Brent Bozell, MRC aka Media Research Center


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
(snip at the end of the article)

The paradox here is that Bozell was once more antagonistic toward the president than any journalist. As an early supporter of Ted Cruz’s presidential campaign, Bozell was an outspoken adversary of Trump throughout the Republican primary, warning allies both publicly and privately that the Manhattan billionaire was inconsistent, untrustworthy and immoral. When National Review published its “Against Trump” issue in February 2016, featuring some two dozen essays by conservatives opposed to his candidacy, Bozell was among the most strident, comparing Trump to fraudulent politicians and calling him “the greatest charlatan of them all.” Bozell also called Trump a “huckster” and “shameless self-promoter” in a Fox News appearance, concluding, “God help this country if this man were president.” It cost him: Multiple sources familiar with the situation told me that the MRC’s fundraising took a serious hit. When it became clear a few months later that Trump would be the nominee, Bozell abandoned his crusade and refocused his attacks on the media—for, of all things, crusading against Trump.

(Snip, more towards the start of the article)

Bozell, born into right-wing royalty—the nephew of National Review founder William F. Buckley, and son of Brent Bozell Jr., Barry Goldwater’s speechwriter and the ghost-writer of his book, Conscience of a Conservative—had not yet distinguished himself in the conservative movement. That would soon change. Over the ensuing decades, with the assistance of tens of millions of dollars from prominent Republican donors, the MRC moved to the front lines of America’s culture wars, relentlessly assailing what it viewed as a godless, condescending, out-of-touch national media—and systematically chipping away at its credibility in the minds of voters. The results were manifest: 30 years after that 1986 survey, as
voters. The results were manifest: 30 years after that 1986 survey, as Trump steamrolled his way into the White House, Gallup released new numbers showing confidence in the press at all-time low of 32 percent. Among Republicans, it was just 14 percent.


I discussed this transformation with Bozell last fall as he prepared to celebrate the MRC’s 30-year anniversary—a spectacular black-tie gala, with special guests at his head table including talk radio legend Rush Limbaugh and Republican megadonor Robert Mercer. t”
He is on Fox a lot. Its appears no matter what trump does, the right will vote for him, why, they get tax cuts, deregulation, cuts in social programs, etc.
The same Brent Bozell who spent decades crying about things on TV he felt were "dirty". It's amazing how morally flexible some people are when it comes to their side winning.

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