Bush aided 9/11...sort of


Active Member
Jul 28, 2010
I had an argument with my friend the other week.
His basic argument was, if Bush would have immediately reacted to the news that the towers had been struck, some of the disastrous events could have been avoided.

Does anyone else agree with that argument? what could bush have done?
I had an argument with my friend the other week.
His basic argument was, if Bush would have immediately reacted to the news that the towers had been struck, some of the disastrous events could have been avoided.

Does anyone else agree with that argument? what could bush have done?

Unless we know what the "reactions" are; perhaps. However, as is the case today,

1. what goes up must come down
2. Congress and the Executive have totally ignored the rec's of the 9/11 Commission and anybody can take over a plane it seems; we've been lucky enough to have people try who are frankly stupid--underwear bombers. While passengers will never sit idly by once more and let a hijacker take a flight; having 8-10 dead passengers on board an airline (or worse) or having a plane crash into the earth again ala flight 93 are no bargains.

Once terrorists were on board, there was little that could be done that would have been preferable to what was done.
At what point on 9/11 would you have ordered the USAF to splash fully loaded yet off course US Commercial airliners?
Seems like to me that if Clinton would have squeezed Bin Ladin when he had the opportunity to do so maybe 9/11 would have never happened.

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