Breaking Bad: The Final 8

I'm not buying the Jesse Pinkman storyline. It's just not realistic.

Nobody would throw away $5 million because they felt guiltyl

Anybody who had $5 million would get over their guilt or make some excuse in their mind to justify what happened.
I fully agree. But that was only one of many avoidable flaws in what could have been a much better overall production.

Some flaws in a fictional production are allowable for the sake of dramatic effect. But when a flaw occurs at the level of avoidable absurdity the effect is disappointment. And while the Breaking Bad series went along just fine for the most part it began falling short in the final episodes.

In my opinion, Breaking Bad did very well as a fictional series but the writers resorted to circumstantial fantasy in much of the final episodes.

The difference between fiction and fantasy is fiction is credible, fantasy is not. And much of what went on in the final episodes of Breaking Bad was simply incredible. The bottom line is the writers could have done much better.

you know whats funny is, for a while , too long actually, I was still rooting for Walt, but hes turned into such a total shit, he deserves to die ( maybe the cancer comes back?).....hopefully it will end better than the sopranos did;)
Actually The Sopranos series didn't end. It stopped. If Gandolfini had lived it could have gone on.

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