Brady Suspended Four Games; Patriots Will Lose Draft Pick


The Ultimate Winner
May 18, 2010
That's it.

Four games, haven't heard the draft picks.

Brady will appeal and it will go down to two games.
"The NFL has suspended New England Patriots quarterback Tom Brady four games for his role in deflating footballs for the AFC Championship Game, the league said in a statement Monday.

The Patriots will also lose a first-round pick in 2016 and a fourth-round pick in 2017 and have been fined $1 million.

The punishment was announced five days after the release of a lengthy report, which found that Patriots personnel deliberately deflated footballs before the AFC Championship Game in January and that Brady "was at least generally aware" of the violations."

Punishments handed down to Tom Brady New England Patriots for Deflategate

More than an asterisk less than a ban. He will never stand among the greatest without the title cheater and liar.

Fair enough. The two draft picks will hurt New England.

$1,000,000 is a good hit.
A 1st round pick for an offense that wasn't proven and which other teams were caught violating without any punishment just this season?

Goodell is such a piece of shit.
A 1st round pick for an offense that wasn't proven and which other teams were caught violating without any punishment just this season?

Goodell is such a piece of shit.

It's fair, Brady lied, that is a big deal and the reason it wasn't $25,000. Brady will appeal and get the suspension reduced to two games.

Not sure if there is an appeals process. The reason the penalties are so stiff is that it was a lot of bad publicity.
Part of Vincent's letter to Brady.

“Your actions as set forth in the report clearly constitute conduct detrimental to the integrity of and public confidence in the game of professional football. The integrity of the game is of paramount importance to everyone in our league, and requires unshakable commitment to fairness and compliance with the playing rules. Each player, no matter how accomplished and otherwise respected, has an obligation to comply with the rules and must be held accountable for his actions when those rules are violated and the public’s confidence in the game is called into question.”

"There will be an immediate impact for the team, but the greater harm may come to Brady’s reputation, which was previously simply that he was one of the best players in the history of the game."

Troy Vincent to Brady Accountable no matter how accomplished ProFootballTalk
A 1st round pick for an offense that wasn't proven and which other teams were caught violating without any punishment just this season?

Goodell is such a piece of shit.
You do not know what you are talking about read the report.
A 1st round pick for an offense that wasn't proven and which other teams were caught violating without any punishment just this season?

Goodell is such a piece of shit.

It's fair, Brady lied, that is a big deal and the reason it wasn't $25,000. Brady will appeal and get the suspension reduced to two games.

Not sure if there is an appeals process. The reason the penalties are so stiff is that it was a lot of bad publicity.

Whose fault was the bad publicity?! The NFL front office leaked information that made the Patriots look bad for the entire 2 weeks leading up to the Super Bowl. Why did this ever even become a thing? Its pretty clear from the report that the NFL has never considered the air pressure in balls to be of very much importance, otherwise the Panthers or Vikings would've been punished in some way for the illegal use of heaters.

The NFL turned this into a shitshow, and now they're punishing the team for something that wasn't proven (and which Belichick and Kraft were CLEARED OF) because what, the Patriots only made McNally available for 4 interviews instead of 5, or because Brady wouldn't hand over his personal cell phone?

I repeat, Goodell is a piece of shit. I want the Patriots to blow the lid off the league so badly.
We play New England week 2. I guess that's a win.
Indeed he wont.:thup: as i have said a million times,he now stands next to Barry Bonds as a player in his sport who had to cheat and lie to achieve greatness.same as Belicheat.

the proof is in the pudding on this as well.most football fans agree as polls show,that he lied same as Bonds did./:up:

pooper and mack trolls only see what they WANT to see when it comes to their two heros here so they wont read it.

I called it.I have said several times here on many threads he would just get a mere slap on the wrist and it would not be more than a couple games because Goodel has his head up Krafts ass and the proof is in the pudding on that with this mere joke suspension. a couple more games that what I said it would be.four games.big wow,huge punishment there.

The cheats as always,get special treatment. I was talking about this with a coworker today and he brought up what any thinking person knows.How could Brady know about this but his coach did not? i have said a few others times as well on other threads,.Brady is Belicheats fall guy taking the sole fall for his involvement in it as well.

the investigation was only going to focus on brady and not belicheats role in it with the intention of brady taking the entire rap for Belicheats involvement in it as well.

the cheats are the NFL's rich spoiled brats who get away with murder so they cant have BOTH of them go down.just Brady so they can say Belicheat was an innocent pawn in all this.

