Buyer's remorse, Joe Lieberman tries to make nice with Obama

Red Dawn

Senior Member
Jul 19, 2008
Liberal Socialist Paradise
Comedy gold!

Seeing the writing on the wall, and the prospect of a possible GOP blowout, Joe Lieberman tries to walk back his anti-Obama rhetoric, and tries to put a few degrees of separation between himself and McBush.

Lieberman: "I Respect Obama"

After a campaign season of negative attacks against the Dem nominee, Joe Lieberman is now saying how much he respects Barack Obama.
TPM Election Central | Talking Points Memo | Lieberman: I Respect Obama

Lieberman on Palin: "Thank God She's Not Going To Have To Be President From Day One."

Lieberman: Working hard for McCain; prepared to bring people together if he fails - The Advocate

Translation: "Please don't kick me out of the Democratic Caucus, when you Dems close in on a 60 seat majority!"
Comedy gold!

Seeing the writing on the wall, and the prospect of a possible GOP blowout, Joe Lieberman tries to walk back his anti-Obama rhetoric, and tries to put a few degrees of separation between himself and McBush.

Translation: "Please don't kick me out of the Democratic Caucus, when you Dems close in on a 60 seat majority!"

Politicians until they stop breathing...

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