Bullying...or Bullying?


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. "In the latest of what seems to be a string of reports of students and teachers bullying the mentally challenged in America’s schools, 18-year-old Stormy Rich is claiming that she has been penalized for standing up for the mentally challenged student in question.

2. The school maintains that Rich should not have taken matters into her own hands, though she had complained to the school for weeks about the issue, and did nothing violent.

3. Rich explained: “[The bullies] would be mean to her, tell her she couldn’t sit on certain spots on the bus…They were giving her food that they put in their mouth. I actually had to tell her to spit it out because she didn’t understand.”

4.“When the school didn’t do anything, I told the girls if the school didn’t do anything, I was going to do something,” Rich continued, and that is apparently what got her in trouble, and led to her being banned from that particular bus.

5. A Lake County Schools spokesperson clarified to FOX 35 Friday that they removed Rich from the bus because she displayed bullying behavior in sticking up for the girl."
18-Year-Old Stormy Rich Punished After Standing Up for Mentally Challenged Girl at School | Umatilla High School | TheBlaze.com

And, in a related discussion....

1. Every normal, not to mention decent, person decries bullying in schools, or any where else. Since there are more conservative parents than liberal parents- this, because more Americans identify themselves as conservative than do as liberal, and because no parent wants his or her child bullied, one would assume that conservatives would be at least equally represented among politicians, educators, and parents in clamoring for more to be done about the alleged epidemic of school bullying.

2. See the following Associated Press report of March, 2011, to see that this is not the case.

a. BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) - North Dakota senators on Thursday approved requiring schools to take new steps to prevent bullying, despite arguments that the effort was a time-wasting example of the "nanny state." North Dakota is one of only a handful of states that doesn't have an anti-bullying law for public schools, said Sen. Richard Marcellais, D-Belcourt. Sens. Oley Larsen, R-Minot, and Margaret Sitte, R-Bismarck, spoke against the measure. Larsen said children need to be taught how to handle bullying, rather than ordering schools to focus on bullying prevention. The legislation "rewards kids for thinking and acting like victims. It will promote a victim mentality and handicap kids for life, not just after the school bell rings," Larsen said…."People do need to learn to stand up for themselves." Senate approves adding school policies on bullying, bill now goes to Dalrymple

3. Note that for the Republicans, the bill smacks of “nanny state,” and it would create a sense of victimhood among students. To the liberal mind, knowing that any other state (or country) has banned something undesirable while one’s own state or country has not is a moral failing!

4. How different the solution would have been in days long ago when teachers, or parents could use physical force to end the problem. Or, in fact, the ‘victim’ could. Thanks to the Left, that is now considered abuse, and therefore illegal. Better the ‘offender’ be taken away by the police, in handcuffs.

a. Having undermined teacher and parental authority, the Left has increasingly transferred same to the state.

b. According to the North Dakota bill, “School districts would need to involve parents, school employees, volunteers, students, law enforcement, domestic violence and sexual assault organizations and community representatives when developing the policy.” What?? No fire department?

5. Since both the Left and the Right detest bullies, and both love their children, the tale is illustrative of how differently the two sides see the solution.
From "Still The Best Hope," Dennis Prager
1. “I was bullied as a child. Mercilessly. Would my childhood have been more pleasant had I not been bullied? Of course. But my adulthood would have been robbed of its clarity, and of my clear-eyed understanding of the world in which we live—bullies and all.

2. Forty-seven US states have passed “anti-bullying” laws, with New Jersey’s “Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights” being the most recent and extreme. At the core of these laws is the seemingly compassionate goal of protecting our children. But protecting our children from bullies also prevents our children from ever learning the true nature of bullies—and how to deal with bullies—in a world often shaped by the aggressive use of force.

3. When President Obama launched his “StopBullying.gov” initiative in March of this year, the CBS headline read “Obama: bullying shouldn’t be a part of growing up.” But bullying is a part of growing up. It is a part of life….

4. Winston Churchill understood bullies. Neville Chamberlain did not. … the Holocaust might never have happened, if men like Churchill were in power during Hitler’s rise, instead of bully-blind wishful thinkers like Chamberlain. Right now, America is led by wishful thinkers and blind hopers who do not understand the true nature of the world’s bullies….since President Obama began physically bowing down to the world’s bullies, and philosophically bowing down and apologizing for America’s power, the world’s bullies—sensing weakness from the world’s lone superpower—have gone on the march.

