BREAKING NEWS: Appeals court rules part of President Obama’s health care law unconsti

Mandating reasonable liability insurance for vehicles that will be sharing the road with other people's vehicles is a perfectly sound policy. When we get behind the wheel on public roads and highways, we are voluntarily accepting a degree of risk and also creating a degree of risk for others. But only liability insurance should be mandated by the government and not collision, comprehensive, and other insurance we buy to cover risk to our persons and property.

Those who drive only on private roads or who leave their cars parked are not required to have insurance, nor should they. They are not causing any risk for others, and it would be a violation of our property rights to force us to buy insurance we do not need or want or can't afford when it doesn't affect anybody but us.

The same rationale should apply to medical insurance.
I'm surprised that those that really want to get government out of healthcare, are not lobbying to revoke their state Medicaid laws. Medicaid is a state program so the state should be able to discontinue it.

Most of them probably realize (1) that Medicaid is huge for local and state economies, and (2) that withdrawing from Medicaid doesn't eliminate the need to support local health centers, pay for long-term care, and provide care for low-income people. Even states like Texas and Wyoming that have made noises about opting out of Medicaid and commissioned studies this year to analyze the potential impact on the state ended up with reports suggesting that opting out wasn't a good idea.
I agree. However, if the federal government tried to shut down Medicaid, the first to scream would be the states as it would double their cost.

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