time.
CNN and others in MSM are targeting their misinformation at the under 40 demographic. Like our Universities and Colleges have become re-education camps where common social and cultural foundations are torn down, MSM is also looking to exploit the heart of American culture. The humans making babies (for those who ignore the glory of abortion), Joe the Plumber types..... essentially the ones going at it 9-5 every day and have very little time to become better informed. MSM realizes they have a very short window to apply their mind control 'programming'.

This will not end well for the MSM. Its one thing for a politician to stand up and straight up lie. Its like is water wet... does a bear crap in the woods etc. However, a fundamental core of journalism is to obtain the facts and report on its findings. Those efforts are clearly disregarded, dispatched and replaced with the mantra of the party.

Good prevails over evil. It alway has and always will. And that is why like MSM will soon go by the way of so many newspapers...... and the horse and buggy

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No for one; its not been smashed. They stand behind it. And Mueller did not dispute it, just that it was inaccurate. Did you read their article, they said many things in it, so what part is inaccurate??
Why did Mueller put out the statement? Very uncharacteristic. I suspect he wanted to keep his job. With the new AG coming in he probably would of asked Mueller if the story was true. And Mueller would had to have said no. AG would ask why didn't you say something

You're fired

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Now that the fictional "Trump ordered Cohen to lie" narrative has smashed like a bug on the car window of Reality, let's put on the Sherlock Holmes deer stalker, take a puff on the meersham pipe and see where else the MO appears.

A thinly veiled, dubiously sources fabrication is fed into the media to pass itself off as Reality...hmmmm, sounds like:
  • Kavanaugh raped me,
  • Moore is a pedophile,
  • Russia, Russia, Russia,
  • Trump separated kids from their parents!
Buzzfed democrats: strange but not true

Agree with all of the above. With one tiny caveat. Moore was not a pedophile but I never liked him, gave me the heebie-jeebies. So I would separate your four points out. The Left is and was wholly wrong and as usual totally moronic about Kavanaugh, Russia and Trump separating kids and parents at the border. Moore is not a pedophile, but did pursue young women of high school age when he was old enough to know better. I didn't like it and I'll never like it and I'll never defend it. FWIW and I won't say any more about it so as not to derail the thread.
No for one; its not been smashed. They stand behind it. And Mueller did not dispute it, just that it was inaccurate. Did you read their article, they said many things in it, so what part is inaccurate??

Does anyone still wonder who was at Jonestown chugging the Koolaid
No for one; its not been smashed. They stand behind it. And Mueller did not dispute it, just that it was inaccurate. Did you read their article, they said many things in it, so what part is inaccurate??

Does anyone still wonder who was at Jonestown chugging the Koolaid

That might be the best response to this poster I have ever read...also, the funniest.
Now that the fictional "Trump ordered Cohen to lie" narrative has smashed like a bug on the car window of Reality, let's put on the Sherlock Holmes deer stalker, take a puff on the meersham pipe and see where else the MO appears.

A thinly veiled, dubiously sources fabrication is fed into the media to pass itself off as Reality...hmmmm, sounds like:
  • Kavanaugh raped me,
  • Moore is a pedophile,
  • Russia, Russia, Russia,
  • Trump separated kids from their parents!
Buzzfed democrats: strange but not true

Agree with all of the above. With one tiny caveat. Moore was not a pedophile but I never liked him, gave me the heebie-jeebies. So I would separate your four points out. The Left is and was wholly wrong and as usual totally moronic about Kavanaugh, Russia and Trump separating kids and parents at the border. Moore is not a pedophile, but did pursue young women of high school age when he was old enough to know better. I didn't like it and I'll never like it and I'll never defend it. FWIW and I won't say any more about it so as not to derail the thread.
Lots of creepy guys like Clinton and Biden like the Little Girls - not Moore. That's the point
Now that the fictional "Trump ordered Cohen to lie" narrative has smashed like a bug on the car window of Reality, let's put on the Sherlock Holmes deer stalker, take a puff on the meersham pipe and see where else the MO appears.

A thinly veiled, dubiously sources fabrication is fed into the media to pass itself off as Reality...hmmmm, sounds like:
  • Kavanaugh raped me,
  • Moore is a pedophile,
  • Russia, Russia, Russia,
  • Trump separated kids from their parents!
Buzzfed democrats: strange but not true

Agree with all of the above. With one tiny caveat. Moore was not a pedophile but I never liked him, gave me the heebie-jeebies. So I would separate your four points out. The Left is and was wholly wrong and as usual totally moronic about Kavanaugh, Russia and Trump separating kids and parents at the border. Moore is not a pedophile, but did pursue young women of high school age when he was old enough to know better. I didn't like it and I'll never like it and I'll never defend it. FWIW and I won't say any more about it so as not to derail the thread.
Lots of creepy guys like Clinton and Biden like the Little Girls - not Moore. That's the point

Clinton is definitely creepy with women, not sure with little girls. Biden is handsy. Moore went after teens when he was in his 30s. So many icky politicians.
Now that the fictional "Trump ordered Cohen to lie" narrative has smashed like a bug on the car window of Reality, let's put on the Sherlock Holmes deer stalker, take a puff on the meersham pipe and see where else the MO appears.

