Buys Ad To Warn About Socialism


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "(CNN) - He's not running for office. He's not part of a super PAC. He's not lobbying for or against any ballot measures.

2. But billionaire Thomas Peterffy is spending millions on television ads this election season with one cautionary message: Avoid socialism.

3. Peterffy told CNN he expects to spend $5-$10 million on the ad buy,...

4. mention of any specific politician or lawmaker. It's simply a plea for an end to what he sees as growing hostility to personal success - and to vote Republican.

5. "America's wealth comes from the efforts of people striving for success. Take away their incentive with badmouthing success and you take away the wealth that helps us take care of the needy,"....

6. Peterffy left his country and moved to New York in 1965, where-without knowing English–he got a computer programming job on Wall Street. He later purchased his own seat on the American Stock Exchange in 1977 and, fast forward a few years, found himself the creator of Interactive Brokers, one of the first electronic trading firms.

7. Forbes Magazine now estimates Peterffy, 68, has a net worth of $4.6 billion.

8. Peterffy is not alone in his fear of a socialist America. Some Republicans have launched vocal accusations against President Barack Obama for pushing what they call socialist policies.

9. "I’ve paid $1.9 billion in taxes in my lifetime, now I am being told that I am not contributing my fair share?" he said in an interview."
Rich, worried and buying ad time – CNN Political Ticker - Blogs

[ame=]Thomas Peterffy - Freedom To Succeed - YouTube[/ame]
America's wealth comes from America and he can damn well pay his fair share of taxes. He did not move to Spain and make billions. Just where did Thomas pull his billions from? The sky? He owes taxes back into the system that provided him the opportunity to make the money. No, he does have have to give up his billion so don't get stupid on the matter but he does have to pay his fair share back into the system he got his money from.
but he does have to pay his fair share back into the system he got his money from.

The top 1% pay 40% of all Federal income taxes!! They pay far more than their fair share.

The middle class and poor pay almost nothing. Is that their fair share?

Why should the wealthy pay anything since they are the ones who invent the goods and services that sustain our lives. It is the poor and middle class who make no contribution to our goods and service so make them pay the taxes at least.
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America's wealth comes from America and he can damn well pay his fair share of taxes. He did not move to Spain and make billions. Just where did Thomas pull his billions from? The sky? He owes taxes back into the system that provided him the opportunity to make the money. No, he does have have to give up his billion so don't get stupid on the matter but he does have to pay his fair share back into the system he got his money from.

"... he can damn well pay his fair share..."

Let's see how long it takes to prove how vapid both your rhetoric and your mind are....

1. The unspoken assumption is that there is something morally wrong with inequalities. Where is the explanation of what would be a ‘fair share’ for the wealthy to give up? Irving Kristol, as editor of ‘Public Interest,’ wrote to professors who had written about the unfairness of income distribution, asking them to write an article as to what a ‘fair distribution’ would be; he has never gotten that article.
Irving Kristol, “Neoconservative: the Autobiography of an Idea,” p. 166

a. I challenge you to provide links/sources of Liberal/Progressives/Democrats identifying exactly what that 'fair share' is.

If you cannot do will lead to the conclusion that 'he can damn well pay his fair share' is merely an obfuscation of....

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need..."

Put your money where your mouth pun intended.
a. I challenge you to provide links/sources of Liberal/Progressives/Democrats identifying exactly what that 'fair share' is.

I guess that since the top 1% already pay 40% of federal taxes and the lefties are still moaning they want all taxes to come from the top 5%.

That way the bottom 95% will have no skin in the game and can just vote for higher taxes and more welfare for themselves all the time.

Democracy as theft is the liberal idea of fairness!!
Stupid rich guy. Doesn't he know the only rich people allowed a voice in politics are those who support Democrats?

Right, USMB lefties?

Actually.....the Left won't allow business to proceed unless it pays to play.

Bill Gates, case in point.
He didn't play the game...had no lobbyists....until Bill Clinton explained the extortion game via the suit against Microsoft.

