Bristol Palin to Levi Johnston: Pay Up, Dead Beat.

Nope. The answer is simple..........

Bristol is suing Levi for some really fat bank, because she's starting her own political consulting company.

She needs the start up capital.

And, considering what the Wasilla Chihuahua has been doing, I'm guessing that Bristol is going to run her campaign after doing a fact finding study.
Who didn't see that coming? First, throw the kid out. Publicly trash him. Then take everything that he has.

Meanwhile, Sarah Palin's policy of "abstinance only", which we all know doesn't work, pulls in millions from that book, "Going Rogue by Lynn Vincent". Palin's policy was at least partly responisble for the mess her daughter is in. Plus, she publicly trashes a teen age boy? What kind of person is she?

Johnston said again that the Palins won’t allow him alone time with his son, telling CBS reporter Maggie Rodriguez that he can only visit with Tripp, who was born in December, at the Governor’s home

Levi Johnston on CBS News: 'My Family is Not White Trash' | wowOwow

Take everything he has? How about just making him take care of his responsibilities? And what Sarah pulls in has nothing to do with it. It's not the grandparents job to support thier grandchildren.

When has Levi been publically trashed by the Palin's? Of course you won't be able to produce anything to support your argument which is typical of you liberal idiots.

Palin sat down with Oprah Winfrey in an interview set to air on Monday, November 16, where she reveals that she still considers her grandson’s father, Levi Johnston, part of the family.

When asked if Johnston, 19, will be invited to Thanksgiving dinner, Palin responds, “you know, that’s an interesting question. And it’s lovely to think that he would ever even consider such a thing. Because, of course, you want—he is a part of the family and you want to bring him in the fold and kind of under your wing.”

“I think he needs to know that he is loved and he has the most beautiful child and this can all work out for good. It really can,” she said. “We don’t have to keep going down this road of controversy and drama all the time. We’re not really into the drama. We don’t really like that. We’re more productive. We have other things to concentrate on.”

Sarah sure trashed Levi on Oprah!!

Of course she's not going to trash him on Oprah, the Queen of "feel good".

But saying he is making porn and doesn't want to see his child are two terrible lies. Especially the one about not wanting to see his child. Every good parent knows that for a vicious attack.
Your analogy is flawed. The abstinance only policy is flawless. If you choose not to get pregnant, don't have sex. It's really the only 100% sure method of pregnancy prevention.


And if I do not drive my car the tires will not wear out. :)

See that, abstaining from driving will keep your tires from wearing out. The policy of abstinance proven correct again.

That was my point. works but not realistic to expect it to happen that way.
Youngsters like to use it.
Plus some of us oldsters as well.
Looks like Levi is fixing to feel the wrath of a scorned woman in the media. Levi needs to step up, PAY, be a dad and support his son. Wouldn't you agree?

Bristol Palin to Levi Johnston -- Pay Up Deadbeat |

Bristol Palin wants Levi Johnston to step up as a dad and pay her some of the money he's raked in from his naked media blitz. Court documents were filed by Bristol's lawyer Wednesday in Alaska, demanding $1,750 a month from Levi, retroactive to the birth of son Tripp on December 27, 2008. According to the docs, obtained by TMZ, Bristol believes Levi has pulled in "in excess of $105,000 in 2009 through various media interviews and modeling related activities

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