
I'm not sure, but I keep hearing little snippets from GOP pundits that seem to point to a "surprise" during the convention. It sure does seem like McCain and Bush have really been cozying up to each other lately. Do you think Bush will run with Cheney and then, if he still wins, Cheney will step down? The only reason I could think of them doing something like that is that it keeps the LEFT from saying, "see, Bush is getting rid of his VP cuz he knows he made a mistake. He just won't admit it" or "blah, blah, blah". You know they would make SOMETHING out of it if Bush announced before the convention a change in his running mate.

I think there is about a 50/50 chance we will see it happen. I am leaning more toward Cheney staying, if for no other reason than the fact that Bush is VERY loyal.

I do suppose that it is POSSIBLE that Cheney might WANT to step down. If that is the case, Bush's loyalty would require that Bush let Cheney make the final decision. Bush would probably also rely on Cheney to name a replacement. Or at least recommend one.
Bonnie said:
Im sure we have all heard this rumor, does anyone think it has teeth?

I hope not. First, the Democrats would make mileage out of it by claiming "panic" in the Bush administration. Second Cheney is far more conservative than Bush so his influence may help to keep the Republicans from acting more like Democrats. McCain on the other hand has no business calling himself a Republican. He is as liberal as the average Democrat.

It might not be a bad move to ask McCain to head the CIA or Homeland Security.
Merlin1047 said:
I hope not. First, the Democrats would make mileage out of it by claiming "panic" in the Bush administration. Second Cheney is far more conservative than Bush so his influence may help to keep the Republicans from acting more like Democrats. McCain on the other hand has no business calling himself a Republican. He is as liberal as the average Democrat.

It might not be a bad move to ask McCain to head the CIA or Homeland Security.

That's what Im thinking, maybe a cabinet post for McCain, reason being they are two peas in a pod lately, but I don't see Bush dropping Cheney as he is to straight up of a man to do that, but politics makes for strange bedfellows.
Bonnie said:
That's what Im thinking, maybe a cabinet post for McCain, reason being they are two peas in a pod lately, but I don't see Bush dropping Cheney as he is to straight up of a man to do that, but politics makes for strange bedfellows.

Sec of State or Sec of Defense....??
Merlin1047 said:
I hope not. First, the Democrats would make mileage out of it by claiming "panic" in the Bush administration. Second Cheney is far more conservative than Bush so his influence may help to keep the Republicans from acting more like Democrats. McCain on the other hand has no business calling himself a Republican. He is as liberal as the average Democrat.

It might not be a bad move to ask McCain to head the CIA or Homeland Security.

Agreed --McCain IS liberal and I don't have a good feeling about his loyalty to anyone but himself. CFR was a disaster as we are all seeing now. One heartbeat away form the presidency? No way!! Rather have Rudy but only if Cheney decides to step down for his own reasons.
dilloduck said:
Agreed --McCain IS liberal and I don't have a good feeling about his loyalty to anyone but himself. CFR was a disaster as we are all seeing now. One heartbeat away form the presidency? No way!! Rather have Rudy but only if Cheney decides to step down for his own reasons.

Wouldn't that be something a Guiliani -Clinton rematch in 2008. If that were to happen though and Rudy lost Hillary could pick her husband to be vp........What a nightmare!!!! :mad:
Bonnie said:
Wouldn't that be something a Guiliani -Clinton rematch in 2008. If that were to happen though and Rudy lost Hillary could pick her husband to be vp........What a nightmare!!!! :mad:

I dont thnk Hillary could choose Bill as a running mate. For one, the President and VIce President must be natives of different states. Both Bill and Hillary have their place of Residence in New York. Second, to be eligible for Vice President you have to be eligible for the Presidency. Bill is no longer eligible since he served two terms. So you dont have to worry about that.

