Breaking Update: Obama Loyalists behind Mike Flynn phone call leaks


Gold Member
Jul 11, 2013
LOL you guys are a comedy act, 'the gateway pundit' really, maybe you missed it but draft dodger Donnie is president now and he is in charge, well kinda in charge, and you lemmings are paying his way and apologizing for his ignorance.

" Our attention, quite naturally, has been drawn to the bizarre, obscene, despicable man who now occupies the office of President of the United States, and a remarkable number of perceptive, coruscating analyses of his character and behavior have been written in recent days. It is now received wisdom, I think we can agree, that Trump’s compulsive lying is not merely a pathological trait. It is, instead, a technique of dominance and authoritarian assertion. By compelling his spokespersons to endorse publicly his blatant lies, he visibly exercises his dominance over them, forcing them to humiliate themselves as a way of binding them to him. Sean Spicer and Kellyanne Conway are now forever his bonded slaves, made unfit for any other employment by their subservience to his will." The Philosopher's Stone: INTERIM REPORT

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken
Yes ! We must prosecute whistle blowers exposing the trump teams lies! How dare they.
LOL you guys are a comedy act, 'the gateway pundit' really, maybe you missed it but draft dodger Donnie is president now and he is in charge, well kinda in charge, and you lemmings are paying his way and apologizing for his ignorance.

" Our attention, quite naturally, has been drawn to the bizarre, obscene, despicable man who now occupies the office of President of the United States, and a remarkable number of perceptive, coruscating analyses of his character and behavior have been written in recent days. It is now received wisdom, I think we can agree, that Trump’s compulsive lying is not merely a pathological trait. It is, instead, a technique of dominance and authoritarian assertion. By compelling his spokespersons to endorse publicly his blatant lies, he visibly exercises his dominance over them, forcing them to humiliate themselves as a way of binding them to him. Sean Spicer and Kellyanne Conway are now forever his bonded slaves, made unfit for any other employment by their subservience to his will." The Philosopher's Stone: INTERIM REPORT

"On some great and glorious day the plain folks of the land will reach their heart's desire at last, and the White House will be adorned by a downright moron." H. L. Mencken
Everybody is gonna do their best to put Obama in on this.......LOLOLOLOL....the guys out of office and still the nuts can't get enough of him...the same nuts the counted the days down for him to leave.
Steve McGarrett brings you this exclusive breaking news via The Gateway Pundit.

Anyone who leaked or conspired ought to be charged and tried in a FISA court.

From Patriotic American Robert Stone:

Roger Stone ‏@RogerJStoneJr 4h4 hours ago Reince's purge of Flynn a "Pearl Harbor" for Trump loyalists. Hope the midget is ready to rumble @StoneColdTruth
Roger Stone is the Prince of Darkness, just ask him!

you couldn't get anyone on this earth, scummier!
So lying within the Trump administration is Obama's fault.

Just like it was Republicans who took down Bin Laden.

And Obama was born in Kenya.

Alternative reality. So fluid.
Steve McGarrett brings you this exclusive breaking news via The Gateway Pundit.

Anyone who leaked or conspired ought to be charged and tried in a FISA court.

From Patriotic American Robert Stone:

Roger Stone ‏@RogerJStoneJr 4h4 hours ago Reince's purge of Flynn a "Pearl Harbor" for Trump loyalists. Hope the midget is ready to rumble @StoneColdTruth
Well, of course they are. It was Sally Yates and James Clapper who first raised the issue with Don McGahn, the WH counsel.
Steve McGarrett brings you this exclusive breaking news via The Gateway Pundit.

Anyone who leaked or conspired ought to be charged and tried in a FISA court.

From Patriotic American Robert Stone:

Roger Stone ‏@RogerJStoneJr 4h4 hours ago Reince's purge of Flynn a "Pearl Harbor" for Trump loyalists. Hope the midget is ready to rumble @StoneColdTruth

More like Breaking Bullshit from the Gateway Pundit. Holy shit...

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