Bush's America Not As Bad As Putin's Russia ... Yet



by Jim Hightower


George W, our present preacher-in-chief, recently went on a highly-publicized moralizing mission to Russia, where he publicly scolded President Putin for imposing anti-democratic measures on that country. Fine – Putin's autocratic tendencies are abominable.

Filled with moral piety, however, George continued his democracy lecture, saying: "I live in a country where decisions made by government are wide open." What an absurdly awkward thing for him to say, since Bush & Company are notorious for pushing a dangerous new culture of government secrecy in America. They have gone to court again and again to assert "executive privilege," insisting that they have the autocratic right to hide all information about their decisions. They also maintain secret "no fly" lists, they have unilaterally suspended the public's use of our right-to-know laws in case after case, they've doubled the number of government documents classified as secret, and they've claimed in several cases that not even congress or the courts can examine their decisions.

Of course, even under Bush, America is no where near as bad as Putin's Russia...yet.

I was right...ItsTheTruth IS Lolita's evil twin! :teeth:

They have gone to court again and again to assert "executive privilege," insisting that they have the autocratic right to hide all information about their decisions.

Hawt dayam!! So I guess if Kerry wants to hide his medical records from the public, that's OK with you, but the second Bush wants secrecy---you know the rest.

Whiner. Your chicken-S avatar tells me all I need to know about you. :baby: Proceed at your own risk. :bat:
TheEnemyWithin said:
I was right...ItsTheTruth IS Lolita's evil twin! :teeth:

Hawt dayam!! So I guess if Kerry wants to hide his medical records from the public, that's OK with you, but the second Bush wants secrecy---you know the rest.

Do you understand the difference between a persons private medical records and official government records? If you do, please explain the difference for the benefit of us all.

You might want to discuss the FOIA and how that is related.


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