As for thte McCain thing, If Bush did ditch Cheney for the man who pushed through the incumbent protection act, then he will have serious problems with the Republican base. Besides I dont think Bush wants to make the favored candidate in 2008 McCain. I actually think he might be setting up so Jeb can run next. But regardless of who ends up running, i would vote for Lieberman before i voted for McCain. I dont care that John McCain was a war hero, that is irrellevant. What i dont like about him is his disregard for the First ammendment.
Avatar4321 said:
I dont thnk Hillary could choose Bill as a running mate. For one, the President and VIce President must be natives of different states. Both Bill and Hillary have their place of Residence in New York. Second, to be eligible for Vice President you have to be eligible for the Presidency. Bill is no longer eligible since he served two terms. So you dont have to worry about that.

As for thte McCain thing, If Bush did ditch Cheney for the man who pushed through the incumbent protection act, then he will have serious problems with the Republican base. Besides I dont think Bush wants to make the favored candidate in 2008 McCain. I actually think he might be setting up so Jeb can run next. But regardless of who ends up running, i would vote for Lieberman before i voted for McCain. I dont care that John McCain was a war hero, that is irrellevant. What i dont like about him is his disregard for the First ammendment.

I'd have to agre with you re Lieberman over McCain, but do you think Jeb would be a strong enough candidate to beat the witch?
Aint gonna happen. As has been said before, Bush is too loyal. If this was going to be done, it would have been done months ago. Bush-Guiliani would be a good ticket. McCain is a bona fide war hero (unlike Kerry IMO) and would probably give us a much better ticket, but Bush is too liberal. Really, I think Cheney belongs as Chief of Staff or something like that.
Bonnie said:
I'd have to agre with you re Lieberman over McCain, but do you think Jeb would be a strong enough candidate to beat the witch?

Dont know. Im not sure i really care at this point. I want to see who else is running to. Ive heard Senator Santurom might run. I like him so i might support him. I think regardless if Cheney doesnt run we will have a good group of nominees to choose from, unlikes the naive nine the Democrats had. And Im willing to bet regardless who wins they have a better chance of hillary. Give the nation a few more years distance from the Clinton administration and showing how great its been under Bush, and how badly Clinton really screwed up and i think Hillary might not even win the Nomination. Though im not sure who else they would run. Maybe dean will run again. I think Dean could take Hillary.

Regardless i think we have atleast three years before we even have to worry about it so its not that big a deal.
I see MCcain being offered a post within the government that will allow him to work close and be deep in the loop in the next election. If I were to bet, I think SecState. Mr Powell, while an honorable man in his own right, doesn't appear enamored of the washington game. But hey, whatta I know right?
ConchoBill said:
Aint gonna happen. As has been said before, Bush is too loyal. If this was going to be done, it would have been done months ago. Bush-Guiliani would be a good ticket. McCain is a bona fide war hero (unlike Kerry IMO) and would probably give us a much better ticket, but Bush is too liberal. Really, I think Cheney belongs as Chief of Staff or something like that.

I dont like the Bush Giulani ticket for one reason. We need Rudy to kick the trash out of HIllary in the sentate race in 2006. That way we can preempt her PResidential bid in 2008. If she doesnt have the Senate seat her chances of running drop significantly. And she is very vulnerable to Guiliani. He was kicking her butt when he dropped out. And while im sorry Hillary won the seat im glad he remained the Mayor through 2001. 911 might have been different with different leadership in NYC.

BUt seriously thinking strategicly i think we need to preempt Hillary 2008. After all that is the Bush doctrine. .
pegwinn said:
I see MCcain being offered a post within the government that will allow him to work close and be deep in the loop in the next election. If I were to bet, I think SecState. Mr Powell, while an honorable man in his own right, doesn't appear enamored of the washington game. But hey, whatta I know right?

I think they might offer McCain some sort of position in the administration. But i think that depends on a few factor. 1) is the Governor of Arizona a Democrat or Republican? if he/she is a republican then i can deffinately see McCain being put in a position. but if its a Democrat i cant see the Republican putting McCain in the administration and thereby losing McCains seat in the Senate. Its too tight right now.

BUt assuming the Governor of Arizona is a Republican, then i think putting McCain in an administration position might be smart just because we dont need a mAverick like him in the Senate making laws. Just look how freaking messed up McCain Fiengold is. In his efforts to take Special interests out of politics he made them stronger. I mean kudos for him serving in Vietnam but that doesnt excuse incompetance in the Senate.

