Bush III McCain Ticket?

gop_jeff said:
I wouldn't vote John McCain for dog catcher.

John Mc"Kennedy" just got bitch-slapped by the whole Arizona state legislature for co-sponsoring an amnesty-for-illegals bill with Teddy himself. Good for the legislature. McCain cares for nothing but preening for the liberal media.
gop_jeff said:
I wouldn't vote John McCain for dog catcher.


"Those who see McCain's role as a problem for his presidential ambitions wrongly interpret it as branding him insufficiently Republican.

But McCain did not cave on matters of ideology. He didn't reverse his opposition to abortion rights, vote for a major tax increase or undercut President Bush's foreign policy.

McCain got something important done, made sure the Senate kept functioning and got several of Bush's nominees confirmed."
no1tovote4 said:
I wouldn't mind Rice/Powell...

Rice/Powell vs Hillary/Kerry....nah this would be too much like a mud wrestling contest................. :wtf: :funnyface :eek2:

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