Bush's Wide Receiver versus Obama's Fast and Furious


Gold Member
Sep 15, 2008
rocky mountains
The Bush Administration wide receiver--aka gunwalking operation.

The first known ATF "gunwalking" operation to Mexican drug cartels, named Operation Wide Receiver, began in early 2006 and ran into late 2007. Licensed dealer Mike Detty informed the ATF of a suspicious gun purchase that took place in February 2006 in Tucson, Arizona. In March he was hired as a confidential informant working with the ATF's Tucson office, part of their Phoenix, Arizona field division.[23] With the use of surveillance equipment, ATF agents monitored additional sales by Detty to straw purchasers. With assurance from ATF "that Mexican officials would be conducting surveillance or interdictions when guns got to the other side of the border",[24] Detty would sell a total of about 450 guns during the operation.[22] These included AR-15s, semi-automatic AK-pattern rifles, and Colt .38s. The vast majority of the guns were eventually lost as they moved into Mexico.[7][23][25] At the time, under the Bush administration Department of Justice (DOJ), no arrests or indictments were made. After President Barack Obama took office in 2009, the DOJ reviewed Wide Receiver in September 2009[26] and found that guns had been allowed into the hands of suspected gun traffickers. Indictments began in 2010, over three years after Wide Receiver concluded.
ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama administration Fast and Furious: Enacted under the Obama administration in 2009--and 2 years after Wide Receiver was stopped by the Bush administration in 2007.

On October 26, 2009, a teleconference was held at the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. to discuss U.S. strategy for combating Mexican drug cartels. The strategy of targeting high-level individuals, which was already ATF policy, would be implemented by Bill Newell, special agent in charge of ATF's Phoenix field division. In order to accomplish it, the office decided to use "gunwalking" as laid out in a January 2010 briefing paper. The tactic of letting guns walk, rather than interdicting them and arresting the buyers, led to controversy within the ATF.[5][32] As the case continued, several members of Group VII, including John Dodson and Olindo Casa, became increasingly upset at the tactic of allowing guns to walk. Their standard Project Gunrunner training was to follow the straw purchasers to the hand-off to the cartel buyers, then arrest both parties and seize the guns. They watched guns being bought illegally and stashed on a daily basis, while their supervisors, including David Voth and Hope MacAllister, prevented the agents from intervening.[3]Responding to the disagreements, Voth wrote an email in March 2010: "I will be damned if this case is going to suffer due to petty arguing, rumors, or other adolescent behavior. I don’t know what all the issues are but we are all adults, we are all professionals, and we have an exciting opportunity to use the biggest tool in our law enforcement tool box. If you don’t think this is fun you are in the wrong line of work – period!”[3][33] By June 2010, suspects had purchased 1,608 firearms at a cost of over US $1 million at Phoenix-area gun shops. At that time, the ATF was also aware of 179 of those weapons being found at crime scenes in Mexico, and 130 in the United States.[8] As guns traced to Fast and Furious began turning up at violent crime scenes in Mexico, ATF agents stationed there also voiced opposition.[3]On the evening of December 14, 2010, U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry and others were patrolling Peck Canyon, Santa Cruz County, Arizona, 11 miles from the Mexican border. The group came across five suspected illegal immigrants. When they fired non-lethal beanbag guns, the suspects responded with their own weapons, leading to a firefight.Agent Terry was shot and killed; four of the suspects were arrested and two AK-pattern rifles were found nearby. The rifles were traced to Fast and Furious within hours of the shooting, but the bullet that killed Terry was too badly damaged to be linked to either gun.[3After hearing of the incident, Agent Dodson reached out to ATF headquarters, ATF's chief counsel, the ATF ethics section and the Justice Department's Office of the Inspector General, none of whom immediately responded. He and other agents then contacted Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa (R–IA), ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, who would become a major figure in the investigation of "gunwalking." At the same time, information began leaking to various bloggers and Web sites.[3] 34]On January 25, 2011, U.S. Attorney Burke announced the first details of the case to become officially public, marking the end of Operation Fast and Furious. At a news conference in Phoenix, he reported a 53-count indictment of 20 suspects for buying hundreds of guns intended for illegal export between September 2009 and December 2010. Newell, who was at the conference, called Fast and Furious a "phenomenal case," while denying that guns had been deliberately allowed to walk into Mexico.[3][24] Altogether, 2,020 firearms were bought by straw purchasers during Fast and Furious.[3] These included AK-47 variants, Barrett .50 caliber sniper rifles, .38 caliber revolvers, and FN Five-sevens.[34] As of October 20, 2011, 389 had been recovered in the US and 276 had been recovered in Mexico. The rest remained on the streets, unaccounted for.[15] Most of the guns went to the Sinaloa Cartel, while others made their way to El Teo and La Familia.[2][25]
ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why would the Obama administration under Eric Holder enact Fast and Furious--when they knew that wide receiver aka ATF gunwalking was halted in 2007- (under the Bush administration)-because it was a failed program? There had to be another reason for this--and the only rational conclusion anyone could come to is that by delivering semi-automatic weapons to violent Mexican drug cartels-- Obama/Holder could point a finger at all the deaths and violence in Mexico-for reason to ban these weapons for sale in the United States. Henceforth--the cover up-an 18 month congressional investigation- -and Obama issuing executive privilege on documents that have been subpoenaed by the congressional investigation into Fast and Furious--which lead to congress holding Eric Holder (Attorney General of the United States and head of the ATF) in contempt.

