Bush Book: Pages filled with Plagerized Materials!!!

Will you buy plagerized "Decision Points"?

  • YES

    Votes: 3 33.3%
  • NO

    Votes: 6 66.7%

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Aug 27, 2010
Now I know you loons on the right are hell bent on plagiarism, wrapped up in quotes and references, etc., so I will be interested to see how your hypocritical stance changes when it comes to your infatuation with Bush. Roar on Dudes!! :lol: This experience will explain for you, how Georgie graduated. LMAO!! Still, I expect you rightys to go buy a copy to support your terrorist buddy.

"George Bush accused of borrowing from other books in his memoirs Former US president's Decision Points contains anecdotes seemingly lifted from books by several authors"

"Now it appears that Decision Points is not so much the former president's memoirs as other people's cut and pasted memories."

"Bush's account is littered with anecdotes seemingly ripped off from other books and articles, even borrowing without attribution – some might say plagiarising – from critical accounts the White House had previously denounced as inaccurate."

George Bush accused of borrowing from other books in his memoirs | World news | The Guardian
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The Huffington Post noted a remarkable similarity between previously published writings and Bush's colourful anecdotes from events at which he had not been present.

HuffyPuffy says it.. it MUST be true :rolleyes:

This belongs in the Romper Room
I hear the sky is falling too.... RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!


Here is Bush's 1st butt buddy, right on schedule!!! I will put that down as you are ashamed of Bush's behavior, but he gives you an anal probe, so you are OK with his book, and will buy 5 copies for your family, so you can all read it at the same time. LOL!
The Huffington Post noted a remarkable similarity between previously published writings and Bush's colourful anecdotes from events at which he had not been present.

HuffyPuffy says it.. it MUST be true :rolleyes:

This belongs in the Romper Room

No, it belongs here where we discuss the actions of presidents behavior, and the influence it holds over the voting public. If you are not keeping up, Rachel was posted yesterday showing how confused and dumbfounded the right voters are to the lies being told by the right. Now we have a republican leader plagiarizing materials that are not his, and selling books as if they are his own. LMAO!!
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The Huffington Post noted a remarkable similarity between previously published writings and Bush's colourful anecdotes from events at which he had not been present.

HuffyPuffy says it.. it MUST be true :rolleyes:

This belongs in the Romper Room

No, it belongs here where we discuss the actions of presidents behavior, and the influence it holds over the voting public. If your are not keeping up, Rachel was posted yesterday showing how confused and dumbfounded the right voters are to the lies being told by the right. Now we have a republican leader plagiarizing materials that are not his, and selling books as if they are his own. LMAO!!

Alleged actions based on nothing more than a hyper-partisan hack site notorious for misleading information, incomplete information, and absolute lies

Nah.... I'll wait for a legit source to this crap...

And using Maddow as means to back up your crap???... PRICELESS
The only reason that someone would by Bush Jr.'s book is the same reason they bought Palin's.

They're sheeple that believe that if you repeat a lie often enough, it magically becomes true.
The Huffington Post noted a remarkable similarity between previously published writings and Bush's colourful anecdotes from events at which he had not been present.

HuffyPuffy says it.. it MUST be true :rolleyes:

This belongs in the Romper Room

No, it belongs here where we discuss the actions of presidents behavior, and the influence it holds over the voting public. If your are not keeping up, Rachel was posted yesterday showing how confused and dumbfounded the right voters are to the lies being told by the right. Now we have a republican leader plagiarizing materials that are not his, and selling books as if they are his own. LMAO!!

Alleged actions based on nothing more than a hyper-partisan hack site notorious for misleading information, incomplete information, and absolute lies

Nah.... I'll wait for a legit source to this crap...

And using Maddow as means to back up your crap???... PRICELESS

As suspected, Dave is infatuated with his butt buddy Bush, and went completely into denial syndrome. He needs to recharged at FOXVIEW SPIN CENTER, so he will know what to say.:lol::lol:
The former president writes: "When Karzai arrived in Kabul for his inauguration on 22 December – 102 days after 9/11 – several Northern Alliance leaders and their bodyguards greeted him at an airport.

"As Karzai walked across the tarmac alone, a stunned Tajik warlord asked where all his men were.

"Karzai responded: 'Why, General, you are my men. All of you who are Afghans are my men.'"
The Huffington Post notes that the account and the quote are lifted almost verbatim and without attribution from a New York Review of Books article by Ahmed Rashid.

