BRAKING: UP to 600 Putlerists- Assadists - Iranians killed by USA army in Syria


Platinum Member
Sep 3, 2017
BRAKING: UP to 600 Putlerists- Assadists - Iranians killed by USA army in Syria , GREAT NEWS, does it mean that USA will strike the same people in Ukraine (Crimea, Lugandon) next time? what will be pynias reaction to this news ?)) LOL

Гиркин: В разгроме ЧВК "Вагнер" в Сирии уверен на 100%. Сожалею о бессмысленной гибели многих товарищей по Донбассу

Forces hit by U.S. in Syria included Russian mercenaries, official says
Great news, that WW3 might've just started?
between NATO and Nigeria in snow, dont worry vova will just swallow , he RESPECTS THE BRUTAL POWER
watch from 1:29 , USA /Kurds are total fu%k&ng upside out the Mongol hordes, who before Syria were killing Ukrainians in Ukraine

- Being almost a week late with "Breaking News" and vastly exaggerating: Propaganda


Expressing joy and happiness over the death of those fighting ISIS: ISIS Propaganda


Propaganda aligned to Ukrainian Nazi-Regime: Nazi Propaganda

That's very good.

When Assad is dropped through the gallows trap door: even better.

Conflict Intelligence Team
11 hours ago
Names emerge of first Russian mercenaries killed in Coalition strikes in Syria

First posts have appeared on social media from relatives and colleagues of Russian mercenaries killed in the Syrian Deir-ez-Zor governorate on February 7. This is the date when, according to a statement from the US-led anti-ISIS coalition, a clash in the Euphrates valley took place. Coalition strikes allegedly killed at least 100 pro-Syrian regime fighters who, according to the statement, attacked"
BRAKING: UP to 600 Putlerists- Assadists - Iranians killed by USA army in Syria , GREAT NEWS, does it mean that USA will strike the same people in Ukraine (Crimea, Lugandon) next time? what will be pynias reaction to this news ?)) LOL

Гиркин: В разгроме ЧВК "Вагнер" в Сирии уверен на 100%. Сожалею о бессмысленной гибели многих товарищей по Донбассу

Forces hit by U.S. in Syria included Russian mercenaries, official says

Reading your rubbish 'posts' is understandable why Russians hate Jews and want to expel them all.

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