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F&F was absolutely an attack on Second amendment Rights first and foremost. Prior to the White House connection pro anti gun Politicians were raging about the guns having originated in the U.S., and the Media was eating it up... A dead Border Patrol Agent later(and countless others), and then a connection to the WH was made, and overnight the Anti gun lobby, and the Media machine shut down, and now we have Holder trying vainly to defend their actions. It's one thing to have an anti gun agenda, it's quite another when Americans get killed over it. It's also Despicable for an Administration to rant about the guns "coming from America", and how it must be stopped... When it was your Administration providing them. The buck stops with Obama, and ALL the people involved need to be held accountable both for the death of Brian Terry, and putting weapons in the hands of criminals.
F&F was absolutely an attack on Second amendment Rights first and foremost. Prior to the White House connection pro anti gun Politicians were raging about the guns having originated in the U.S., and the Media was eating it up... A dead Border Patrol Agent later(and countless others), and then a connection to the WH was made, and overnight the Anti gun lobby, and the Media machine shut down, and now we have Holder trying vainly to defend their actions. It's one thing to have an anti gun agenda, it's quite another when Americans get killed over it. It's also Despicable for an Administration to rant about the guns "coming from America", and how it must be stopped... When it was your Administration providing them. The buck stops with Obama, and ALL the people involved need to be held accountable both for the death of Brian Terry, and putting weapons in the hands of criminals.

Agreed--One President doesn't follow the mistakes of their predecessor--without a hidden agenda.
The Bush Administration wide receiver--aka gunwalking operation.

The first known ATF "gunwalking" operation to Mexican drug cartels, named Operation Wide Receiver, began in early 2006 and ran into late 2007. Licensed dealer Mike Detty informed the ATF of a suspicious gun purchase that took place in February 2006 in Tucson, Arizona. In March he was hired as a confidential informant working with the ATF's Tucson office, part of their Phoenix, Arizona field division.[23] With the use of surveillance equipment, ATF agents monitored additional sales by Detty to straw purchasers. With assurance from ATF "that Mexican officials would be conducting surveillance or interdictions when guns got to the other side of the border",[24] Detty would sell a total of about 450 guns during the operation.[22] These included AR-15s, semi-automatic AK-pattern rifles, and Colt .38s. The vast majority of the guns were eventually lost as they moved into Mexico.[7][23][25] At the time, under the Bush administration Department of Justice (DOJ), no arrests or indictments were made. After President Barack Obama took office in 2009, the DOJ reviewed Wide Receiver in September 2009[26] and found that guns had been allowed into the hands of suspected gun traffickers. Indictments began in 2010, over three years after Wide Receiver concluded.
ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama administration Fast and Furious: Enacted under the Obama administration in 2009--and 2 years after Wide Receiver was stopped by the Bush administration in 2007.

On October 26, 2009, a teleconference was held at the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. to discuss U.S. strategy for combating Mexican drug cartels. The strategy of targeting high-level individuals, which was already ATF policy, would be implemented by Bill Newell, special agent in charge of ATF's Phoenix field division. In order to accomplish it, the office decided to use "gunwalking" as laid out in a January 2010 briefing paper. The tactic of letting guns walk, rather than interdicting them and arresting the buyers, led to controversy within the ATF.[5][32] As the case continued, several members of Group VII, including John Dodson and Olindo Casa, became increasingly upset at the tactic of allowing guns to walk. Their standard Project Gunrunner training was to follow the straw purchasers to the hand-off to the cartel buyers, then arrest both parties and seize the guns. They watched guns being bought illegally and stashed on a daily basis, while their supervisors, including David Voth and Hope MacAllister, prevented the agents from intervening.[3]Responding to the disagreements, Voth wrote an email in March 2010: "I will be damned if this case is going to suffer due to petty arguing, rumors, or other adolescent behavior. I don’t know what all the issues are but we are all adults, we are all professionals, and we have an exciting opportunity to use the biggest tool in our law enforcement tool box. If you don’t think this is fun you are in the wrong line of work – period!”[3][33] By June 2010, suspects had purchased 1,608 firearms at a cost of over US $1 million at Phoenix-area gun shops. At that time, the ATF was also aware of 179 of those weapons being found at crime scenes in Mexico, and 130 in the United States.[8] As guns traced to Fast and Furious began turning up at violent crime scenes in Mexico, ATF agents stationed there also voiced opposition.[3]On the evening of December 14, 2010, U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry and others were patrolling Peck Canyon, Santa Cruz County, Arizona, 11 miles from the Mexican border. The group came across five suspected illegal immigrants. When they fired non-lethal beanbag guns, the suspects responded with their own weapons, leading to a firefight.Agent Terry was shot and killed; four of the suspects were arrested and two AK-pattern rifles were found nearby. The rifles were traced to Fast and Furious within hours of the shooting, but the bullet that killed Terry was too badly damaged to be linked to either gun.[3After hearing of the incident, Agent Dodson reached out to ATF headquarters, ATF's chief counsel, the ATF ethics section and the Justice Department's Office of the Inspector General, none of whom immediately responded. He and other agents then contacted Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa (R–IA), ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, who would become a major figure in the investigation of "gunwalking." At the same time, information began leaking to various bloggers and Web sites.[3] 34]On January 25, 2011, U.S. Attorney Burke announced the first details of the case to become officially public, marking the end of Operation Fast and Furious. At a news conference in Phoenix, he reported a 53-count indictment of 20 suspects for buying hundreds of guns intended for illegal export between September 2009 and December 2010. Newell, who was at the conference, called Fast and Furious a "phenomenal case," while denying that guns had been deliberately allowed to walk into Mexico.[3][24] Altogether, 2,020 firearms were bought by straw purchasers during Fast and Furious.[3] These included AK-47 variants, Barrett .50 caliber sniper rifles, .38 caliber revolvers, and FN Five-sevens.[34] As of October 20, 2011, 389 had been recovered in the US and 276 had been recovered in Mexico. The rest remained on the streets, unaccounted for.[15] Most of the guns went to the Sinaloa Cartel, while others made their way to El Teo and La Familia.[2][25]
ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why would the Obama administration under Eric Holder enact Fast and Furious--when they knew that wide receiver aka ATF gunwalking was halted in 2007- (under the Bush administration)-because it was a failed program? There had to be another reason for this--and the only rational conclusion anyone could come to is that by delivering semi-automatic weapons to violent Mexican drug cartels-- Obama/Holder could point a finger at all the deaths and violence in Mexico-for reason to ban these weapons for sale in the United States. Henceforth--the cover up-an 18 month congressional investigation- -and Obama issuing executive privilege on documents that have been subpoenaed by the congressional investigation into Fast and Furious--which lead to congress holding Eric Holder (Attorney General of the United States and head of the ATF) in contempt.

