Bravo israel!


Gold Member
Feb 19, 2012
Finally Netanyahu does something right to protect & defend his own Israeli citizens. Today Israel whacked Ahmad Jabari, Hamas military Chief to let the Palestinian terrrorists know that their rocket missile attacks on Israel is coming to an end no matter how many other Hamas leaders Israel will have to communicate with in the only language they understand. I'ts about time. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY.
"Oil advanced after Israel carried out a series of airstrikes in the Gaza Strip that killed the leader of Hamas’s militant wing, bolstering concern that unrest in the Middle East will intensify and affect supplies..."

"'The Israeli strike on Gaza has raised the security premium,' said John Kilduff, a partner at Again Capital LLC, a New York-based energy hedge fund. 'The Israelis made it clear that this may be the first of many strikes. This episode raises tension in an already troubled region.'"

Oil Advances in New York After Airstrikes by Israel - Businessweek

Somewhere Sir Ronald Storrs, the first British Military Governor of Jerusalem, is smiling, knowing his prediction of a little, loyal Jewish Ulster in the heart of Arab oil has all come true.

Sorry 'bout all those dead kids (on both sides)
Finally Netanyahu does something right to protect & defend his own Israeli citizens. Today Israel whacked Ahmad Jabari, Hamas military Chief to let the Palestinian terrrorists know that their rocket missile attacks on Israel is coming to an end no matter how many other Hamas leaders Israel will have to communicate with in the only language they understand. I'ts about time. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY.

Yes indeed, what an absolute slouch Bibi was during Cast-Lead....if only he'd been more hands-on, he could've killed thousands of Arab children instead of a mere 400....:badgrin:
I guess Assad of Syria is no slouch. He seems to be killing many, many more Muslims than were killed in the incident Skitzo is referring to. His father and the present King of Jordan's father were no slouches either since they managed to killed thousands of Palestinians. Compared to them, Bibi is a pussy cat. I wonder if Skitzo can tell us how many children have died during the fighting in Syria. It would be appreciated if he could also tell us how many Kurdish children have died when Turkey went after the Kurds. Could it be that Skitzo is not interested in these things because no Jews are involved.
Finally Netanyahu does something right to protect & defend his own Israeli citizens. Today Israel whacked Ahmad Jabari, Hamas military Chief to let the Palestinian terrrorists know that their rocket missile attacks on Israel is coming to an end no matter how many other Hamas leaders Israel will have to communicate with in the only language they understand. I'ts about time. LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY.

Yes indeed, what an absolute slouch Bibi was during Cast-Lead....if only he'd been more hands-on, he could've killed thousands of Arab children instead of a mere 400....:badgrin:
I guess Assad of Syria is no slouch. He seems to be killing many, many more Muslims than were killed in the incident Skitzo is referring to. His father and the present King of Jordan's father were no slouches either since they managed to killed thousands of Palestinians. Compared to them, Bibi is a pussy cat. I wonder if Skitzo can tell us how many children have died during the fighting in Syria. It would be appreciated if he could also tell us how many Kurdish children have died when Turkey went after the Kurds. Could it be that Skitzo is not interested in these things because no Jews are involved.

why is your defence of Israel's crimes always defended by pointing out the crimes of another ??
Yes indeed, what an absolute slouch Bibi was during Cast-Lead....if only he'd been more hands-on, he could've killed thousands of Arab children instead of a mere 400....:badgrin:
I guess Assad of Syria is no slouch. He seems to be killing many, many more Muslims than were killed in the incident Skitzo is referring to. His father and the present King of Jordan's father were no slouches either since they managed to killed thousands of Palestinians. Compared to them, Bibi is a pussy cat. I wonder if Skitzo can tell us how many children have died during the fighting in Syria. It would be appreciated if he could also tell us how many Kurdish children have died when Turkey went after the Kurds. Could it be that Skitzo is not interested in these things because no Jews are involved.

why is your defence of Israel's crimes always defended by pointing out the crimes of another ??
That's the point Oatsy. Comparison. And Bibi's ain't crimes either.
Netanyahu's crime is his treatment of the Palestinians with peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so they can remain in Israel. No Arab leader ever treated the Palestinians like Bibi does. Looks like those days are finally coming to an end. It's about time he protects & defends his own citizens for a change from the Palestinians.
who, hossy is your local freedom fighter?

when you are in mecca with us, will it be us pussy rioters?

what about in jerusalem?

whose side are you on there?
:clap2: Nothing left of this scum

[ame=]Israeli Airforce Kills Top Hamas Commander Ahmed Al-Jabari - YouTube[/ame]
Netanyahu's crime is his treatment of the Palestinians with peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so they can remain in Israel. No Arab leader ever treated the Palestinians like Bibi does. Looks like those days are finally coming to an end. It's about time he protects & defends his own citizens for a change from the Palestinians. are "trailing your coat" as usual

i find your comments unworthy of you
of jews
of israel
even of netenyahoo who is far more sophisticated a strategist than you allege

and i therefore will not dignify them with any responses you might wish me to make.

except to say you are the worst apology for a "pretending to be an israeli stormtrooper" on this board by far
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Netanyahu's crime is his treatment of the Palestinians with peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so they can remain in Israel. No Arab leader ever treated the Palestinians like Bibi does. Looks like those days are finally coming to an end. It's about time he protects & defends his own citizens for a change from the Palestinians.
"Area A (full civil and security control by the Palestinian Authority): circa 3% of the West Bank, exclusive East-Jerusalem (first phase, 1995).[1][2] In 2011: 18%.[3][4]

"This area includes all Palestinian cities and their surrounding areas, with no Israeli settlements. Entry into this area is forbidden to all Israeli citizens. The Israel Defense Forces maintain no presence, but sometimes conducts raids to arrest suspected militants.

"Area B (Palestinian civil control and joint Israeli-Palestinian security control): circa 25% (first phase, 1995).[1][2] In 2011: 21%.[3][4] Includes areas of many Palestinian towns and villages and areas, with no Israeli settlements.

"Area C (full Israeli civil and security control, except over Palestinian civilians): circa 72% (first phase, 1995).[1][2] In 2011: 61%.[3][4] These areas include all Israeli settlements (cities, towns, and villages), nearby land, most roadways that connected the settlements (and which Israelis are now restricted to) as well as strategic areas described as 'security zones.'[3]

"There were 1,000 Israeli settlers living in Area C in 1972.

"By 1993, their population had increased to 110,000.

"As of 2012 they number more than 300,000 – as against 150,000 Palestinians, the majority of whom are Bedouin and fellahin."

Such a generous peace offering since Area A and B are fragmented into hundreds of Arab enclaves separated by the de facto "Jew Only" roads and other tentacles of Area C.

Administrative divisions of the Oslo Accords - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Zionists didn't learn from their messiah, Hitler, who led them to the promised land. First, you round up all the undesirables, then you fence them into a ghetto, then you terminate them ALL AT ONCE, not 5 or 10 at a time. That'll get the zionists nowhere, the Pals can breed faster than the IDF are killing them.
Outstanding point. I have to agree that Netanyahu is killing Israel. He is also to blame for this ongoing conflict. What kind of leader makes peace offerings to Palestinians of all people, builds a security fence & concedes land to them? No Arab country leader, who know the Palestinians best, ever treated them like Netanyahu. Shame on him.

NuttinbutaYahoo is going to go down in history as the guy who killed Isreal

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