5. China shifted gears from its “peaceful rise” to openly calling for “China to abandon modesty about its global goals and ‘sprint to become world number one….the top power.’” Egypt threw off its “weak horse” leader for the “strong horse” Muslim Brotherhood. Turkey went from relatively moderate friend of America and Israel, to a belligerent bully that launches flotillas and expels ambassadors. Lebanon has been swallowed …Yemen is in chaos … Libyan rebels are rounding up blacks …, and the Palestinian Authority has joined forces with the internationally-recognized terrorist bullies of Hamas, and shouting from the streets “We tell Obama that we are a people that doesn’t bow to anyone.”

6. The way to deal with bullies is not to bow down to them, and not to pass laws or resolutions that say “bullies shall not be bullies” (every failed or flouted U.N. resolution and sanction is evidence of just that). The only way to deal with bullies is to look them straight in the eye and to deal with them in the only language they understand: the language of the bully.

7. Here is how my bullying story ended. After years of being terrorized by bullies, and wishing in vain that my bullies would go away or tire of tormenting me, I finally decided to change tactics. I grabbed the biggest, meanest bully by the throat, slammed him against a wall, lifted him off the ground, and breathed my warning into his shocked and trembling face.

8. I spoke to him in the language that he understood. The language of the bully….My years of torment ended in that moment."
In Defense of Bullying
1. “I was bullied as a child. Mercilessly. Would my childhood have been more pleasant had I not been bullied? Of course. But my adulthood would have been robbed of its clarity, and of my clear-eyed understanding of the world in which we live—bullies and all.

2. Forty-seven US states have passed “anti-bullying” laws, with New Jersey’s “Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights” being the most recent and extreme. At the core of these laws is the seemingly compassionate goal of protecting our children. But protecting our children from bullies also prevents our children from ever learning the true nature of bullies—and how to deal with bullies—in a world often shaped by the aggressive use of force.

3. When President Obama launched his “StopBullying.gov” initiative in March of this year, the CBS headline read “Obama: bullying shouldn’t be a part of growing up.” But bullying is a part of growing up. It is a part of life….

4. Winston Churchill understood bullies. Neville Chamberlain did not. … the Holocaust might never have happened, if men like Churchill were in power during Hitler’s rise, instead of bully-blind wishful thinkers like Chamberlain. Right now, America is led by wishful thinkers and blind hopers who do not understand the true nature of the world’s bullies….since President Obama began physically bowing down to the world’s bullies, and philosophically bowing down and apologizing for America’s power, the world’s bullies—sensing weakness from the world’s lone superpower—have gone on the march.

5. China shifted gears from its “peaceful rise” to openly calling for “China to abandon modesty about its global goals and ‘sprint to become world number one….the top power.’” Egypt threw off its “weak horse” leader for the “strong horse” Muslim Brotherhood. Turkey went from relatively moderate friend of America and Israel, to a belligerent bully that launches flotillas and expels ambassadors. Lebanon has been swallowed …Yemen is in chaos … Libyan rebels are rounding up blacks …, and the Palestinian Authority has joined forces with the internationally-recognized terrorist bullies of Hamas, and shouting from the streets “We tell Obama that we are a people that doesn’t bow to anyone.”

6. The way to deal with bullies is not to bow down to them, and not to pass laws or resolutions that say “bullies shall not be bullies” (every failed or flouted U.N. resolution and sanction is evidence of just that). The only way to deal with bullies is to look them straight in the eye and to deal with them in the only language they understand: the language of the bully.

7. Here is how my bullying story ended. After years of being terrorized by bullies, and wishing in vain that my bullies would go away or tire of tormenting me, I finally decided to change tactics. I grabbed the biggest, meanest bully by the throat, slammed him against a wall, lifted him off the ground, and breathed my warning into his shocked and trembling face.

8. I spoke to him in the language that he understood. The language of the bully….My years of torment ended in that moment."
In Defense of Bullying
So you were bulled so you then vote for republicans who support bullies.... you deserved to get bullied cause your the person who supports bullying of others
1. “I was bullied as a child. Mercilessly. Would my childhood have been more pleasant had I not been bullied? Of course. But my adulthood would have been robbed of its clarity, and of my clear-eyed understanding of the world in which we live—bullies and all.