Notice how CON$ weave their web of deceit!!! Bush's Fast and Furious was called "Project Gunrunner" not "wide receiver" and rather than being ended in 2007 it was funded in 2008 through fiscal 2010.

Here is the part of the bill regarding the funding of "Project Gunrunner."

HR 6028 RFS
(1) INGENERAL.—The Attorney General shall,
to the extent amounts are made available to carry
out this subsection pursuant to paragraph (4), use
such amounts for the Project Gunrunner initiative
(hereafter in this subsection referred to as the ‘‘ini-
of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Fire-
arms, and Explosives to expand the resources pro-
vided to identify, investigate, and prosecute individ-
uals involved in the trafficking of firearms across the
United States-Mexico border.
(2) ACTIVITIES.—In carrying out paragraph
(1), the Attorney General shall—
(A) assign additional agents of the Bureau
of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
to the area of the United States adjacent to the
United States-Mexico border to support the ex-
pansion of the initiative;
(B) establish not fewer than 1 initiative
team in each State along the United States-
Mexico border; and
(C) coordinate with the heads of other rel-
evant federal law enforcement agencies and
State and local law enforcement agencies to ad-
dress firearms trafficking in a comprehensive
(3) ADDITIONALSTAFF.—The Attorney General
may hire additional persons to be Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives agents for, and
may use such other resources as may be necessary
to adequately support, the initiative.
carry out this subsection, there are authorized to be
appropriated to the Attorney General $15,000,000
for each of the fiscal years 2008 through 2010.

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The Bush Administration wide receiver--aka gunwalking operation.

The first known ATF "gunwalking" operation to Mexican drug cartels, named Operation Wide Receiver, began in early 2006 and ran into late 2007. Licensed dealer Mike Detty informed the ATF of a suspicious gun purchase that took place in February 2006 in Tucson, Arizona. In March he was hired as a confidential informant working with the ATF's Tucson office, part of their Phoenix, Arizona field division.[23] With the use of surveillance equipment, ATF agents monitored additional sales by Detty to straw purchasers. With assurance from ATF "that Mexican officials would be conducting surveillance or interdictions when guns got to the other side of the border",[24] Detty would sell a total of about 450 guns during the operation.[22] These included AR-15s, semi-automatic AK-pattern rifles, and Colt .38s. The vast majority of the guns were eventually lost as they moved into Mexico.[7][23][25] At the time, under the Bush administration Department of Justice (DOJ), no arrests or indictments were made. After President Barack Obama took office in 2009, the DOJ reviewed Wide Receiver in September 2009[26] and found that guns had been allowed into the hands of suspected gun traffickers. Indictments began in 2010, over three years after Wide Receiver concluded.
ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama administration Fast and Furious: Enacted under the Obama administration in 2009--and 2 years after Wide Receiver was stopped by the Bush administration in 2007.

On October 26, 2009, a teleconference was held at the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. to discuss U.S. strategy for combating Mexican drug cartels. The strategy of targeting high-level individuals, which was already ATF policy, would be implemented by Bill Newell, special agent in charge of ATF's Phoenix field division. In order to accomplish it, the office decided to use "gunwalking" as laid out in a January 2010 briefing paper. The tactic of letting guns walk, rather than interdicting them and arresting the buyers, led to controversy within the ATF.[5][32] As the case continued, several members of Group VII, including John Dodson and Olindo Casa, became increasingly upset at the tactic of allowing guns to walk. Their standard Project Gunrunner training was to follow the straw purchasers to the hand-off to the cartel buyers, then arrest both parties and seize the guns. They watched guns being bought illegally and stashed on a daily basis, while their supervisors, including David Voth and Hope MacAllister, prevented the agents from intervening.[3]Responding to the disagreements, Voth wrote an email in March 2010: "I will be damned if this case is going to suffer due to petty arguing, rumors, or other adolescent behavior. I don’t know what all the issues are but we are all adults, we are all professionals, and we have an exciting opportunity to use the biggest tool in our law enforcement tool box. If you don’t think this is fun you are in the wrong line of work – period!”[3][33] By June 2010, suspects had purchased 1,608 firearms at a cost of over US $1 million at Phoenix-area gun shops. At that time, the ATF was also aware of 179 of those weapons being found at crime scenes in Mexico, and 130 in the United States.[8] As guns traced to Fast and Furious began turning up at violent crime scenes in Mexico, ATF agents stationed there also voiced opposition.[3]On the evening of December 14, 2010, U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry and others were patrolling Peck Canyon, Santa Cruz County, Arizona, 11 miles from the Mexican border. The group came across five suspected illegal immigrants. When they fired non-lethal beanbag guns, the suspects responded with their own weapons, leading to a firefight.Agent Terry was shot and killed; four of the suspects were arrested and two AK-pattern rifles were found nearby. The rifles were traced to Fast and Furious within hours of the shooting, but the bullet that killed Terry was too badly damaged to be linked to either gun.[3After hearing of the incident, Agent Dodson reached out to ATF headquarters, ATF's chief counsel, the ATF ethics section and the Justice Department's Office of the Inspector General, none of whom immediately responded. He and other agents then contacted Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa (R–IA), ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, who would become a major figure in the investigation of "gunwalking." At the same time, information began leaking to various bloggers and Web sites.[3] 34]On January 25, 2011, U.S. Attorney Burke announced the first details of the case to become officially public, marking the end of Operation Fast and Furious. At a news conference in Phoenix, he reported a 53-count indictment of 20 suspects for buying hundreds of guns intended for illegal export between September 2009 and December 2010. Newell, who was at the conference, called Fast and Furious a "phenomenal case," while denying that guns had been deliberately allowed to walk into Mexico.[3][24] Altogether, 2,020 firearms were bought by straw purchasers during Fast and Furious.[3] These included AK-47 variants, Barrett .50 caliber sniper rifles, .38 caliber revolvers, and FN Five-sevens.[34] As of October 20, 2011, 389 had been recovered in the US and 276 had been recovered in Mexico. The rest remained on the streets, unaccounted for.[15] Most of the guns went to the Sinaloa Cartel, while others made their way to El Teo and La Familia.[2][25]
ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why would the Obama administration under Eric Holder enact Fast and Furious--when they knew that wide receiver aka ATF gunwalking was halted in 2007- (under the Bush administration)-because it was a failed program? There had to be another reason for this--and the only rational conclusion anyone could come to is that by delivering semi-automatic weapons to violent Mexican drug cartels-- Obama/Holder could point a finger at all the deaths and violence in Mexico-for reason to ban these weapons for sale in the United States. Henceforth--the cover up-an 18 month congressional investigation- -and Obama issuing executive privilege on documents that have been subpoenaed by the congressional investigation into Fast and Furious--which lead to congress holding Eric Holder (Attorney General of the United States and head of the ATF) in contempt.