I also think taking him out of the Senate might actually squash any of his attempts for the Presidency. How many people do you know who were elected president were former secretaries of anything right before they ran? It might be a way to preempt him from the 2008 race. and if we win and have a strong Republican president the next chance he could run would be 2016 and i dont see him running then.
Avatar4321 said:
I dont thnk Hillary could choose Bill as a running mate. For one, the President and VIce President must be natives of different states. Both Bill and Hillary have their place of Residence in New York. Second, to be eligible for Vice President you have to be eligible for the Presidency. Bill is no longer eligible since he served two terms. So you dont have to worry about that.

As for thte McCain thing, If Bush did ditch Cheney for the man who pushed through the incumbent protection act, then he will have serious problems with the Republican base. Besides I dont think Bush wants to make the favored candidate in 2008 McCain. I actually think he might be setting up so Jeb can run next. But regardless of who ends up running, i would vote for Lieberman before i voted for McCain. I dont care that John McCain was a war hero, that is irrellevant. What i dont like about him is his disregard for the First ammendment.

I think there might be a technicality with Bill Clinton running as Vice President. I could be wrong, but I think the qualification to run as Vice President are the same as running for President (born in the U.S., 35 years old or older, etc.). Clinton having served two terms is not eligible to be elected President, but I don't think that stops him from becoming Vice President, or even going on to become President due to line of succession.

That said, I don't think there's any chance Hilary would pick him as a running mate. One of the criticisms about Kerry choosing Edwards was that Edwards might draw more attention and be more popular than Kerry. Bill could do nothing at all and garner at least as much attention as Hilary just because he was involved. I can easily see Hilary picking someone with a west coast connection to be a running mate.
I guess I'm a little unclear on the term limits thing. I was under the impression that it had to do with SUCCESSIVE terms. President Cleveland served twice - just not in successive terms. Of course, I understand that the term-limit legislation wasn't actually made official until after FDR. So, is Bill Clinton officially ineligible?
How about Bush and Zell Miller?

I hope Bush keeps Cheney, but my wish list, if he did choose a new running mate would be made up of the following - and in NO special order:

Zell Miller:

He would grab a lot of Southern Democrats that just haven't been able to convince themselves that they really are Republicans. However, that base is getting older and older and in another 10 years, they won't matter much.

Colin Powell: I like Powell, but having him as Veep might cause too much controversy. The libs love to say that Cheney runs the White House now, what would they say if Powell was Veep? They would contstantly be trying to say that Powell should be president and crap like that.

Guiliani: Not a bad choice. If he could bring the GOP NY, then some of the more conservative states wouldn't matter in regards to electoral votes.

Frankly, such a ticket might help spawn a TRUE third party.

Pataki: Ditto

J.C. Watts: He would be great. However, the media would surely find out some stuff about his wilder days as a college football player and probably make enough of a stink that those looking for an excuse to not vote for him would have it.
musicman said:
I guess I'm a little unclear on the term limits thing. I was under the impression that it had to do with SUCCESSIVE terms. President Cleveland served twice - just not in successive terms. Of course, I understand that the term-limit legislation wasn't actually made official until after FDR. So, is Bill Clinton officially ineligible?

The 22nd Amendment:
Section 1. No person shall be elected to the office of the President more than twice, and no person who has held the office of President, or acted as President, for more than two years of a term to which some other person was elected President shall be elected to the office of the President more than once. But this article shall not apply to any person holding the office of President when this article was proposed by the Congress, and shall not prevent any person who may be holding the office of President, or acting as President, during the term within which this article becomes operative from holding the office of President or acting as President during the remainder of such term.

The 12th Amendment says that "no person constitutionally ineligible to the office of President shall be eligible to that of Vice-President of the United States." So the technicality is that Clinton is eligible to be president, he's just ineligible to be elected president. That's why there were some small rumblings in 2000 that Gore should take Clinton as his running mate. Some of the same rumblings came from the Republicans in '88 when Reagan was finishing his second term. Morton Downey Jr. even suggested Bush resign after one day so Reagan could essentially have a third term.
Well I think that McCain last night buried any of these rumors, when he clearly stated that he backed the re-election of Bush and Cheney.

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