"For many years before the lawsuit, Microsoft had virtually no Washington "presence." It had a large office in the suburbs, mainly concerned with selling software to the government. Bill Gates resisted the notion that a software company needed to hire a lot of lobbyists and lawyers. He didn't want anything special from the government, except the freedom to build and sell software. If the government would leave him alone, he would leave the government alone.

At first this was regarded (at least in Washington) as naive. Grown-up companies hire lobbyists. What's this guy's problem? Then it was regarded as foolish. This was not a game. There were big issues at stake. Next it came to be seen as arrogant: Who the hell does Microsoft think it is? Does it think it's too good to do what every other company of its size in the world is doing?

Ultimately, there even was a feeling that, in refusing to play the Washington game, Microsoft was being downright unpatriotic. Look, buddy, there is an American way of doing things, and that American way includes hiring lobbyists, paying lawyers vast sums by the hour, throwing lavish parties for politicians, aides, journalists, and so on. So get with the program."
Microsoft lobbying: Corporate influence peddling part of Washington's strategic plan - Los Angeles Times

An important lesson for anyone who believes that the economic system is based on capitalism.
a. I challenge you to provide links/sources of Liberal/Progressives/Democrats identifying exactly what that 'fair share' is.

I guess that since the top 1% already pay 40% of federal taxes and the lefties are still moaning they want all taxes to come from the top 5%.

That way the bottom 95% will have no skin in the game and can just vote for higher taxes and more welfare for themselves all the time.

Democracy as theft is the liberal idea of fairness!!

1. Actually, the Constitution was heavily weighted against income taxation....
...but war debts provided the 'crisis' that couldn't be allowed to go to waste.

2. 1862, due to a greater need, Congress increased both the rates and the progressivity. The exemption was lowered to $600 @ 3%, and a new 5% on income over $10,000. This, then was the first “progressive,” not flat tax. The law also imposed a duty on paymasters to deduct and withhold the income tax, and to send the withheld tax to the Commissioner of Internal Revenue.
Revenue Act of 1862 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

a. After the war exemptions were increased, and rates lowered, and in 1872, the tax was abolished.

b. But, having had a taste of taking and using free money, politicians passed more than 60 bills designed to reinstate the income tax over the next 20 years.
David G. Davies, “United States Taxes and Tax Policy,” p. 22.

3. Socialist, Populist, and Progressive movements paralleled this move, and this desire based on “taxing the rich.”

a. The Progressives launched a campaign that culminated with the ratification of the 16th Amendment, in 1913.
1. The unspoken assumption is that there is something morally wrong with inequalities.

If it is unspoke why do you dare speaketh?

You start with a false statement and then expect to be taken seriously? Seriously? Honestly?

Did you miss this:

I challenge you to provide links/sources of Liberal/Progressives/Democrats identifying exactly what that 'fair share' is.

If you cannot do will lead to the conclusion that 'he can damn well pay his fair share' is merely an obfuscation of....

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need..."

You have no you?

You empty-headed Leftist frauds......

.....faced with real debate, you run and hide.
America's wealth comes from America and he can damn well pay his fair share of taxes. He did not move to Spain and make billions. Just where did Thomas pull his billions from? The sky? He owes taxes back into the system that provided him the opportunity to make the money. No, he does have have to give up his billion so don't get stupid on the matter but he does have to pay his fair share back into the system he got his money from.

"I’ve paid $1.9 billion in taxes in my lifetime, now I am being told that I am not contributing my fair share?" Peterffy said in an interview."

How much more of his 'fair share' is Peterffy suppose to pay? You guys won't be happy until the government confiscates all pay and doles out stipends.
And where exactly did you get your opinion of the Microsoft lawsuit? Because that is the most 'interesting' take on that I have ever heard.
America's wealth comes from America and he can damn well pay his fair share of taxes. He did not move to Spain and make billions. Just where did Thomas pull his billions from? The sky? He owes taxes back into the system that provided him the opportunity to make the money. No, he does have have to give up his billion so don't get stupid on the matter but he does have to pay his fair share back into the system he got his money from.

Care to share with the rest of us where he advocated not paying any taxes? Oh, he didn't? Of course not, but hyperbole is the only defense you have of your jealousy and the parasitic policies you support.
1. The unspoken assumption is that there is something morally wrong with inequalities.

