Buchananites and Liberals-- two ships passing in the night


Senior Member
Jan 5, 2004
Both want to institute idiotic protectionist economic policies. Both are against the support of Israel. Both feel the war on terror is a manipulation concocted by those in power.
So, that would mean you are FOR

1) white men and women losing their jobs to Mexicans and Indians
2) sending white tax dollars to ungrateful Jews who hate white Christians
3) sending white men to die for Jewish wars

I don't what that makes you politically, but personality-wise, that makes you a COMMUNIST ASSHOLE. You spit on your ancestors' graves.
William, please stop with the race crap in every thread you post in, and try to refrain from the namecalling. I've asked you this once already. I really don't want to have to start deleting posts.
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J.H. Christ, William. I'm the one of the few on this board reasonable enough to back you up that simple statistics don't lie, but since I have not taken these facts to mean that race warfare is the only way to protect the white race, I'm a communist asshole, to you. Go crawl back into your hole of fear and ignorance.
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William, why don't you just become a liberal, they also understand about dividing up the world along racial lines.
Willie everybodys ripping you a new one doesn't that tell you something? Ah but I guess you are used to getting ripped a new one every now and then, ain't that right Willie?
Liberals constantly divide the country along racial and economic lines in order to gain votes. Entitlements such as welfare and other social programs, saying that the evil republicans don't care about the poor and are going to take them away from you and leave you homeless and support from groups such as NAACP are all playing black against white much as the tax breaks for the rich line is playing poor against rich. They are dividers not uniters much the same as Willie's views only his are white over black as opposed to vice versa.
Willie is a blind racist. His dad was probally a racist and his grandpa was probally a racist. His whole family is probally racist. Let us all pray that if Wille has childern they don't grow up to hate as much as Wille.
Next point let the mexicans take american jobs. Because guess what they take the jobs I don't want. And a majority of americans don't want them either.
Hey Willie who pumps your gas? Who sells you goods at 3am. I gaurntee it aint no educated white guy.
White supremist!! get a clue!!!!
This is an issue i find so ridiculous. Sure there are jobs outsourcing. but if someone can do a job cheaper or better than someone else why shouldnt they get the job regardless of what nationality or ethnic group you are part of? Why do people from other nations not have the same rights to work as we do? I mean if they can do a job cheaper in India or Southeast asia, Let them. It helps the consumers. it helps the companies. it help other nations increase their GDP which gives them more money to buy products from us with. Its a no lose situation.

Sure, there may be some short term job lose at home. But we live in America, a land of opportunity greater than any other nation. We live in a country where if we wanted to we could go out and create our own business. Other countries dont have it as easily. I was talking to one of my friends from austria one time and he loves in America because its so hard to create business and be successful as an inventor elsewhere because the government regulates business so much. And Austria is a pretty westernized nation!

There is some major problems when people who get an education in this country cant make it when immigrants with no little to no formal education can immigrate and make it big. Sure its not easy. Nothing in life worth doing is easy. But we live in such a land of opportunity that we shouldnt be whining about jobs going to some people who need them else where and worry more about how to create more jobs that we can compete with the rest of the world with.
Excellent post Avatar !!! :clap:

The american worker has no one except himself, and possibly his union to blame !
"but if someone can do a job cheaper or better than someone else why shouldnt they get the job regardless of what nationality or ethnic group you are part of?"


Because it's not level-field competition. A worker in Mexico or China comes from a system that does value the same things we do. Else, we become a one-world government.
its not a level field of competition. If food and housing costs less in china then salaries are bound to be less also. the cost of living alone makes it unfair. We simply cannot compete on a basic level with a developing nation. But that was the intent of business anyway.
Because it's not level-field competition

First off, when has business ever had level-field competition ?

Take a look at small store and shops; they have almost completely vanished in major metropolitan areas, being replaced by large Department and Chain stores. How can a local hardware store compete with Home Depot ? Very simply most can not ! They can not match the pricing nor selection available at Home Depot.

Does the public say, "Hell I don't mind paying an extra couple of bucks for a hammer, I am going to support local shop owners", some people might, but the vast majority do not.

So what do we do, outlaw Home Depot ?

Now let us look at consumer electronics, I can remember a time when there were numerous American Manufacturers, which have now all but disappeared, why ? Simply because people bought foreign made products due to their lower prices, again did people say "hey, I'll spend the extra money and buy an American product and if it is out of my price range then I will just wait and save for it", no they bought the foreign made one.

It is a similar situtation for Corporations, they shop to get the most for their money also, no more selfish than the general public, yet they are judged by a different standard, is that really fair ?
You know i hear about the whole unfairness of jobs being outsourced overseas. It's unfair to the blue collar workers of the US but it is a God sent to the people over seas. Yes they get paid less, but they are still working and making more than they did without the job. Have you noticed that in the 90's jobs went to mexico, They had cheap labor, Now over the last 10 years the wages for mexican workers have gone up. They amke more than they did 10 years ago. Now jobs are going to Asia. In 10 years they will be making more than they are now. Buissness looks for the cheapest labor so they can keep prices down and compette globally, the world is one big suppermarket. If we play protectionsist no one will buy from us. If we through ourselfs to the market america will benifiet every time. How about instead of spending tax dollars to keep old jobs here we spend the money on re-educating our workforce. Get them efficient with computers and tech. Mabey train them all to be white collar workers. Semming that all the Blue collar jobs are going overseas. Aslo I've noticed a trend where some people go into the job market right out of highschool and complain when they can't get a good job. Earth to stupid people. You need at least two years in a tech scholl now a days. In a couple years you'll probally need at least a four year degree. My ass has been going to college for 3 years and I still got another 5 to go. Even with this emence education i still have no guarentee for a job. It's called competition, it's the american way!!!!!:D
Don't misunderstand --- I am not against competition or free enterprise. But free enterprise has to take place within bounds. All that's going on is that third-world foreigners are able to underbid American workers. That's easy enough when you live in a tin-roof shack and don't have to pay taxes that our beloved liberals slap on us all.

In the United States, we taxpayers support paved roads, bridges, and a highly advanced military, among other things. I don't like most of what our government forces us to fund, but there it is.

In third-world countries, they don't have these things.

So, next time someone says that a working American is a "loser" because he's underbid on the job by some dusky pot-squatter who's never seen electricity, I'm gonna slap him upside his neocon skull!

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