2. Forty-seven US states have passed “anti-bullying” laws, with New Jersey’s “Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights” being the most recent and extreme. At the core of these laws is the seemingly compassionate goal of protecting our children. But protecting our children from bullies also prevents our children from ever learning the true nature of bullies—and how to deal with bullies—in a world often shaped by the aggressive use of force.

3. When President Obama launched his “StopBullying.gov” initiative in March of this year, the CBS headline read “Obama: bullying shouldn’t be a part of growing up.” But bullying is a part of growing up. It is a part of life….

4. Winston Churchill understood bullies. Neville Chamberlain did not. … the Holocaust might never have happened, if men like Churchill were in power during Hitler’s rise, instead of bully-blind wishful thinkers like Chamberlain. Right now, America is led by wishful thinkers and blind hopers who do not understand the true nature of the world’s bullies….since President Obama began physically bowing down to the world’s bullies, and philosophically bowing down and apologizing for America’s power, the world’s bullies—sensing weakness from the world’s lone superpower—have gone on the march.

5. China shifted gears from its “peaceful rise” to openly calling for “China to abandon modesty about its global goals and ‘sprint to become world number one….the top power.’” Egypt threw off its “weak horse” leader for the “strong horse” Muslim Brotherhood. Turkey went from relatively moderate friend of America and Israel, to a belligerent bully that launches flotillas and expels ambassadors. Lebanon has been swallowed …Yemen is in chaos … Libyan rebels are rounding up blacks …, and the Palestinian Authority has joined forces with the internationally-recognized terrorist bullies of Hamas, and shouting from the streets “We tell Obama that we are a people that doesn’t bow to anyone.”

6. The way to deal with bullies is not to bow down to them, and not to pass laws or resolutions that say “bullies shall not be bullies” (every failed or flouted U.N. resolution and sanction is evidence of just that). The only way to deal with bullies is to look them straight in the eye and to deal with them in the only language they understand: the language of the bully.

7. Here is how my bullying story ended. After years of being terrorized by bullies, and wishing in vain that my bullies would go away or tire of tormenting me, I finally decided to change tactics. I grabbed the biggest, meanest bully by the throat, slammed him against a wall, lifted him off the ground, and breathed my warning into his shocked and trembling face.

8. I spoke to him in the language that he understood. The language of the bully….My years of torment ended in that moment."

In Defense of Bullying

I completely agree with handling any bully in this manner. Unfortunately, in today's upside down pc world, the person who stands up to the bullies is often the one who gets in trouble, as noted in the OP. And it's wrong, wrong, wrong to punish someone for standing up for themselves or someone else. I'd be all over that school like white on rice if Stormy were my kid or if the kid being bullied was mine.
Another EXCELLENT post by PoliticalChic. Agreed.

Starcraftzzz's response is a typical leftist's view of the inability to understand or conceive conservative principals. Bullies are bad and therefore in the leftist mind, the ONLY response to something bad is that there should be a LAW (usually a multitude of them) and all of the beaurocracy to go with it. Some how, this issue MUST be dealt with by a multitude of government agencies because for the left, no one is capable of dealing with the issue like the government. If you are against the law and the beaurocracy, then you are for bullying. You cannot be against bullying and against the law and beaurocracy because the two are mutually exclusive in their mind. The same goes for the multitude of 'causes' that the left champions. If you are against same-sex marriage, then it is logical for the leftist's mind that you are in fact homophobic. Against Barry's policies? You are then in effect, a racist. Don't support cap and trade? Then you must be for dirty air and dirty water. It's almost comical.

There have been and there will always be bullies. Just like there have been and there will always be evil in this world. And yes, for those on the left, there is evil. Adolf Hitler and his cronies were evil. Pure, unadulterated and undeniably evil. And there have been so many others as well. Joseph Stalin, Osama bin Laden and Al Queda, Pol Pot, Sadam Hussein, Charles Manson, Kim Jung Il, Kim Jung Un (watching thousands of his citizens starve to death), Achmedinajad (SP??), Jeffrey Dahmer, and the list goes on and on. The left's largest failure is it's inability to recognize these simple facts and to know that bullies and evil, when identified as such, MUST be confronted by those who are threatened by them. To the left, there is no black or white, no good or evil, only shades of gray.

