
Here is the system the military dictatorship of Burma/Myanmar is killing people to keep in place:

Political rights: 7, the lowest possible (Freedom House)

Civil liberties: 7, the lowest possible (Freedom House)

Press freedom: 164 of 166 countries (Reporters Without Borders)

Freedom from corruption: 179 of 179 countries (Transparency International)

Economic freedom: 140 of 141 countries (Economic Freedom of the World)

Although it is probably a forelorn hope to wish that there would be some imagination and intelligence in the Bush government, surely they will, contrary to Diogenese Dog's view, come out forcefully on the side of the democratic forces, as our government has in many other countries.

The great Musharaff smack down today by the White House must have been withering for the soldier monarchists of Pakistan. Rice tore into Musharaff by demanding that he be nice or we might have to cut off aid sometime down the road.

Pakistan is as close to the perfect military republic as any in the world today. Iran is no different. It is a mutually masturbating religio/martial state.

It is much like so much of the moderating on this forum, "The Kingdom of the three Jars."

I have been doing some catch up reading of October posts and the ugliness laid down by the three majesties has just been ugly. And of course the "dit heads" are all in a heated lather to get their shots in, head all bobbling.

That's my shot on this topic and the usual drek that passes for informed content under the tutelage of the Dark Lords.

So. How was your summer?

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