Bush did not break it over night


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV

So why should we expect Obama to fix over night what Bush took 8 years to break?
The problem is, he is fixing it and the RRWE don’t want to give him credit for fixing it and use it as an excuse to get him out of office. But the American are not stupid as they think and they know that facts show Obama has not failed.
My son in law just go laid off his job at a printing office and it is not Obama's fault. More people have home printers. He lost is job but makers of home printer hired a few more. Obama don't get credit for that either. Obama don’t get credit for every jobs lost or every job created
Obama has failed big time....
Bush didn't break it....the dem congress did. Our country crashed after they took over congress...
If you think Bush broke it...then Obama has obliterated it! He's the biggest FAILURE ever, and i think worse than Carter. But you go ahead and believe what you want....

Unbelievable...almost 4 yrs later and it's STILL BUSH'S FAULT! When is your president going to admit he's failed at ANYTHING? Moron....................

So why should we expect Obama to fix over night what Bush took 8 years to break?
The problem is, he is fixing it and the RRWE don’t want to give him credit for fixing it and use it as an excuse to get him out of office. But the American are not stupid as they think and they know that facts show Obama has not failed.
My son in law just go laid off his job at a printing office and it is not Obama's fault. More people have home printers. He lost is job but makers of home printer hired a few more. Obama don't get credit for that either. Obama don’t get credit for every jobs lost or every job created

Correct with one addition, bush did not do all the breaking he just followed the same path as Reagan and others. The roots of this started with Reagan. Clinton hepled it along the bad path as well but tried to do some good with such things as PAYGO which the republican congress quickly did away with under Bush.

Congress deserves 90% of the blame, they make the laws and decide on the spending.
but to blame this entire mess on Obama is partisanly stupid!

So why should we expect Obama to fix over night what Bush took 8 years to break?
The problem is, he is fixing it and the RRWE don’t want to give him credit for fixing it and use it as an excuse to get him out of office. But the American are not stupid as they think and they know that facts show Obama has not failed.
My son in law just go laid off his job at a printing office and it is not Obama's fault. More people have home printers. He lost is job but makers of home printer hired a few more. Obama don't get credit for that either. Obama don’t get credit for every jobs lost or every job created

Three and a half years is overnight? LOL..Lady.
Ipredicted a decade of downer economics for the USA before this thing started. The experts then said 6 months.

This disaster wasn't started or caused by Bush. It has been decades in the making and cuts to the very core of our culture - borrow money and spend it on crap. Keep borrowing until you can no longer pay it back, then get bailed out. Consumers and businesses alike, for decades. Narcissistic, uncontrolled consumerism based on nothing. Rampant greed and corruption from Wall Street to Washington DC.

The chickens have come home to roost, we're far from done with this, and all the finger-pointing in the world is not going to fix it. One good place to start is the mirror. We can choose to continue down the same path, or we can choose to get our shit together financially.

The political affiliation of the White House occupant is irrelevant. This is far bigger than that.

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When Bush took office we had the wind down of the Y2K scare which resulted in a lot of layoffs. When Bush took office we had the dot com crash. Shortly after Bush took office our financial insitutions took a big hit on 9/11. Did the world come crashing to a halt? No, did the economy stumble a bit, yes. But we recovered and the unemployment rate remained low, UNTIL something very bad happened in 2006 which no president could recover, the democrats took control. Two years later the economy is in the dumpster and we are now in the longest and weakest recovery in the history of the nation, all under democrat control. Yet you still want to blame Bush, quite remarkable. Oh and don't forget the 4 trillion dollars in debt your grandchildren had added to them all to maintain an 8 percent unemployment rate, and of course bail out the big boys.
Bush didn't put the CRA in place to crash the housing industry, Democraps did. In fact, Democraps fought the Bush Admin when they tried to repeal some of the CRA to prevent what eventually happened.

Democraps used the "race card" as usual to protect the CRA scam on white America.
And then there's this;


"(Credit: CBS) (CBS News) The National Debt has now increased more during President Obama's three years and two months in office than it did during 8 years of the George W. Bush presidency.

The Debt rose $4.899 trillion during the two terms of the Bush presidency. It has now gone up $4.939 trillion since President Obama took office.

The latest posting from the Bureau of Public Debt at the Treasury Department shows the National Debt now stands at $15.566 trillion. It was $10.626 trillion on President Bush's last day in office, which coincided with President Obama's first day."

So why should we expect Obama to fix over night what Bush took 8 years to break?
The problem is, he is fixing it and the RRWE don’t want to give him credit for fixing it and use it as an excuse to get him out of office. But the American are not stupid as they think and they know that facts show Obama has not failed.
My son in law just go laid off his job at a printing office and it is not Obama's fault. More people have home printers. He lost is job but makers of home printer hired a few more. Obama don't get credit for that either. Obama don’t get credit for every jobs lost or every job created

We didn't expect anything to be fixed over night but Obama was not voted in to take a bad situation and make it worse either.

