Brown’s resurgence in polls has shaken some of party’s confidence in Warren


Type 40
Jul 1, 2011
trouble in libtard paradise? :rofl:

Senate race polls have some Massachusetts Democrats concerned about Elizabeth Warren - The Boston Globe
After a huge rush of optimism that Elizabeth Warren’s candidacy would end Scott Brown’s hold on his US Senate seat, Democratic insiders and activists are awakening to a new political reality, driven by a series of recent polls and Brown’s success these past few months in crafting an independent bipartisan image.

The campaign’s reshaped landscape, which appears to have shifted in Brown’s favor, has created a quiet buzz among some in the party that Warren, despite her incredible burst onto the Massachusetts electoral map last fall, has hit some strong headwinds and will need to recapture the excitement that lit up the Bay State’s political world when she entered the race in September.
A new poll released over the weekend by the Western New England University Polling Institute in partnership with The Republican newspaper of Springfield found Brown leading Warren, his top Democratic challenger, 49 to 41 percent. That closely reflects several other surveys taken in the last month that also show Brown with a lead.
Analysts say that shift could well have been connected to Brown’s rise in the recent poll numbers. Along with a campaign war chest that is twice as large as his challenger’s - Brown had amassed nearly $13 million by the end of 2011, to Warren’s $6.1 million - the poll numbers also make it difficult for Brown to continue to paint himself as the underdog, as he has done since Warren entered the race.
Well he's changed his position on just about everything. Plus, he's really "pretty".

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