I too was bullied when I was in high school. Mercillesly bullied. And then I graduated high school and that year I grew 6" to my now current 6'6" height. I was no longer bullied.
Another EXCELLENT post by PoliticalChic. Agreed.

Starcraftzzz's response is a typical leftist's view of the inability to understand or conceive conservative principals. Bullies are bad and therefore in the leftist mind, the ONLY response to something bad is that there should be a LAW (usually a multitude of them) and all of the beaurocracy to go with it. Some how, this issue MUST be dealt with by a multitude of government agencies because for the left, no one is capable of dealing with the issue like the government. If you are against the law and the beaurocracy, then you are for bullying. You cannot be against bullying and against the law and beaurocracy because the two are mutually exclusive in their mind. The same goes for the multitude of 'causes' that the left champions. If you are against same-sex marriage, then it is logical for the leftist's mind that you are in fact homophobic. Against Barry's policies? You are then in effect, a racist. Don't support cap and trade? Then you must be for dirty air and dirty water. It's almost comical.

There have been and there will always be bullies. Just like there have been and there will always be evil in this world. And yes, for those on the left, there is evil. Adolf Hitler and his cronies were evil. Pure, unadulterated and undeniably evil. And there have been so many others as well. Joseph Stalin, Osama bin Laden and Al Queda, Pol Pot, Sadam Hussein, Charles Manson, Kim Jung Il, Kim Jung Un (watching thousands of his citizens starve to death), Achmedinajad (SP??), Jeffrey Dahmer, and the list goes on and on. The left's largest failure is it's inability to recognize these simple facts and to know that bullies and evil, when identified as such, MUST be confronted by those who are threatened by them. To the left, there is no black or white, no good or evil, only shades of gray.

I too was bullied when I was in high school. Mercillesly bullied. And then I graduated high school and that year I grew 6" to my now current 6'6" height. I was no longer bullied.

"There have been and there will always be bullies. Just like there have been and there will always be evil in this world."

And, therein you've encapsulated the difference between conservatives and liberals...
...they fail to understand human nature, and, therefore, have a multitude of incorrect solutions to deal with it.
1. “I was bullied as a child. Mercilessly. Would my childhood have been more pleasant had I not been bullied? Of course. But my adulthood would have been robbed of its clarity, and of my clear-eyed understanding of the world in which we live—bullies and all.

2. Forty-seven US states have passed “anti-bullying” laws, with New Jersey’s “Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights” being the most recent and extreme. At the core of these laws is the seemingly compassionate goal of protecting our children. But protecting our children from bullies also prevents our children from ever learning the true nature of bullies—and how to deal with bullies—in a world often shaped by the aggressive use of force.

3. When President Obama launched his “StopBullying.gov” initiative in March of this year, the CBS headline read “Obama: bullying shouldn’t be a part of growing up.” But bullying is a part of growing up. It is a part of life….

4. Winston Churchill understood bullies. Neville Chamberlain did not. … the Holocaust might never have happened, if men like Churchill were in power during Hitler’s rise, instead of bully-blind wishful thinkers like Chamberlain. Right now, America is led by wishful thinkers and blind hopers who do not understand the true nature of the world’s bullies….since President Obama began physically bowing down to the world’s bullies, and philosophically bowing down and apologizing for America’s power, the world’s bullies—sensing weakness from the world’s lone superpower—have gone on the march.

5. China shifted gears from its “peaceful rise” to openly calling for “China to abandon modesty about its global goals and ‘sprint to become world number one….the top power.’” Egypt threw off its “weak horse” leader for the “strong horse” Muslim Brotherhood. Turkey went from relatively moderate friend of America and Israel, to a belligerent bully that launches flotillas and expels ambassadors. Lebanon has been swallowed …Yemen is in chaos … Libyan rebels are rounding up blacks …, and the Palestinian Authority has joined forces with the internationally-recognized terrorist bullies of Hamas, and shouting from the streets “We tell Obama that we are a people that doesn’t bow to anyone.”

6. The way to deal with bullies is not to bow down to them, and not to pass laws or resolutions that say “bullies shall not be bullies” (every failed or flouted U.N. resolution and sanction is evidence of just that). The only way to deal with bullies is to look them straight in the eye and to deal with them in the only language they understand: the language of the bully.