This disaster wasn't started or caused by Bush. It has been decades in the making and cuts to the very core of our culture - borrow money and spend it on crap. Keep borrowing until you can no longer pay it back, then get bailed out. Consumers and businesses alike, for decades. Narcissistic, uncontrolled consumerism based on nothing.

The chickens have come home to roost, we're far from done with this, and all the finger-pointing in the world is not going to fix it. One good place to start is the mirror. We can choose to continue down the same path, or we can choose to get our shit together financially.

The political affiliation of the White House occupant is irrelevant. This is far bigger than that.


The real cause, in my opinion, is the free trade agreements which are not free at all. What is happening now was predicted when Perot ran for president and, as you say the chickens have come home to roost. Used to be the uneducated or unskilled could get a job at the mill and make a decent wage and work there their whole life. Not no more.

So we took away the unskilled jobs, flood America with unskilled labor or labor willing to work for peanuts, and then wonder where we went wrong. Amazing.

The housing bubble, was all BS. The price of housing dropped to where it should have been due to inflation. All those "flippers" may have gotten burned but that is the chance they took. The banks should have been forced to make it on their own. Instead they did bad things and got bailed out for doing so, and we wonder why our grandchildren are saddled with our debt. Well we shouldn't really wonder.
Obamination never intended to cut spending, he used the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan to spend more in domestic programs geared for his socialist agenda. He hid behind the war spending to spend even more for his buddies. The trick "well Bush spent money on Iraq so we should spend money on green energy."

He is now taking the knife to the DoD budget after it already went down from no more war in Iraq and other program cuts implemented, afterall he needs to "reign in spending" to look good for the upcoming election.

He'll make budget cuts that harm the US economy, see DoD and NASA cuts, but then whine that Buuuuuuuuuush left him this mess and that he needs to stimulate the economy with dead end green jobs and other goodies for his liberal hack friends/voters.
Bush didn't put the CRA in place to crash the housing industry, Democraps did. In fact, Democraps fought the Bush Admin when they tried to repeal some of the CRA to prevent what eventually happened.

Democraps used the "race card" as usual to protect the CRA scam on white America.

Bush didn't do enough to fight the democrats:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LPSDnGMzIdo]Democrats were WARNED of Financial crisis and did NOTHING - YouTube[/ame]
Obama has failed big time....
Bush didn't break it....the dem congress did. Our country crashed after they took over congress...
If you think Bush broke it...then Obama has obliterated it! He's the biggest FAILURE ever, and i think worse than Carter. But you go ahead and believe what you want....

Unbelievable...almost 4 yrs later and it's STILL BUSH'S FAULT! When is your president going to admit he's failed at ANYTHING? Moron....................

Tell me, what legislation was passed over the Bush veto? Please tell me what legislation survived a Republican filibuster in the senate in Obama's first two years? In the second two years what legislation got past the Republican house?

Just askin.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A_2D4mK95NQ&feature=related]Cause of 2008 financial crisis - Democrats block regulation - YouTube[/ame]

So why should we expect Obama to fix over night what Bush took 8 years to break?
The problem is, he is fixing it and the RRWE don’t want to give him credit for fixing it and use it as an excuse to get him out of office. But the American are not stupid as they think and they know that facts show Obama has not failed.
My son in law just go laid off his job at a printing office and it is not Obama's fault. More people have home printers. He lost is job but makers of home printer hired a few more. Obama don't get credit for that either. Obama don’t get credit for every jobs lost or every job created

obama couldn't fix a hang nail if you gave him 40 years. We're done with that hope and change shit.
If he couldn't make any positive progress in the first term, why give him another shot?? It would be dangerous, because he'd have no constituents to be held accountable to at the end of it all.
If he couldn't make any positive progress in the first term, why give him another shot?? It would be dangerous, because he'd have no constituents to be held accountable to at the end of it all.

I'd say that most Americans are awake and are going to hold him to this:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CCN5-ovvFL0]FLASHBACK: Obama: My Presidency Will Be 'A One-Term Proposition' If Economy Doesn't Turn In 3 Years - YouTube[/ame]

So why should we expect Obama to fix over night what Bush took 8 years to break?
The problem is, he is fixing it and the RRWE don’t want to give him credit for fixing it and use it as an excuse to get him out of office. But the American are not stupid as they think and they know that facts show Obama has not failed.
My son in law just go laid off his job at a printing office and it is not Obama's fault. More people have home printers. He lost is job but makers of home printer hired a few more. Obama don't get credit for that either. Obama don’t get credit for every jobs lost or every job created

obama couldn't fix a hang nail if you gave him 40 years. We're done with that hope and change shit.

He'd prescribe a breathalyzer...:eusa_whistle:

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