But... But... But... The Models!

Big Fitz

User Quit *****
Nov 23, 2009
Oh boy. A good example of why computer models, faithfully worshiped can get you into a world of trouble.

Mandatory Spending to Exceed all Federal Revenues

So, raise taxes? Or cut spending?

This is not "Bialystock unt Bloom" here, and "Springtime for Hitler" is not going to be a flop. The investors are now looking for their 50% profit.


Someone needs to paste Geithner's and Bernanke's faces on this.
Which mandatory spending is, in your opinion, the worst problem?

Whose OX are you proposing gets gored?
Oh boy. A good example of why computer models, faithfully worshiped can get you into a world of trouble.

Mandatory Spending to Exceed all Federal Revenues

So, raise taxes? Or cut spending?

This is not "Bialystock unt Bloom" here, and "Springtime for Hitler" is not going to be a flop. The investors are now looking for their 50% profit.


Someone needs to paste Geithner's and Bernanke's faces on this.

Neither. We have no choice but to restructure medicare and SS. We are not gonna be able to raise taxes high enough to cover the liabilities shortfalls that are only beginning to overwhelm receipts. Look at the trajectory in your article since 2000. That's the recession and the baby boom retirement exodus and our entitlements in a high speed collision.

And like the article points out it is no longer possible to balance the budget by cutting spending.

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