Broward County Jail Nurse Accused of Sending Nude Photos to Inmate

Mad Scientist

Feels Good!
Sep 15, 2008
Carline Jean: Broward jail nurse accused of sending nude photos to inmate - South Florida
A nurse at a Broward County jail has been arrested after allegedly supplying a contraband cell phone to an inmate and sending him nude pictures of herself, a Broward judge said Wednesday.
I guess when you've been in jail for a while even this looks good:

I imagine she's pretty when photographed in better circumstances. The better question is why would an educated woman risk so much for the attention of a felon? This happens enough to keep a tv show in business, "Prison Wives".

People are strange.
I imagine she's pretty when photographed in better circumstances. The better question is why would an educated woman risk so much for the attention of a felon? This happens enough to keep a tv show in business, "Prison Wives".

People are strange.

Prison guards fall in love with inmates sometimes and in some cases even their lawyers.
Its all relative. It happens all the time. Prison employees deal with these men and women on a daily basis and some develop a relationship with them. Why? Maybe because the inmates appear very attentive toward them and they do not recieve that attention outside of work. Sometimes it just comes down to money I guess, someone wanting to make a buck to supplement their income. It has been going on ever since there were prisons and jail and it will continue to go on until the keepers are replaced with robots and no outside human contact is allowed between those who are jailed and those who run the jails.
The inmates are hustlers for the most part, they need $$$$ for their commissary on the inside as well as to take care of business in the real world, people fall into their trap all the time. Like these prison pen pal programs, alot of these immates pretend to be gay to hustle gay men out of some cash.
Things like this happen. She's probably lonely, and maybe she's accustomed to people in prison. She might have a relative or friend who has been in prison. Nurses come from all kinds of backgrounds. I once met a nurse who had been a prison nurse, and married a prisoner. He got out of prison, then got back in, all on drug charges. The nurse apparently got sucked into his lifestyle, she ended up stealing narcotics from a facility where she worked. I think she eventually lost her license.

This woman will come under scrutiny and most likely have to appear before her nursing board, and probably get some sort of suspension of her license. It is a violation of nursing standards to have a relationship with a patient, I'm pretty sure.
this is what i mean with freak law. what the hell does anyone care what an adult person sends to another adult person on his cell phone? Who has to concern about it? Now, another carrer is killed, another black woman lost her job and got her number one on her personal "three strikes and you´re out" file. And this is what you´re calling freedom?
this is what i mean with freak law. what the hell does anyone care what an adult person sends to another adult person on his cell phone? Who has to concern about it? Now, another carrer is killed, another black woman lost her job and got her number one on her personal "three strikes and you´re out" file. And this is what you´re calling freedom?

But those are the rules, that nurse knew she could fraternize or send pictures of herself to an inmate like that, in Germany these kinds of things are ok? the guy is in prison, not at Harvard Law.
this is what i mean with freak law. what the hell does anyone care what an adult person sends to another adult person on his cell phone? Who has to concern about it? Now, another carrer is killed, another black woman lost her job and got her number one on her personal "three strikes and you´re out" file. And this is what you´re calling freedom?

Firstly, he was an inmate - that means he was in prison. People in prison are not allowed to have cell phones. She provided him with a cell phone - that is against the law. She was employed by the prison at which he was a prisoner.

And, yea, we do call it freedom.... does Germany not have laws under which its citizens live? Because last time I was there, they certainly did.
this is what i mean with freak law. what the hell does anyone care what an adult person sends to another adult person on his cell phone? Who has to concern about it? Now, another carrer is killed, another black woman lost her job and got her number one on her personal "three strikes and you´re out" file. And this is what you´re calling freedom?

In Oregon, suppling contraband (IE a cell phone) is a felony. I don't know the rules about Florida. But in Oregon she would be facing 3 years for that.

Jails have very strict rules on what goes in and out.

Three strikes is on a state by state basis. California and Oregon both have Three strikes rules. I believe New York does as well.

I don't know if that is the rule in Florida.
we have laws either and their working. Badasses get life as well, murderers, rapists, child abuseres don´t run around very long time here. Additional we have the "safety arrest", that means that a criminal who has sit his time and get´s a bad prognisis, he stays in jail to protect the society from him. And Cell Phones are forbidden in jail as well. But in cases like these, the nurse would get a monetary penality or has to do some hours in social work but she wold never go to jail and lose her job.
In Oregon, suppling contraband (IE a cell phone) is a felony. I don't know the rules about Florida. But in Oregon she would be facing 3 years for that.

Three years? Hell! Which chances does she have when she comes out? Will she ever get a job again? A fucked-up life for a cellphone? People, don´t you think, you´re going too far?
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we have laws either and their working. Badasses get life as well, murderers, rapists, child abuseres don´t run around very long time here. Additional we have the "safety arrest", that means that a criminal who has sit his time and get´s a bad prognisis, he stays in jail to protect the society from him. And Cell Phones are forbidden in jail as well. But in cases like these, the nurse would get a monetary penality or has to do some hours in social work but she wold never go to jail and lose her job.
In Oregon, suppling contraband (IE a cell phone) is a felony. I don't know the rules about Florida. But in Oregon she would be facing 3 years for that.

Three years? Hell! Which chances does she have when she comes out? Will she ever get a job again? A fucked-up life for a cellphone? People, don´t you think, you´re going too far?

You do realize that there is a similar law in Germany, right? That a prison officer cannot provide illegal goods to a prisoner.
we have laws either and their working. Badasses get life as well, murderers, rapists, child abuseres don´t run around very long time here. Additional we have the "safety arrest", that means that a criminal who has sit his time and get´s a bad prognisis, he stays in jail to protect the society from him. And Cell Phones are forbidden in jail as well. But in cases like these, the nurse would get a monetary penality or has to do some hours in social work but she wold never go to jail and lose her job.
In Oregon, suppling contraband (IE a cell phone) is a felony. I don't know the rules about Florida. But in Oregon she would be facing 3 years for that.

Three years? Hell! Which chances does she have when she comes out? Will she ever get a job again? A fucked-up life for a cellphone? People, don´t you think, you´re going too far?

Well we don't like inmates to have access to cell phones because they can make unmonitored calls to threaten victims that they have hurt on the outside and to make deals happen on the street. Charles Manson was caught with a cell phone not too long ago, its scary to think what he was doing with it, he has been in prison for decades. 3 years may be too harsh but everyone knows the penalties of such things when they take the job, if they think its too harsh, don't take the job and do something else.
That is the rule here. Nothing goes into the jail unless it goes through the sherriff's office. On your way into the jail there is a great big notice board giving the statutory authority and the penalties involved.

Jails are dangerous places everyone is a whole lot happier when the level of scary is reduced. Which is the reason the legislature in Salem made the rule that way.

It is kind of scary for every one, prisoners especially, when the staff brings in contraband.

Most of the folks I met in jail, I was glad they were there and I was even more glad Multnomah county took contraband rules very seriously.
we´re talking here now about disturbing senders in our jails to make cell phones useless for the inmates.
I think in general topics germen laws aren´t that far away from us laws. What´s forbidden at your country is mostly forbidden here. But the degree of punishment is lower here.
we´re talking here now about disturbing senders in our jails to make cell phones useless for the inmates.
I think in general topics germen laws aren´t that far away from us laws. What´s forbidden at your country is mostly forbidden here. But the degree of punishment is lower here.

This is such a reasonable thing to do. But then, so would video taping every inch of the facility and we mostly dun do that either.

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