7. Here is how my bullying story ended. After years of being terrorized by bullies, and wishing in vain that my bullies would go away or tire of tormenting me, I finally decided to change tactics. I grabbed the biggest, meanest bully by the throat, slammed him against a wall, lifted him off the ground, and breathed my warning into his shocked and trembling face.

8. I spoke to him in the language that he understood. The language of the bully….My years of torment ended in that moment."

In Defense of Bullying

I completely agree with handling any bully in this manner. Unfortunately, in today's upside down pc world, the person who stands up to the bullies is often the one who gets in trouble, as noted in the OP. And it's wrong, wrong, wrong to punish someone for standing up for themselves or someone else. I'd be all over that school like white on rice if Stormy were my kid or if the kid being bullied was mine.

If you stand up to a bully using physical means most schools just punish both children to avoid any conflict.
1. “I was bullied as a child. Mercilessly. Would my childhood have been more pleasant had I not been bullied? Of course. But my adulthood would have been robbed of its clarity, and of my clear-eyed understanding of the world in which we live—bullies and all.

2. Forty-seven US states have passed “anti-bullying” laws, with New Jersey’s “Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights” being the most recent and extreme. At the core of these laws is the seemingly compassionate goal of protecting our children. But protecting our children from bullies also prevents our children from ever learning the true nature of bullies—and how to deal with bullies—in a world often shaped by the aggressive use of force.

3. When President Obama launched his “StopBullying.gov” initiative in March of this year, the CBS headline read “Obama: bullying shouldn’t be a part of growing up.” But bullying is a part of growing up. It is a part of life….

4. Winston Churchill understood bullies. Neville Chamberlain did not. … the Holocaust might never have happened, if men like Churchill were in power during Hitler’s rise, instead of bully-blind wishful thinkers like Chamberlain. Right now, America is led by wishful thinkers and blind hopers who do not understand the true nature of the world’s bullies….since President Obama began physically bowing down to the world’s bullies, and philosophically bowing down and apologizing for America’s power, the world’s bullies—sensing weakness from the world’s lone superpower—have gone on the march.

5. China shifted gears from its “peaceful rise” to openly calling for “China to abandon modesty about its global goals and ‘sprint to become world number one….the top power.’” Egypt threw off its “weak horse” leader for the “strong horse” Muslim Brotherhood. Turkey went from relatively moderate friend of America and Israel, to a belligerent bully that launches flotillas and expels ambassadors. Lebanon has been swallowed …Yemen is in chaos … Libyan rebels are rounding up blacks …, and the Palestinian Authority has joined forces with the internationally-recognized terrorist bullies of Hamas, and shouting from the streets “We tell Obama that we are a people that doesn’t bow to anyone.”

6. The way to deal with bullies is not to bow down to them, and not to pass laws or resolutions that say “bullies shall not be bullies” (every failed or flouted U.N. resolution and sanction is evidence of just that). The only way to deal with bullies is to look them straight in the eye and to deal with them in the only language they understand: the language of the bully.

7. Here is how my bullying story ended. After years of being terrorized by bullies, and wishing in vain that my bullies would go away or tire of tormenting me, I finally decided to change tactics. I grabbed the biggest, meanest bully by the throat, slammed him against a wall, lifted him off the ground, and breathed my warning into his shocked and trembling face.

8. I spoke to him in the language that he understood. The language of the bully….My years of torment ended in that moment."

In Defense of Bullying

I completely agree with handling any bully in this manner. Unfortunately, in today's upside down pc world, the person who stands up to the bullies is often the one who gets in trouble, as noted in the OP. And it's wrong, wrong, wrong to punish someone for standing up for themselves or someone else. I'd be all over that school like white on rice if Stormy were my kid or if the kid being bullied was mine.

If you stand up to a bully using physical means most schools just punish both children to avoid any conflict.

Bullies avoid physical confrontation. They like to urinate people off, but stand up to them and they run like scalded dogs... then again, most bullies are a bunch of dumb S.O.B.s anyway.

I prefer using the legal system for the most part, but sometimes bullies are terrorists that stay on the outskirts of the legal system. If you know who they are, a face to face is generally enough to end the problem.
I completely agree with handling any bully in this manner. Unfortunately, in today's upside down pc world, the person who stands up to the bullies is often the one who gets in trouble, as noted in the OP. And it's wrong, wrong, wrong to punish someone for standing up for themselves or someone else. I'd be all over that school like white on rice if Stormy were my kid or if the kid being bullied was mine.