Notice how CON$ weave their web of deceit!!! Bush's Fast and Furious was called "Project Gunrunner" not "wide receiver" and rather than being ended in 2007 it was funded in 2008 through fiscal 2010.

Here is the part of the bill regarding the funding of "Project Gunrunner."

HR 6028 RFS
(1) INGENERAL.—The Attorney General shall,
to the extent amounts are made available to carry
out this subsection pursuant to paragraph (4), use
such amounts for the Project Gunrunner initiative
(hereafter in this subsection referred to as the ‘‘ini-
of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Fire-
arms, and Explosives to expand the resources pro-
vided to identify, investigate, and prosecute individ-
uals involved in the trafficking of firearms across the
United States-Mexico border.
(2) ACTIVITIES.—In carrying out paragraph
(1), the Attorney General shall—
(A) assign additional agents of the Bureau
of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
to the area of the United States adjacent to the
United States-Mexico border to support the ex-
pansion of the initiative;
(B) establish not fewer than 1 initiative
team in each State along the United States-
Mexico border; and
(C) coordinate with the heads of other rel-
evant federal law enforcement agencies and
State and local law enforcement agencies to ad-
dress firearms trafficking in a comprehensive
(3) ADDITIONALSTAFF.—The Attorney General
may hire additional persons to be Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives agents for, and
may use such other resources as may be necessary
to adequately support, the initiative.
carry out this subsection, there are authorized to be
appropriated to the Attorney General $15,000,000
for each of the fiscal years 2008 through 2010.


Again you lie, Holder discredited you.

you believe a race baiter and notorious liar like Sharpton:
Al Sharpton claims Fast and Furious started under Bush, suggests racism - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

But Holder said:
Holder retracts claim Bush team knew about Fast and Furious | WashingtonExaminer.com

quit peddling that crap, that dog wont hunt on this board, you just make yourself look dumber with each post.
The Bush Administration wide receiver--aka gunwalking operation.

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama administration Fast and Furious: Enacted under the Obama administration in 2009--and 2 years after Wide Receiver was stopped by the Bush administration in 2007.

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why would the Obama administration under Eric Holder enact Fast and Furious--when they knew that wide receiver aka ATF gunwalking was halted in 2007- (under the Bush administration)-because it was a failed program? There had to be another reason for this--and the only rational conclusion anyone could come to is that by delivering semi-automatic weapons to violent Mexican drug cartels-- Obama/Holder could point a finger at all the deaths and violence in Mexico-for reason to ban these weapons for sale in the United States. Henceforth--the cover up-an 18 month congressional investigation- -and Obama issuing executive privilege on documents that have been subpoenaed by the congressional investigation into Fast and Furious--which lead to congress holding Eric Holder (Attorney General of the United States and head of the ATF) in contempt.

Notice how CON$ weave their web of deceit!!! Bush's Fast and Furious was called "Project Gunrunner" not "wide receiver" and rather than being ended in 2007 it was funded in 2008 through fiscal 2010.

Here is the part of the bill regarding the funding of "Project Gunrunner."

HR 6028 RFS
(1) INGENERAL.—The Attorney General shall,
to the extent amounts are made available to carry
out this subsection pursuant to paragraph (4), use
such amounts for the Project Gunrunner initiative
(hereafter in this subsection referred to as the ‘‘ini-
of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Fire-
arms, and Explosives to expand the resources pro-
vided to identify, investigate, and prosecute individ-
uals involved in the trafficking of firearms across the
United States-Mexico border.
(2) ACTIVITIES.—In carrying out paragraph
(1), the Attorney General shall—
(A) assign additional agents of the Bureau
of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
to the area of the United States adjacent to the
United States-Mexico border to support the ex-
pansion of the initiative;
(B) establish not fewer than 1 initiative
team in each State along the United States-
Mexico border; and
(C) coordinate with the heads of other rel-
evant federal law enforcement agencies and
State and local law enforcement agencies to ad-
dress firearms trafficking in a comprehensive
(3) ADDITIONALSTAFF.—The Attorney General
may hire additional persons to be Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives agents for, and
may use such other resources as may be necessary
to adequately support, the initiative.
carry out this subsection, there are authorized to be
appropriated to the Attorney General $15,000,000
for each of the fiscal years 2008 through 2010.


Again you lie, Holder discredited you.

you believe a race baiter and notorious liar like Sharpton:
Al Sharpton claims Fast and Furious started under Bush, suggests racism - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

But Holder said:
Holder retracts claim Bush team knew about Fast and Furious | WashingtonExaminer.com

quit peddling that crap, that dog wont hunt on this board, you just make yourself look dumber with each post.

Yep, it's like TMN took over Ed.
The Bush Administration wide receiver--aka gunwalking operation.

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama administration Fast and Furious: Enacted under the Obama administration in 2009--and 2 years after Wide Receiver was stopped by the Bush administration in 2007.

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why would the Obama administration under Eric Holder enact Fast and Furious--when they knew that wide receiver aka ATF gunwalking was halted in 2007- (under the Bush administration)-because it was a failed program? There had to be another reason for this--and the only rational conclusion anyone could come to is that by delivering semi-automatic weapons to violent Mexican drug cartels-- Obama/Holder could point a finger at all the deaths and violence in Mexico-for reason to ban these weapons for sale in the United States. Henceforth--the cover up-an 18 month congressional investigation- -and Obama issuing executive privilege on documents that have been subpoenaed by the congressional investigation into Fast and Furious--which lead to congress holding Eric Holder (Attorney General of the United States and head of the ATF) in contempt.