If it is unspoke why do you dare speaketh?

You start with a false statement and then expect to be taken seriously? Seriously? Honestly?

Did you miss this:

I challenge you to provide links/sources of Liberal/Progressives/Democrats identifying exactly what that 'fair share' is.

If you cannot do will lead to the conclusion that 'he can damn well pay his fair share' is merely an obfuscation of....

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need..."

You have no you?

You empty-headed Leftist frauds......

.....faced with real debate, you run and hide.

Fair share in liberal-land means the rich pay more, more, more while others pay naught.
America's wealth comes from America and he can damn well pay his fair share of taxes. He did not move to Spain and make billions. Just where did Thomas pull his billions from? The sky? He owes taxes back into the system that provided him the opportunity to make the money. No, he does have have to give up his billion so don't get stupid on the matter but he does have to pay his fair share back into the system he got his money from.

"I’ve paid $1.9 billion in taxes in my lifetime, now I am being told that I am not contributing my fair share?" Peterffy said in an interview."

How much more of his 'fair share' is Peterffy suppose to pay? You guys won't be happy until the government confiscates all pay and doles out stipends.

What percentage of his income did he pay in taxes last year? Does he have his taxes file by Price Waterhouse Coopers? I hear they do an excellent job.
And where exactly did you get your opinion of the Microsoft lawsuit? Because that is the most 'interesting' take on that I have ever heard.

Do you realize that your lack of ability to back up your post, your demand for a 'fair share' of another's honestly earned wealth, proves the emptiness of the Left's corrupt it actually is?

Does the public spanking that you just received move you toward reevaluation?

If so...I can recommend several books.....
If it is unspoke why do you dare speaketh?

You start with a false statement and then expect to be taken seriously? Seriously? Honestly?

Did you miss this:

I challenge you to provide links/sources of Liberal/Progressives/Democrats identifying exactly what that 'fair share' is.

If you cannot do will lead to the conclusion that 'he can damn well pay his fair share' is merely an obfuscation of....

"From each according to his ability, to each according to his need..."

You have no you?

You empty-headed Leftist frauds......

.....faced with real debate, you run and hide.

Fair share in liberal-land means the rich pay more, more, more while others pay naught.

The march toward a People's Republic.....a worker's paradise......sort of.
America's wealth comes from America and he can damn well pay his fair share of taxes. He did not move to Spain and make billions. Just where did Thomas pull his billions from? The sky? He owes taxes back into the system that provided him the opportunity to make the money. No, he does have have to give up his billion so don't get stupid on the matter but he does have to pay his fair share back into the system he got his money from.

"I’ve paid $1.9 billion in taxes in my lifetime, now I am being told that I am not contributing my fair share?" Peterffy said in an interview."

How much more of his 'fair share' is Peterffy suppose to pay? You guys won't be happy until the government confiscates all pay and doles out stipends.

What percentage of his income did he pay in taxes last year? Does he have his taxes file by Price Waterhouse Coopers? I hear they do an excellent job.

What is his 'fair share'?
America's wealth comes from America and he can damn well pay his fair share of taxes. He did not move to Spain and make billions. Just where did Thomas pull his billions from? The sky? He owes taxes back into the system that provided him the opportunity to make the money. No, he does have have to give up his billion so don't get stupid on the matter but he does have to pay his fair share back into the system he got his money from.

"I’ve paid $1.9 billion in taxes in my lifetime, now I am being told that I am not contributing my fair share?" Peterffy said in an interview."

How much more of his 'fair share' is Peterffy suppose to pay? You guys won't be happy until the government confiscates all pay and doles out stipends.

What percentage of his income did he pay in taxes last year? Does he have his taxes file by Price Waterhouse Coopers? I hear they do an excellent job.

Boatload more than the people who pay nothing.
America's wealth comes from America and he can damn well pay his fair share of taxes. He did not move to Spain and make billions. Just where did Thomas pull his billions from? The sky? He owes taxes back into the system that provided him the opportunity to make the money. No, he does have have to give up his billion so don't get stupid on the matter but he does have to pay his fair share back into the system he got his money from.

That is not the way it works.

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