Breaking: Joe Biden Was Obama’s VP


Diamond Member
Mar 3, 2013
Right coast, classified
In case you forgot, Joe Biden was Obama’s VP.



Oh, and Biden was Obama’s VP.
BTW, did you know Biden was Obama’s VP?

And guess who won’t endorse Former VP Joe Biden.
The only reason why Obama isn't endorsing Sleepy Joe is because Obama doesn't want to be involved in any of Biden's Hugsfest or Hair-caressing "New Green Deal".

Matter of fact, Obama would feel awkward if he was to endorse someone he was with for eight years; and that he he had to endure from other cabinet members that Biden was "accused of" doing the same thing. :|
Obama will back whoever the nominee is. He dont want to destroy what little is left of him by picking someone the dem voters dont want.
One of the smartest decisions that fruitcake ever made
Obama will back whoever the nominee is. He dont want to destroy what little is left of him by picking someone the dem voters dont want.
One of the smartest decisions that fruitcake ever made

Trying so desperately to protect what little of his legacy Trump hasn't destroyed, that Obama.

Biden was insurance.

The meat puppet knew no one would try and get him out of the way through impeachment or even unspeakable means that I won't even joke about, lest they open the door to the oval office for someone who might just be as stupid as Hank Johnson or Occasional Cortex.


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