Notice how CON$ weave their web of deceit!!! Bush's Fast and Furious was called "Project Gunrunner" not "wide receiver" and rather than being ended in 2007 it was funded in 2008 through fiscal 2010.

Here is the part of the bill regarding the funding of "Project Gunrunner."

HR 6028 RFS
(1) INGENERAL.—The Attorney General shall,
to the extent amounts are made available to carry
out this subsection pursuant to paragraph (4), use
such amounts for the Project Gunrunner initiative
(hereafter in this subsection referred to as the ‘‘ini-
of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Fire-
arms, and Explosives to expand the resources pro-
vided to identify, investigate, and prosecute individ-
uals involved in the trafficking of firearms across the
United States-Mexico border.
(2) ACTIVITIES.—In carrying out paragraph
(1), the Attorney General shall—
(A) assign additional agents of the Bureau
of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
to the area of the United States adjacent to the
United States-Mexico border to support the ex-
pansion of the initiative;
(B) establish not fewer than 1 initiative
team in each State along the United States-
Mexico border; and
(C) coordinate with the heads of other rel-
evant federal law enforcement agencies and
State and local law enforcement agencies to ad-
dress firearms trafficking in a comprehensive
(3) ADDITIONALSTAFF.—The Attorney General
may hire additional persons to be Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives agents for, and
may use such other resources as may be necessary
to adequately support, the initiative.
carry out this subsection, there are authorized to be
appropriated to the Attorney General $15,000,000
for each of the fiscal years 2008 through 2010.


Again you lie, Holder discredited you.

you believe a race baiter and notorious liar like Sharpton:
Al Sharpton claims Fast and Furious started under Bush, suggests racism - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

But Holder said:
Holder retracts claim Bush team knew about Fast and Furious | WashingtonExaminer.com

quit peddling that crap, that dog wont hunt on this board, you just make yourself look dumber with each post.
I'm citing the House bill, you are citing a discredited CON$ervoFascist rag. You do know that Issa voted YEA on the 2008 bill!!!

HR 6028 - Assistance for Mexico and Central America for Anti-Drug Programs (Merida Program) - Key Vote
National Key Votes
Darrell Issa voted Yea (Passage) on this legislation.
Notice how CON$ weave their web of deceit!!! Bush's Fast and Furious was called "Project Gunrunner" not "wide receiver" and rather than being ended in 2007 it was funded in 2008 through fiscal 2010.

Here is the part of the bill regarding the funding of "Project Gunrunner."

HR 6028 RFS
(1) INGENERAL.—The Attorney General shall,
to the extent amounts are made available to carry
out this subsection pursuant to paragraph (4), use
such amounts for the Project Gunrunner initiative
(hereafter in this subsection referred to as the ‘‘ini-
of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Fire-
arms, and Explosives to expand the resources pro-
vided to identify, investigate, and prosecute individ-
uals involved in the trafficking of firearms across the
United States-Mexico border.
(2) ACTIVITIES.—In carrying out paragraph
(1), the Attorney General shall—
(A) assign additional agents of the Bureau
of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
to the area of the United States adjacent to the
United States-Mexico border to support the ex-
pansion of the initiative;
(B) establish not fewer than 1 initiative
team in each State along the United States-
Mexico border; and
(C) coordinate with the heads of other rel-
evant federal law enforcement agencies and
State and local law enforcement agencies to ad-
dress firearms trafficking in a comprehensive
(3) ADDITIONALSTAFF.—The Attorney General
may hire additional persons to be Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives agents for, and
may use such other resources as may be necessary
to adequately support, the initiative.
carry out this subsection, there are authorized to be
appropriated to the Attorney General $15,000,000
for each of the fiscal years 2008 through 2010.


Again you lie, Holder discredited you.

you believe a race baiter and notorious liar like Sharpton:
Al Sharpton claims Fast and Furious started under Bush, suggests racism - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

But Holder said:
Holder retracts claim Bush team knew about Fast and Furious | WashingtonExaminer.com

quit peddling that crap, that dog wont hunt on this board, you just make yourself look dumber with each post.
I'm citing the House bill, you are citing a discredited CON$ervoFascist rag. You do know that Issa voted YEA on the 2008 bill!!!

HR 6028 - Assistance for Mexico and Central America for Anti-Drug Programs (Merida Program) - Key Vote
National Key Votes
Darrell Issa voted Yea (Passage) on this legislation.

Yes, you cited the house bill which is completely worthless without citing what that project did as far as transferring guns into the hands of the cartels. How about you post something that puts the cited project on par with Fast and Furious as the OP did when citing Wide Receiver.
The Bush Administration wide receiver--aka gunwalking operation.

The first known ATF "gunwalking" operation to Mexican drug cartels, named Operation Wide Receiver, began in early 2006 and ran into late 2007. Licensed dealer Mike Detty informed the ATF of a suspicious gun purchase that took place in February 2006 in Tucson, Arizona. In March he was hired as a confidential informant working with the ATF's Tucson office, part of their Phoenix, Arizona field division.[23] With the use of surveillance equipment, ATF agents monitored additional sales by Detty to straw purchasers. With assurance from ATF "that Mexican officials would be conducting surveillance or interdictions when guns got to the other side of the border",[24] Detty would sell a total of about 450 guns during the operation.[22] These included AR-15s, semi-automatic AK-pattern rifles, and Colt .38s. The vast majority of the guns were eventually lost as they moved into Mexico.[7][23][25] At the time, under the Bush administration Department of Justice (DOJ), no arrests or indictments were made. After President Barack Obama took office in 2009, the DOJ reviewed Wide Receiver in September 2009[26] and found that guns had been allowed into the hands of suspected gun traffickers. Indictments began in 2010, over three years after Wide Receiver concluded.
ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Obama administration Fast and Furious: Enacted under the Obama administration in 2009--and 2 years after Wide Receiver was stopped by the Bush administration in 2007.