A thinly veiled, dubiously sources fabrication is fed into the media to pass itself off as Reality...hmmmm, sounds like:
  • Kavanaugh raped me,
  • Moore is a pedophile,
  • Russia, Russia, Russia,
  • Trump separated kids from their parents!
Buzzfed democrats: strange but not true

Agree with all of the above. With one tiny caveat. Moore was not a pedophile but I never liked him, gave me the heebie-jeebies. So I would separate your four points out. The Left is and was wholly wrong and as usual totally moronic about Kavanaugh, Russia and Trump separating kids and parents at the border. Moore is not a pedophile, but did pursue young women of high school age when he was old enough to know better. I didn't like it and I'll never like it and I'll never defend it. FWIW and I won't say any more about it so as not to derail the thread.
Lots of creepy guys like Clinton and Biden like the Little Girls - not Moore. That's the point

Clinton is definitely creepy with women, not sure with little girls. Biden is handsy. Moore went after teens when he was in his 30s. So many icky politicians.
Clinton does have that folksy charm, but those 30+ trips to Lolita Island....
Now that the fictional "Trump ordered Cohen to lie" narrative has smashed like a bug on the car window of Reality, let's put on the Sherlock Holmes deer stalker, take a puff on the meersham pipe and see where else the MO appears.

A thinly veiled, dubiously sources fabrication is fed into the media to pass itself off as Reality...hmmmm, sounds like:
  • Kavanaugh raped me,
  • Moore is a pedophile,
  • Russia, Russia, Russia,
  • Trump separated kids from their parents!
Buzzfed democrats: strange but not true

They did actually verify that Trump took two scoops of ice cream.
Now that the fictional "Trump ordered Cohen to lie" narrative has smashed like a bug on the car window of Reality, let's put on the Sherlock Holmes deer stalker, take a puff on the meersham pipe and see where else the MO appears.

A thinly veiled, dubiously sources fabrication is fed into the media to pass itself off as Reality...hmmmm, sounds like:
  • Kavanaugh raped me,
  • Moore is a pedophile,
  • Russia, Russia, Russia,
  • Trump separated kids from their parents!
Buzzfed democrats: strange but not true

They did actually verify that Trump took two scoops of ice cream.

We got him this time! Part 88,035,443
Now that the fictional "Trump ordered Cohen to lie" narrative has smashed like a bug on the car window of Reality, let's put on the Sherlock Holmes deer stalker, take a puff on the meersham pipe and see where else the MO appears.

A thinly veiled, dubiously sources fabrication is fed into the media to pass itself off as Reality...hmmmm, sounds like:
  • Kavanaugh raped me,
  • Moore is a pedophile,
  • Russia, Russia, Russia,
  • Trump separated kids from their parents!
Buzzfed democrats: strange but not true
Indeed. CNN has become an opinion only broadcast. Fake News is more than just a zinger, but rather a testament of the times. The military is very versed in 'PYSOP' and it has transitioned into the MSM.

PYSOP is described as

  • 'Operations or PSYOP planned operations to convey selected information and indicators to audiences to influence their emotions, motives, objective reasoning, and ultimately the behavior of organizations, groups, and individual'
The Book 1984 which I'm confident most have read, has many references to mind control in order to influence the masses. Parallels can be drawn in the way news, or fake news, is conveyed today. A paragraph below from 1984

  • All of the constant messages and propaganda causes citizens to have no time for independent thought. The constant stream of propaganda is designed to make everything the Party does, look like a glorious success. Everyone thinks the Party is doing well and is a necessity when in reality, the people would be better off without the Party. No matter where the people go, the Party provides a constant barrage of information, mostly untruthful, meant only to occupy their time.
CNN and others in MSM are targeting their misinformation at the under 40 demographic. Like our Universities and Colleges have become re-education camps where common social and cultural foundations are torn down, MSM is also looking to exploit the heart of American culture. The humans making babies (for those who ignore the glory of abortion), Joe the Plumber types..... essentially the ones going at it 9-5 every day and have very little time to become better informed. MSM realizes they have a very short window to apply their mind control 'programming'.