If you stand up to a bully using physical means most schools just punish both children to avoid any conflict.

Bullies avoid physical confrontation. They like to urinate people off, but stand up to them and they run like scalded dogs... then again, most bullies are a bunch of dumb S.O.B.s anyway.

I prefer using the legal system for the most part, but sometimes bullies are terrorists that stay on the outskirts of the legal system. If you know who they are, a face to face is generally enough to end the problem.

you sound very much like a bully.
I too was bullied when I was in high school. Mercillesly bullied. And then I graduated high school and that year I grew 6" to my now current 6'6" height. I was no longer bullied.

What's your point - that all a victim of bullies has to do is somehow become physically intimidating and then the bullying will stop? Where does that leave those who do NOT grow to 6'6"?

If I am missing something in your (entire) post here, I apologize. It looks to me, however, as if you are saying that the solution to the problem of bullying is simply to turn the victims into potential bullyers themselves. Kind of like telling a hopelessly depressed person, "all you have to do is get out of your house and start LIVING LIFE, and your depression will go away!" Sounds good, but doesn't work too well in actual practice.
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Bullying would be reduced if it wasnt for republicans passing laws that protected bullies

Liberalization of the schools have made bullying acceptable.

"Poor little Johnny has a bad homelife that is why he lashes out at others. We need to accept that and protect him."

"But you little bastard how dare you fight back and beat little Johnny's head in, do you know what kind of homelife he has"

"But he was making my life miser..."

"Get out of here your the bully!
1. “I was bullied as a child. Mercilessly. Would my childhood have been more pleasant had I not been bullied? Of course. But my adulthood would have been robbed of its clarity, and of my clear-eyed understanding of the world in which we live—bullies and all.

2. Forty-seven US states have passed “anti-bullying” laws, with New Jersey’s “Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights” being the most recent and extreme. At the core of these laws is the seemingly compassionate goal of protecting our children. But protecting our children from bullies also prevents our children from ever learning the true nature of bullies—and how to deal with bullies—in a world often shaped by the aggressive use of force.

3. When President Obama launched his “StopBullying.gov” initiative in March of this year, the CBS headline read “Obama: bullying shouldn’t be a part of growing up.” But bullying is a part of growing up. It is a part of life….

4. Winston Churchill understood bullies. Neville Chamberlain did not. … the Holocaust might never have happened, if men like Churchill were in power during Hitler’s rise, instead of bully-blind wishful thinkers like Chamberlain. Right now, America is led by wishful thinkers and blind hopers who do not understand the true nature of the world’s bullies….since President Obama began physically bowing down to the world’s bullies, and philosophically bowing down and apologizing for America’s power, the world’s bullies—sensing weakness from the world’s lone superpower—have gone on the march.

5. China shifted gears from its “peaceful rise” to openly calling for “China to abandon modesty about its global goals and ‘sprint to become world number one….the top power.’” Egypt threw off its “weak horse” leader for the “strong horse” Muslim Brotherhood. Turkey went from relatively moderate friend of America and Israel, to a belligerent bully that launches flotillas and expels ambassadors. Lebanon has been swallowed …Yemen is in chaos … Libyan rebels are rounding up blacks …, and the Palestinian Authority has joined forces with the internationally-recognized terrorist bullies of Hamas, and shouting from the streets “We tell Obama that we are a people that doesn’t bow to anyone.”

6. The way to deal with bullies is not to bow down to them, and not to pass laws or resolutions that say “bullies shall not be bullies” (every failed or flouted U.N. resolution and sanction is evidence of just that). The only way to deal with bullies is to look them straight in the eye and to deal with them in the only language they understand: the language of the bully.

Wow the intellectually dishonest piece didn't have a shred of common senses! Amazing what people believe!

7. Here is how my bullying story ended. After years of being terrorized by bullies, and wishing in vain that my bullies would go away or tire of tormenting me, I finally decided to change tactics. I grabbed the biggest, meanest bully by the throat, slammed him against a wall, lifted him off the ground, and breathed my warning into his shocked and trembling face.

8. I spoke to him in the language that he understood. The language of the bully….My years of torment ended in that moment."
In Defense of Bullying
Great in theory, but in reality it's not the case. Many times bullies pick their preys because they are physically larger and stronger than the victim. Many times the victims are weak and have never been in a fight. If or even when they fight back they get their asses kicked. Some bullies will lay off, but most will then up the bullying. In other cases it's not one bully but it's a gang of kids picking on one again smaller kid. What is that kid going to do? Fighting back wasn't an option.