On October 26, 2009, a teleconference was held at the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. to discuss U.S. strategy for combating Mexican drug cartels. The strategy of targeting high-level individuals, which was already ATF policy, would be implemented by Bill Newell, special agent in charge of ATF's Phoenix field division. In order to accomplish it, the office decided to use "gunwalking" as laid out in a January 2010 briefing paper. The tactic of letting guns walk, rather than interdicting them and arresting the buyers, led to controversy within the ATF.[5][32] As the case continued, several members of Group VII, including John Dodson and Olindo Casa, became increasingly upset at the tactic of allowing guns to walk. Their standard Project Gunrunner training was to follow the straw purchasers to the hand-off to the cartel buyers, then arrest both parties and seize the guns. They watched guns being bought illegally and stashed on a daily basis, while their supervisors, including David Voth and Hope MacAllister, prevented the agents from intervening.[3]Responding to the disagreements, Voth wrote an email in March 2010: "I will be damned if this case is going to suffer due to petty arguing, rumors, or other adolescent behavior. I don’t know what all the issues are but we are all adults, we are all professionals, and we have an exciting opportunity to use the biggest tool in our law enforcement tool box. If you don’t think this is fun you are in the wrong line of work – period!”[3][33] By June 2010, suspects had purchased 1,608 firearms at a cost of over US $1 million at Phoenix-area gun shops. At that time, the ATF was also aware of 179 of those weapons being found at crime scenes in Mexico, and 130 in the United States.[8] As guns traced to Fast and Furious began turning up at violent crime scenes in Mexico, ATF agents stationed there also voiced opposition.[3]On the evening of December 14, 2010, U.S. Border Patrol agent Brian Terry and others were patrolling Peck Canyon, Santa Cruz County, Arizona, 11 miles from the Mexican border. The group came across five suspected illegal immigrants. When they fired non-lethal beanbag guns, the suspects responded with their own weapons, leading to a firefight.Agent Terry was shot and killed; four of the suspects were arrested and two AK-pattern rifles were found nearby. The rifles were traced to Fast and Furious within hours of the shooting, but the bullet that killed Terry was too badly damaged to be linked to either gun.[3After hearing of the incident, Agent Dodson reached out to ATF headquarters, ATF's chief counsel, the ATF ethics section and the Justice Department's Office of the Inspector General, none of whom immediately responded. He and other agents then contacted Senator Chuck Grassley of Iowa (R–IA), ranking member of the Senate Judiciary Committee, who would become a major figure in the investigation of "gunwalking." At the same time, information began leaking to various bloggers and Web sites.[3] 34]On January 25, 2011, U.S. Attorney Burke announced the first details of the case to become officially public, marking the end of Operation Fast and Furious. At a news conference in Phoenix, he reported a 53-count indictment of 20 suspects for buying hundreds of guns intended for illegal export between September 2009 and December 2010. Newell, who was at the conference, called Fast and Furious a "phenomenal case," while denying that guns had been deliberately allowed to walk into Mexico.[3][24] Altogether, 2,020 firearms were bought by straw purchasers during Fast and Furious.[3] These included AK-47 variants, Barrett .50 caliber sniper rifles, .38 caliber revolvers, and FN Five-sevens.[34] As of October 20, 2011, 389 had been recovered in the US and 276 had been recovered in Mexico. The rest remained on the streets, unaccounted for.[15] Most of the guns went to the Sinaloa Cartel, while others made their way to El Teo and La Familia.[2][25]
ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Why would the Obama administration under Eric Holder enact Fast and Furious--when they knew that wide receiver aka ATF gunwalking was halted in 2007- (under the Bush administration)-because it was a failed program? There had to be another reason for this--and the only rational conclusion anyone could come to is that by delivering semi-automatic weapons to violent Mexican drug cartels-- Obama/Holder could point a finger at all the deaths and violence in Mexico-for reason to ban these weapons for sale in the United States. Henceforth--the cover up-an 18 month congressional investigation- -and Obama issuing executive privilege on documents that have been subpoenaed by the congressional investigation into Fast and Furious--which lead to congress holding Eric Holder (Attorney General of the United States and head of the ATF) in contempt.

Notice how CON$ weave their web of deceit!!! Bush's Fast and Furious was called "Project Gunrunner" not "wide receiver" and rather than being ended in 2007 it was funded in 2008 through fiscal 2010.

Here is the part of the bill regarding the funding of "Project Gunrunner."

HR 6028 RFS
(1) INGENERAL.—The Attorney General shall,
to the extent amounts are made available to carry
out this subsection pursuant to paragraph (4), use
such amounts for the Project Gunrunner initiative
(hereafter in this subsection referred to as the ‘‘ini-
of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Fire-
arms, and Explosives to expand the resources pro-
vided to identify, investigate, and prosecute individ-
uals involved in the trafficking of firearms across the
United States-Mexico border.
(2) ACTIVITIES.—In carrying out paragraph
(1), the Attorney General shall—
(A) assign additional agents of the Bureau
of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
to the area of the United States adjacent to the
United States-Mexico border to support the ex-
pansion of the initiative;
(B) establish not fewer than 1 initiative
team in each State along the United States-
Mexico border; and
(C) coordinate with the heads of other rel-
evant federal law enforcement agencies and
State and local law enforcement agencies to ad-
dress firearms trafficking in a comprehensive
(3) ADDITIONALSTAFF.—The Attorney General
may hire additional persons to be Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives agents for, and
may use such other resources as may be necessary
to adequately support, the initiative.
carry out this subsection, there are authorized to be
appropriated to the Attorney General $15,000,000
for each of the fiscal years 2008 through 2010.


Well ya dummy CAN YOU READ?--Bush's started out as the ATF gunner runner project to stop guns from crossing the border--then it went to wide receiver to see if they could catch the ones buying them on the other side of the border. Read --the Wikipedia title.

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Notice how CON$ weave their web of deceit!!! Bush's Fast and Furious was called "Project Gunrunner" not "wide receiver" and rather than being ended in 2007 it was funded in 2008 through fiscal 2010.

