Breaking: Another Muslim Soldier, This Time AWOL, Arrested Planning Attack At Ft Hood


May 29, 2010
This should be enough justification to go ahead a purge the military of these type of people. This is a serious national security risk for our military and civilians in this country and abroad. I believe a full deportation of muslims or any persons with a name of middle eastern origins should be enacted. This person named Nassar arrested a few hours ago has admitted he was going to attack the Ft. His intent was to kill troops. He had jihadist literature on him. You know, we put the japanese living in America in Interment camps during WW2 for national security purposes. There is no reason why we can't do this to Muslims during this war until it's over and we have declared full total victory.

FBI: AWOL soldier arrested with bomb materials near Ft. Hood -
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You have to wonder why are Muslim people so prone to violence? This guy filed for conscientious-objector status because he says he couldn't kill another muslim but on the other hand, he was perfectly capable and willing to kill American Chistians. This was purely motivated by his Islamic religion and this is the problem with this type of people. They can't be trusted.
You gotta ask yourself why they keep joining the military. Answer! to be close to their targets.

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