I remember back during highschool football. During doubles over the summer there was one set of water fountains, we shared them with the soccers players. On the occassions the soccer players got their first, many of the football players including myself would toss them off water fountains and push them out of line. One day, a little kid took offense (as he justifiably should have) of getting pushed off the water fountain (it was well in the 90s that day) and he tried to push one of the football players off the fountain. That kid took a massive beating.

People always say you need to fight back and that is what I will tell my kids if they ever bullied. But again what do you tell a say 100 LB 5' freshman getting picked on by a 200 IL 6' Junior? "You go punch that bully?" You better get the insurance card ready. What do you tell a 120 lb 5'3 kid getting picked on by a dozen 150lb 5'6 kids?
You know something I have noticed lately Ghook? bigger kids with problems being bullied, there is a kid 6 foot 3 over 200 pounds who lives near my house and he is bullied by smaller kids, he is soft spoken, shy and not very aggressive and the other kids here feed off that, they know he won't stand up for himself.
1. “I was bullied as a child. Mercilessly. Would my childhood have been more pleasant had I not been bullied? Of course. But my adulthood would have been robbed of its clarity, and of my clear-eyed understanding of the world in which we live—bullies and all.

2. Forty-seven US states have passed “anti-bullying” laws, with New Jersey’s “Anti-Bullying Bill of Rights” being the most recent and extreme. At the core of these laws is the seemingly compassionate goal of protecting our children. But protecting our children from bullies also prevents our children from ever learning the true nature of bullies—and how to deal with bullies—in a world often shaped by the aggressive use of force.

3. When President Obama launched his “StopBullying.gov” initiative in March of this year, the CBS headline read “Obama: bullying shouldn’t be a part of growing up.” But bullying is a part of growing up. It is a part of life….

4. Winston Churchill understood bullies. Neville Chamberlain did not. … the Holocaust might never have happened, if men like Churchill were in power during Hitler’s rise, instead of bully-blind wishful thinkers like Chamberlain. Right now, America is led by wishful thinkers and blind hopers who do not understand the true nature of the world’s bullies….since President Obama began physically bowing down to the world’s bullies, and philosophically bowing down and apologizing for America’s power, the world’s bullies—sensing weakness from the world’s lone superpower—have gone on the march.

5. China shifted gears from its “peaceful rise” to openly calling for “China to abandon modesty about its global goals and ‘sprint to become world number one….the top power.’” Egypt threw off its “weak horse” leader for the “strong horse” Muslim Brotherhood. Turkey went from relatively moderate friend of America and Israel, to a belligerent bully that launches flotillas and expels ambassadors. Lebanon has been swallowed …Yemen is in chaos … Libyan rebels are rounding up blacks …, and the Palestinian Authority has joined forces with the internationally-recognized terrorist bullies of Hamas, and shouting from the streets “We tell Obama that we are a people that doesn’t bow to anyone.”

6. The way to deal with bullies is not to bow down to them, and not to pass laws or resolutions that say “bullies shall not be bullies” (every failed or flouted U.N. resolution and sanction is evidence of just that). The only way to deal with bullies is to look them straight in the eye and to deal with them in the only language they understand: the language of the bully.

7. Here is how my bullying story ended. After years of being terrorized by bullies, and wishing in vain that my bullies would go away or tire of tormenting me, I finally decided to change tactics. I grabbed the biggest, meanest bully by the throat, slammed him against a wall, lifted him off the ground, and breathed my warning into his shocked and trembling face.

8. I spoke to him in the language that he understood. The language of the bully….My years of torment ended in that moment."

In Defense of Bullying

I completely agree with handling any bully in this manner. Unfortunately, in today's upside down pc world, the person who stands up to the bullies is often the one who gets in trouble, as noted in the OP. And it's wrong, wrong, wrong to punish someone for standing up for themselves or someone else. I'd be all over that school like white on rice if Stormy were my kid or if the kid being bullied was mine.

If you stand up to a bully using physical means most schools just punish both children to avoid any conflict.

What conflicts? Schools can do what they want to do in many and most situations. They to support the liberal theme.