Here is the part of the bill regarding the funding of "Project Gunrunner."

HR 6028 RFS
(1) INGENERAL.—The Attorney General shall,
to the extent amounts are made available to carry
out this subsection pursuant to paragraph (4), use
such amounts for the Project Gunrunner initiative
(hereafter in this subsection referred to as the ‘‘ini-
of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Fire-
arms, and Explosives to expand the resources pro-
vided to identify, investigate, and prosecute individ-
uals involved in the trafficking of firearms across the
United States-Mexico border.
(2) ACTIVITIES.—In carrying out paragraph
(1), the Attorney General shall—
(A) assign additional agents of the Bureau
of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives
to the area of the United States adjacent to the
United States-Mexico border to support the ex-
pansion of the initiative;
(B) establish not fewer than 1 initiative
team in each State along the United States-
Mexico border; and
(C) coordinate with the heads of other rel-
evant federal law enforcement agencies and
State and local law enforcement agencies to ad-
dress firearms trafficking in a comprehensive
(3) ADDITIONALSTAFF.—The Attorney General
may hire additional persons to be Bureau of Alcohol,
Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives agents for, and
may use such other resources as may be necessary
to adequately support, the initiative.
carry out this subsection, there are authorized to be
appropriated to the Attorney General $15,000,000
for each of the fiscal years 2008 through 2010.


Again you lie, Holder discredited you.

you believe a race baiter and notorious liar like Sharpton:
Al Sharpton claims Fast and Furious started under Bush, suggests racism - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

But Holder said:
Holder retracts claim Bush team knew about Fast and Furious | WashingtonExaminer.com

quit peddling that crap, that dog wont hunt on this board, you just make yourself look dumber with each post.
I'm citing the House bill, you are citing a discredited CON$ervoFascist rag. You do know that Issa voted YEA on the 2008 bill!!!

HR 6028 - Assistance for Mexico and Central America for Anti-Drug Programs (Merida Program) - Key Vote
National Key Votes
Darrell Issa voted Yea (Passage) on this legislation.

If it passed in 2008 then a majority of Democrats must have voted for it dumb ass. Also Holder already admitted on national News Bush had no knowledge of Fast and Furious. But you keep peddling your lies.
Again you lie, Holder discredited you.

you believe a race baiter and notorious liar like Sharpton:
Al Sharpton claims Fast and Furious started under Bush, suggests racism - Spokane Conservative | Examiner.com

But Holder said:
Holder retracts claim Bush team knew about Fast and Furious | WashingtonExaminer.com

quit peddling that crap, that dog wont hunt on this board, you just make yourself look dumber with each post.
I'm citing the House bill, you are citing a discredited CON$ervoFascist rag. You do know that Issa voted YEA on the 2008 bill!!!

HR 6028 - Assistance for Mexico and Central America for Anti-Drug Programs (Merida Program) - Key Vote
National Key Votes
Darrell Issa voted Yea (Passage) on this legislation.

If it passed in 2008 then a majority of Democrats must have voted for it dumb ass. Also Holder already admitted on national News Bush had no knowledge of Fast and Furious. But you keep peddling your lies.

According to the Wikipedia--(the online ENCYCLOPEDIA) the wide receiver program was STOPPED by the Bush administration in 2007. Fast and Furious started under the Obama administration in 2009. There was NO congressional vote on either of these programs--it was all done through the ATF--under the supervision of the Justice department.
If it passed in 2008 then a majority of Democrats must have voted for it dumb ass. Also Holder already admitted on national News Bush had no knowledge of Fast and Furious. But you keep peddling your lies.

Issa voted for it too in 2008. .

That's probably why..he doesn't want to get involved with documentation prior to 2009.


1) Rep. Darrell Issa voted "yes" specifically to Fund: "Project Gunrunner" in June 2008.
2) In January 2008: ATF went to Congress and asked Congress to Fund Project Gunrunner for 3 years.

3) In 2008, HR-6028 combined "Project Gunrunner" with the "Merida Initiative" also known as the "Merida Program."

4) The Title of the Bill HR-6028 is:
Assistance for Mexico and Central America for Anti-Drug Programs (Merida Program)

5) A SubSection of the Bill HR-6028 is Titled: PROJECT GUNRUNNER INITIATIVE

6) Among other things, Project Gunrunner is directly funded through Merida Initiative

7) In 2007 the Congress held hearings on Merida Initiative

8) Merida Initiative is complicated because it is an initiative that crosses through: Homeland Security, Secretary of State, ATF, FBI & DoJ.

The bill died in the Senate.
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If it passed in 2008 then a majority of Democrats must have voted for it dumb ass. Also Holder already admitted on national News Bush had no knowledge of Fast and Furious. But you keep peddling your lies.

Issa voted for it too in 2008. And the funding was for 3 years. That puts it running to about 2011.

That's probably why..he doesn't want to get involved with documentation prior to 2009.

Except the program Congress voted on is NOT under discussion. Neither Wide Receiver or Fast and Furious were vetted at the Congressional level.

Now if you think there is a program that is the same provide a link to the DETAILS of the program so we can see the similarities.
If it passed in 2008 then a majority of Democrats must have voted for it dumb ass. Also Holder already admitted on national News Bush had no knowledge of Fast and Furious. But you keep peddling your lies.

Issa voted for it too in 2008. And the funding was for 3 years. That puts it running to about 2011.

That's probably why..he doesn't want to get involved with documentation prior to 2009.

Holy crap--No Issa did not vote for either Wide Receiver or F & F. There was no congressional VOTE for either of these programs ya nutcases. It all went through the U.S Justice department and was "supposed" to be a SECRET--until 3 ATF agents finally got Issa to listen to them about what was going on with these weapons.

The only thing the Obama administration has been good at is leaking National Security secrets to the media--when it comes to making him look like a "tough guy"--but when his ASS in on the line or that of Eric Holders he then decides to issue executive privilege on something that even HOLDER stated would be VERY EMBARRASSING to this administration.
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I'm citing the House bill, you are citing a discredited CON$ervoFascist rag. You do know that Issa voted YEA on the 2008 bill!!!

