Bunker Hill flag came in the mail.


Gold Member
Apr 13, 2017
Putnam Lake, NY raised, Pawling, NY resident.
The first flag of the USA flown at the Battle of Bunker Hill.

AKA the Continental flag.

A present for my dad.

well , it was largely dumb hicks and Protestants that built this Nation that YOU squat in Sob .
as i said and and the important thing is that the American Nation that YOU squat in was largely built and formulated and with Foundations laid , laws made by White Protestant Males mostly from one tiny widdle place in the English Isles . And many of these Founders were tobacco chewing and smoking Southern 'HICK's' that also liked 'fried Scrapple' Sob . By the way and back on topic but nice Flag for your DAD but i'm surprised that they sold it to a 'polock' Sob .
as i said and and the important thing is that the American Nation that YOU squat in was largely built and formulated and with Foundations laid , laws made by White Protestant Males mostly from one tiny widdle place in the English Isles . And many of these Founders were tobacco chewing and smoking Southern 'HICK's' that also liked 'fried Scrapple' Sob . By the way , nice Flag for your DAD but i'm surprised that they sold it to a 'polock' Sob .

The Founding Fathers vision for the U.S.A, has in fact been ruined by a long line of British blooded voters & their British blooded politicians.

Brits are actually some of the most dumb Whites I typically encounter, look at you, you prefer Black Protestants clearly over White Catholics.

You're not much of a thinker.
aw its cool and i'm just an older guy . I been telling YOU and the other youngers and millenials what YOU , they and Your kids are going to get for the last 20 years or so but i figure that i , as an older guy will be able to avoid a MORE fecked up USA if things go like i figure Sob . And by the way , I hope that your DAD likes his Flag , is he an American Sob ??
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aw its cool and i'm just an older guy . I been telling YOU and the other youngers and millenials what YOU , they and Your kids are going to get for the last 20 years or so but i figure that i , as an older guy will be able to avoid a MORE fecked up USA if things go like i figure Sob . And by the way , I hope that your DAD likes his Flag , is he an American Sob ??

The Founding Fathers were the American British blooded Protestant intelligentsia, much different than hicks.

You equate White Catholics to Latino Catholics as if that makes sense.

BTW, White Protestants even around here tend to be poorer than White Catholics.

Pawling is the last wealthy & White Catholic dominated town here.

Just to the North of Pawling in Dover there are a lot of trailers & White Protestants.

Some of these trailer parks are dangerous, even having people shoot at outsiders like in Oniontown.
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Good mornin Sob !! Yeah , it was pretty much Protestant White Males that Founded , ordered and organized the USA / America . To see and compare Protestant Founded Civilization to 'catholic built ' civilization just look South of the USA border to see what YOU 'catholics' built Sob .
Good mornin Sob !! Yeah , it was pretty much Protestant White Males that Founded , ordered and organized the USA / America . To see and compare Protestant Founded Civilization to 'catholic built ' civilization just look South of the USA border to see what YOU 'catholics' built Sob .

Yet White Protestants who founded the U.S tend to be some of it's poorest members, look no further than Appalachia.

There's some very wealthy White Catholic nations look at Ireland & Switzerland.

BTW, White Catholic nations tend to be much more Conservative than White Protestant nations.

White Protestants seem to love diversity.
Good mornin Sob !! Yeah , it was pretty much Protestant White Males that Founded , ordered and organized the USA / America . To see and compare Protestant Founded Civilization to 'catholic built ' civilization just look South of the USA border to see what YOU 'catholics' built Sob .
Good mornin Sob !! Yeah , it was pretty much Protestant White Males that Founded , ordered and organized the USA / America . To see and compare Protestant Founded Civilization to 'catholic built ' civilization just look South of the USA border to see what YOU 'catholics' built Sob .

Catholic Poland influenced some ideals of the Founding Fathers, Poland had freedom of religion 200 years before the Founding Fathers, Poland's Sejm parliament came earlier than the English Magna Carta & the Sejm influenced & offered twice the voting rights.

As for Latinos they're mixed race, doof.
but i'm surprised that they sold it to a 'polock' Sob .

Poles helped found the USA too, like generals Pulaski & Kosciuszko.

Poles voted heavily for Trump.

Poles make good Americans, idiot.

Around here some of the wealthiest towns have more Poles.
The richest area of Putnam county, the Mahopac area has the most Poles in Putnam, and Connecticut is even wealthier & more Polish than that.

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