They can and should assess a situation and say this, "One kid had merciless bullied the kid, suspended for a week. The other kid fought back, we still can't condone fighting, but under the circumstances we will give you a lesser offense. Here is a saturday detention.
Bullying would be reduced if it wasnt for republicans passing laws that protected bullies

Liberalization of the schools have made bullying acceptable.

"Poor little Johnny has a bad homelife that is why he lashes out at others. We need to accept that and protect him."

"But you little bastard how dare you fight back and beat little Johnny's head in, do you know what kind of homelife he has"

"But he was making my life miser..."

"Get out of here your the bully!

1. Kind of reminds me of the classic (Liberal?) film "Knock on Any Door."

Though Humphrey Bogart is the official star of Knock on Any Door, the film is essentially a showcase for Columbia's newest young male discovery John Derek. The first production of Bogart's Santana company, the film casts Bogart as attorney Andrew Morton. A product of the slums, Morton is persuaded to take the case of underprivileged teenager Nick Romano (Derek), who has been arrested on a murder charge. Through flashbacks, Morton demonstrates that Romano is more a victim of society than a natural-born killer. Though this defense strategy does not have the desired result on the jury thanks to the badgering of DA Kernan (George Macready), Morton does manage to arouse sympathy for the plight of those trapped by birth and circumstance in a dead-end existence. As Nick Romano, John Derek would never be better, nor would ever again play a character who struck so responsive a chord with the audience. Nick's oft-repeated credo--"Live fast, die young, and leave a good-looking corpse"--became the clarion call for a generation of disenfranchised youth. Director Nicholas Ray would later expand on themes touched upon in Knock on a Any Door in his juvenile delinquent "chef d'oeuvre" Rebel without a Cause. Viewers are advised to watch for future TV personalities Cara Williams and Si Melton in uncredited minor roles. Knock on Any Door spawned a belated sequel in 1960, Let No Man Write My Epitaph. ~ Hal Erickson, Rovi
Knock on Any Door - Rotten Tomatoes

The law must be the same for all citizens. This, from "The Secret Knowledge," David Mamet:

2. If “fairness” is associated with group-identity, with all of the associated accommodations, law will be reduced to constant petition of government for special and specific exemptions from justice. Law, to be just, but be written and carried out in ignorance of the identity of its claimants.

There is an illusion that is the basis of progressive philosophy, that with the right government, men will be persuaded to behave as angels. For conservatives, though, men will always behave as they do, with envy, greed and covetousness. The best we can do is create government with requisite checks and balances that assumes the imperfect nature of man, a human nature that is not perfectible.

The purpose of religion and morality is to limit the corrosive influences of human nature. The purpose of law is to control the destructive actions which spring from said nature.
I completely agree with handling any bully in this manner. Unfortunately, in today's upside down pc world, the person who stands up to the bullies is often the one who gets in trouble, as noted in the OP. And it's wrong, wrong, wrong to punish someone for standing up for themselves or someone else. I'd be all over that school like white on rice if Stormy were my kid or if the kid being bullied was mine.

If you stand up to a bully using physical means most schools just punish both children to avoid any conflict.

What conflicts? Schools can do what they want to do in many and most situations. They to support the liberal theme.

They can and should assess a situation and say this, "One kid had merciless bullied the kid, suspended for a week. The other kid fought back, we still can't condone fighting, but under the circumstances we will give you a lesser offense. Here is a saturday detention.

Conflicts with the parents of the bully or the kid being bullied, its easier to punish both kids to avoid that kind of thing, trust me I have seen it.
You know something I have noticed lately Ghook? bigger kids with problems being bullied, there is a kid 6 foot 3 over 200 pounds who lives near my house and he is bullied by smaller kids, he is soft spoken, shy and not very aggressive and the other kids here feed off that, they know he won't stand up for himself.

I pitty the kid who is on the receiving end when the 6'3 kid has had enough! :eusa_pray:

I will admit I was not the nicest growing up. I am dyslexic and couldn't read growing up. I was able to get passing grades so no one new I couldn't read (really understand what I was reading). I thought I was dumb. I lashed out at smart kids. I never picked a victim bigger than me. Most bullies look for smaller prey, not just the shy prey. I wasn't much different. I liked when the fought back. The school should have stopped me, yet I rarely got in trouble other than when it came to a physical confrontation. I gring to think what a nasty little kid I was.

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