But in the Socialist Paradise....

Universal healthcare is so much more civilized than the American for-profit system., Our insurance costs go up faster than inflation. We have growing co-pays and slashing coverage at work as they try to cut healthcare costs.
With universal healthcare, you can move jobs without having an uninsured period of time. You do not have to determine what coverage a new job offers. You are free to move without healthcare punishment.
You can start a new business without a healthcare bill destroying your beginning business from succeeding.
Itw ould be mentally relieving to not have to sweat out healthcare in everything you do. You know a serious illness or accident could bankrupt your family.
In American we have people walking around with conditions that are untreated like diabetes. They cannot get regular medical care.
This is not how a civilized nation treats its people. Over half of bankruptcies have a healthcare factor in them,
Universal healthcare is so much more civilized than the American for-profit system., .....,

Bullcrap. There is nothing "civilized" about rationing health care and tying the citizen - literally by their life - even more to government dependency. Be men, not slaves.

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