This will not end well for the MSM. Its one thing for a politician to stand up and straight up lie. Its like is water wet... does a bear crap in the woods etc. However, a fundamental core of journalism is to obtain the facts and report on its findings. Those efforts are clearly disregarded, dispatched and replaced with the mantra of the party.

Good prevails over evil. It alway has and always will. And that is why like MSM will soon go by the way of so many newspapers...... and the horse and buggy

Yes and the same with democracies of the unwise electing the crooks

A law of destruction will come to change this back to strict controls on the unwise

But But history shows the horse and buggy may come back. This comes from going backwards after the destruction and losing progress and inventions

History is now repeating all the dominoes are falling and set to fall
Now that the fictional "Trump ordered Cohen to lie" narrative has smashed like a bug on the car window of Reality, let's put on the Sherlock Holmes deer stalker, take a puff on the meersham pipe and see where else the MO appears.

A thinly veiled, dubiously sources fabrication is fed into the media to pass itself off as Reality...hmmmm, sounds like:
  • Kavanaugh raped me,
  • Moore is a pedophile,
  • Russia, Russia, Russia,
  • Trump separated kids from their parents!
Buzzfed democrats: strange but not true

Agree with all of the above. With one tiny caveat. Moore was not a pedophile but I never liked him, gave me the heebie-jeebies. So I would separate your four points out. The Left is and was wholly wrong and as usual totally moronic about Kavanaugh, Russia and Trump separating kids and parents at the border. Moore is not a pedophile, but did pursue young women of high school age when he was old enough to know better. I didn't like it and I'll never like it and I'll never defend it. FWIW and I won't say any more about it so as not to derail the thread.

Moore was an awful candidate and an embarrassment.
Now that the fictional "Trump ordered Cohen to lie" narrative has smashed like a bug on the car window of Reality, let's put on the Sherlock Holmes deer stalker, take a puff on the meersham pipe and see where else the MO appears.

A thinly veiled, dubiously sources fabrication is fed into the media to pass itself off as Reality...hmmmm, sounds like:
  • Kavanaugh raped me,
  • Moore is a pedophile,
  • Russia, Russia, Russia,
  • Trump separated kids from their parents!
Buzzfed democrats: strange but not true
Like I said all progressives are fucked in the head
Now that the fictional "Trump ordered Cohen to lie" narrative has smashed like a bug on the car window of Reality, let's put on the Sherlock Holmes deer stalker, take a puff on the meersham pipe and see where else the MO appears.

Or not. The fact is, Cohen still lied.

So.. either.

Trump told him to lie.


He lied on his own initiative, and Trump did nothing to correct the record.
Now that the fictional "Trump ordered Cohen to lie" narrative has smashed like a bug on the car window of Reality, let's put on the Sherlock Holmes deer stalker, take a puff on the meersham pipe and see where else the MO appears.

A thinly veiled, dubiously sources fabrication is fed into the media to pass itself off as Reality...hmmmm, sounds like:
  • Kavanaugh raped me,
  • Moore is a pedophile,
  • Russia, Russia, Russia,
  • Trump separated kids from their parents!
Buzzfed democrats: strange but not true

They have several outlets for their drivel; Democratic Underground is Ground Zero then Daily Kos, and I'm sure several news ones. I don't go looking for them all, all I need to do to find out what they're going to be spamming message boards with is DU, DK, Daily Beast, and that Bay Area hack fraud radio guy Mike Malloy's 'forum' for gimps and tards.
Now that the fictional "Trump ordered Cohen to lie" narrative has smashed like a bug on the car window of Reality, let's put on the Sherlock Holmes deer stalker, take a puff on the meersham pipe and see where else the MO appears.

A thinly veiled, dubiously sources fabrication is fed into the media to pass itself off as Reality...hmmmm, sounds like:
  • Kavanaugh raped me,
  • Moore is a pedophile,
  • Russia, Russia, Russia,
  • Trump separated kids from their parents!
Buzzfed democrats: strange but not true

Agree with all of the above. With one tiny caveat. Moore was not a pedophile but I never liked him, gave me the heebie-jeebies. So I would separate your four points out. The Left is and was wholly wrong and as usual totally moronic about Kavanaugh, Russia and Trump separating kids and parents at the border. Moore is not a pedophile, but did pursue young women of high school age when he was old enough to know better. I didn't like it and I'll never like it and I'll never defend it. FWIW and I won't say any more about it so as not to derail the thread.

Moore was an awful candidate and an embarrassment.

They had to drop $40 million +, not counting the under-the-table money, and even then had to resort to ballot box stuffing to beast him, nonetheless; he was better than what the Democrats were running, a sleazy Party hack.
Anything goes to pass a narrative. Again, why no leftist is to ever be believed

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