• In Decision Points, Bush describes the inauguration of Hamid Karzai, which he did not attend: "As Karzai walked across the tarmac alone, a stunned Tajik warlord asked where all his men were. Karzai said: 'Why, General, you are my men. All of you who are Afghans are my men.'"

Dave in Denial!! LMAO!!
No, it belongs here where we discuss the actions of presidents behavior, and the influence it holds over the voting public. If your are not keeping up, Rachel was posted yesterday showing how confused and dumbfounded the right voters are to the lies being told by the right. Now we have a republican leader plagiarizing materials that are not his, and selling books as if they are his own. LMAO!!

Alleged actions based on nothing more than a hyper-partisan hack site notorious for misleading information, incomplete information, and absolute lies

Nah.... I'll wait for a legit source to this crap...

And using Maddow as means to back up your crap???... PRICELESS

As suspected, Dave is infatuated with his butt buddy Bush, and went completely into denial syndrome. He needs to recharged at FOXVIEW SPIN CENTER, so he will know what to say.:lol::lol:

Really?? I'm some huge Bush supporter?? Nope.. sorry...

I will not go to some unreliable and hyper-partisan hack source and take it is proof written in stone... it is the likes of a hyper-partisan loony such as you that does such a thing... your idiotic agenda is laughable
The only reason that someone would by Bush Jr.'s book is the same reason they bought Palin's.

They're sheeple that believe that if you repeat a lie often enough, it magically becomes true.

We are hearing this reasoning more and more, as more and more righty tales surface. What do you do when 6 FOXVIEWS commentators quote each and other as the source for a story? :lol:
Boy are liberals stupid. If you are talking about the same exact events and especially if you are talking about what Bush himself said, they are going to be very similiar.

Pres. Bush doesn't have to change the events or quotes because other people wrote somthing similar.

Words mean things, and when you are structuring sentences, there are very few ways to describe something accurately changing words around.


There was a typhoon in Hawaii that was very big and caused a lot of damage.

Someone describing the same even would be saying something extremely very similar.

Douche bags.
I hear the sky is falling too.... RUN AWAY!!!!!!!!!!!!


Here is Bush's 1st butt buddy, right on schedule!!! I will put that down as you are ashamed of Bush's behavior, but he gives you an anal probe, so you are OK with his book, and will buy 5 copies for your family, so you can all read it at the same time. LOL!

What behavior? Call me when he starts groping interns and fails to pay his taxes.

This is just another Shittowel kindergarten thread. Grow up little girl and end this obsession with GWB.

And no need, I unlike you, don't need others buying me things. I bought my own copy.
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Now I know you loons on the right are hell bent on plagiarism, wrapped up in quotes and references, etc., so I will be interested to see how your hypocritical stance changes when it comes to your infatuation with Bush. Roar on Dudes!! :lol: This experience will explain for you, how Georgie graduated. LMAO!! Still, I expect you rightys to go buy a copy to support your terrorist buddy.

"George Bush accused of borrowing from other books in his memoirs Former US president's Decision Points contains anecdotes seemingly lifted from books by several authors"

"Now it appears that Decision Points is not so much the former president's memoirs as other people's cut and pasted memories."

"Bush's account is littered with anecdotes seemingly ripped off from other books and articles, even borrowing without attribution – some might say plagiarising – from critical accounts the White House had previously denounced as inaccurate."

George Bush accused of borrowing from other books in his memoirs | World news | The Guardian

What does frickin "seemingly" mean? Did he or didn't he? Don't give us this "seemingly" bullshit you freaking moron.
The former president writes: "When Karzai arrived in Kabul for his inauguration on 22 December – 102 days after 9/11 – several Northern Alliance leaders and their bodyguards greeted him at an airport.

"As Karzai walked across the tarmac alone, a stunned Tajik warlord asked where all his men were.

"Karzai responded: 'Why, General, you are my men. All of you who are Afghans are my men.'"
The Huffington Post notes that the account and the quote are lifted almost verbatim and without attribution from a New York Review of Books article by Ahmed Rashid.

• In Decision Points, Bush describes the inauguration of Hamid Karzai, which he did not attend: "As Karzai walked across the tarmac alone, a stunned Tajik warlord asked where all his men were. Karzai said: 'Why, General, you are my men. All of you who are Afghans are my men.'"

Dave in Denial!! LMAO!!

:lol: You guys are funny.
Found some more straws for you...


Start grasping Shit-toe. :lol:
Morons are so petty and desperate to grasp at any straws to find a villain. :cuckoo:

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