HR 6028 - Assistance for Mexico and Central America for Anti-Drug Programs (Merida Program) - Key Vote
National Key Votes
Darrell Issa voted Yea (Passage) on this legislation.

If it passed in 2008 then a majority of Democrats must have voted for it dumb ass. Also Holder already admitted on national News Bush had no knowledge of Fast and Furious. But you keep peddling your lies.

According to the Wikipedia--(the online ENCYCLOPEDIA) the wide receiver program was STOPPED by the Bush administration in 2007. Fast and Furious started under the Obama administration in 2009. There was NO congressional vote on either of these programs--it was all done through the ATF--under the supervision of the Justice department.

2009–2011: Operation Fast and Furious

On October 26, 2009, a teleconference was held at the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. to discuss U.S. strategy for combating Mexican drug cartels. Participating in the meeting were Deputy Attorney General David W. Ogden, Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer, ATF Director Kenneth E. Melson, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Administrator Michele Leonhart, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Robert Mueller and the top federal prosecutors in the Southwestern border states. They decided on a strategy to identify and eliminate entire arms trafficking networks rather than low-level buyers.[3][27][28] Those at the meeting did not suggest using the "gunwalking" tactic, but ATF supervisors would soon use it in an attempt to achieve the desired goals.[29] The effort, beginning in November, would come to be called Operation Fast and Furious for the successful film franchise, because some of the suspects under investigation operated out of an auto repair store and street raced.[3]

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kenneth E. Melson was the chief director and head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) in the United States.[2] He was appointed by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to head the agency on May 14, 2007.[3]
Melson has served in the United States Department of Justice as a federal prosecutor for nearly 24 years.[4] He resigned as head of the ATF after being under fire from Republicans and critics over the scandal surrounding the "Gunwalking" program of Operation Fast and Furious.[5] He was replaced by B. Todd Jones, a former Marine who has twice served as the U.S. attorney in Minnesota.
Kenneth E. Melson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which is why it's a mystery that people from the Bush administration were not included in the "hearings" :cough, cough: witchhunt:.. :eusa_whistle:
Notice how CON$ weave their web of deceit!!! Bush's Fast and Furious was called "Project Gunrunner" not "wide receiver" and rather than being ended in 2007 it was funded in 2008 through fiscal 2010.

You are lying... it was "wide reciever" and the guns were tracked.
If it passed in 2008 then a majority of Democrats must have voted for it dumb ass. Also Holder already admitted on national News Bush had no knowledge of Fast and Furious. But you keep peddling your lies.

Issa voted for it too in 2008. And the funding was for 3 years. That puts it running to about 2011.

That's probably why..he doesn't want to get involved with documentation prior to 2009.

Holy crap--No Issa did not vote for either Wide Receiver or F & F. There was no congressional VOTE for either of these programs ya nutcases. It all went through the U.S Justice department and was "supposed" to be a SECRET--until 3 ATF agents finally got Issa to listen to them about what was going on with these weapons.

The only thing the Obama administration has been good at is leaking National Security secrets to the media--when it comes to making him look like a "tough guy"--but when his ASS in on the line or that of Eric Holders he then decides to issue executive privilege on something that even HOLDER stated would be VERY EMBARRASSING to this administration.

All they care about is Holder and Obama getting away with literal MURDER.
If it passed in 2008 then a majority of Democrats must have voted for it dumb ass. Also Holder already admitted on national News Bush had no knowledge of Fast and Furious. But you keep peddling your lies.

According to the Wikipedia--(the online ENCYCLOPEDIA) the wide receiver program was STOPPED by the Bush administration in 2007. Fast and Furious started under the Obama administration in 2009. There was NO congressional vote on either of these programs--it was all done through the ATF--under the supervision of the Justice department.

2009–2011: Operation Fast and Furious

On October 26, 2009, a teleconference was held at the Department of Justice in Washington, D.C. to discuss U.S. strategy for combating Mexican drug cartels. Participating in the meeting were Deputy Attorney General David W. Ogden, Assistant Attorney General Lanny A. Breuer, ATF Director Kenneth E. Melson, Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) Administrator Michele Leonhart, Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation Robert Mueller and the top federal prosecutors in the Southwestern border states. They decided on a strategy to identify and eliminate entire arms trafficking networks rather than low-level buyers.[3][27][28] Those at the meeting did not suggest using the "gunwalking" tactic, but ATF supervisors would soon use it in an attempt to achieve the desired goals.[29] The effort, beginning in November, would come to be called Operation Fast and Furious for the successful film franchise, because some of the suspects under investigation operated out of an auto repair store and street raced.[3]

ATF gunwalking scandal - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Kenneth E. Melson was the chief director and head of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) in the United States.[2] He was appointed by Attorney General Alberto Gonzales to head the agency on May 14, 2007.[3]
Melson has served in the United States Department of Justice as a federal prosecutor for nearly 24 years.[4] He resigned as head of the ATF after being under fire from Republicans and critics over the scandal surrounding the "Gunwalking" program of Operation Fast and Furious.[5] He was replaced by B. Todd Jones, a former Marine who has twice served as the U.S. attorney in Minnesota.
Kenneth E. Melson - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Which is why it's a mystery that people from the Bush administration were not included in the "hearings" :cough, cough: witchhunt:.. :eusa_whistle:

The BUSH JUSTICE department STOPPED THE PROGRAM you moron in 2007--because they OPENLY admitted that 450 guns were on the loose in Mexico that was a result of a failed wide receiver project. There was no investigation over it--because ALL was in the open over it--and we had a PRESIDENT who didn't try to blame someone else for it. Bush did NOT issue an executive privilege to keep any secrets and this was when Nancy Pelosi was in CHARGE of the house of representatives.

Obama/Holder come into office in 2009 and start the exact same program that the Bush Justice department stopped two years earlier and on a much more grand scale started Fast and Furious. Now ask yourself why would one President (Obama) would sign off on a project that he knew FAILED in the past--that is--without a hidden agenda attached? And the ONLY way we found out about this program was when 1 U.S. border agent was killed with one of these guns.

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