Except everyone knows differently since he was the driving force behind spygate.

even with this joke punishment by the NFL for Brady.It doesnt matter,him and Belicheat have now tarnished the NFL and the pats will be remembered right up there with the black sox scandal for the worst scandal in sports history and pooper,mack and the other brady/belicheat worshippers feelings are hurt over this.:biggrin:

what a joke of a punishment as always especially for the 2017 season being deprived of a mere fourth round draft pick.another big wow,the NFL like the cowards they are,wont deprive them with TWO back to back first round cant have that.:rolleyes:
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We play New England week 2. I guess that's a win.

I never count wins when you face a pissed off team. Ten days to prepare for a game is a long time and maybe his back-up is going to be better than Brady.
I doubt Garappolo (or anyone else they might sign) would be better than Brady. Having said that, expect the Patriots to go no holds barred full revenge mode on everyone this season. The Colts may lose their week 6 game by about 100 points.
More than an asterisk less than a ban. He will never stand among the greatest without the title cheater and liar.

yes sir,indeed.:up: and mack,pooper and all the other belicheat/brady ass kissers are all butthurt over this little truth.:D

Funny how the NFL considers cheating to go to the superbowl,no worse a crime than when they suspended Ben Rothesberger for drunk driving also for four games.:rolleyes-41:

Goodel is too predictable.the worst NFL commissioner in the history of the league as usual,has made the NFL a mockery with this slap on the wrist punishment of brady and letting belicheat get off scott free as we knew he would.
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Too bad it was not the full season.

Now you didnt SERIOUSLY believe it would be an entire season now did you? as I just got done saying,every football fan outside of boston has known for years the cheats are the NFL's spoiled rich brats who get special treatment because Goodel has his head up Krafts ass.

If a team like cleveland did this for example,an owner that doesnt have power and influence like Kraft,he would lose ownership of the team and the head coach would be at least suspended for the whole year and the quarterback as well.
oh my oh my..more and more former NFL players giving their voice they have lost respect for tom brady as well.:biggrin:

this isnt as much of a black eye to brady as his idol montana calling him a cheater.Nothing will ever be able to top that one.:biggrin:

But when one of your former teammates,a former CENTER no less,the guy you had to bond with more than any of the other players even the wide receivers,when even HE joins in as well and also calls you a cheater,thats a double whammy.this one is almost as funny as montana calling him out.

Woody unlike former teammate Bruski,is not afraid to admit he played for a cheater.I tip my hat off for him for being brave enough to come forward and say this.:thup:

Ex-Patriot Damien Woody I believe Tom Brady cheated ProFootballTalk

as you can see from some of the comments here below,the majority of football fans who are able to deal with reality that they are right up there with the black sox scandal,they are saying the same exact same things myself,alex and others have been saying.poor pooper,mack,and the other brady/belicheat worshippers.the truth hurts.:biggrin:

  1. Tom Brady is now ineligible from any and all discussions of “greatest QB”.

    Tainted legacy, has been cheating his entire career.

  2. I love it that there are Patriots fans still puffing their chests out and trying to explain away stuff like this as if it’s not a huuuge problem for their organization.

    this comment above^ sounds like pooper,mack,trollstyle,zander and all the other cheatriot apologists on this forum.:biggrin::lmao::lmao::lmao::rofl: thats what myself,alex and many others here have been saying.:lmao:

  1. Best case scenario for majority of NFL fans.
  2. Seattle lost and Patriots win is tainted.

    Nobody won the SuperBowl last year.

  3. Just because Brady cheated and Belichick already has a history of cheating doesn’t mean anything. Oh wait, scratch that, there is only one reason why they would cheat in the first place. Multiple titles=Multiple asterisks…this isn’t an opinionated statement…Patriots are now officially in the books as being multiple violators when in comes to cheating…period. But let’s not let anything trivial such as the FACTS get in the way here.

  4. AMEN TO THAT:thup::udaman::up::lmao::lmao::lmao::lol::haha::rofl:
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Part of Vincent's letter to Brady.

“Your actions as set forth in the report clearly constitute conduct detrimental to the integrity of and public confidence in the game of professional football. The integrity of the game is of paramount importance to everyone in our league, and requires unshakable commitment to fairness and compliance with the playing rules. Each player, no matter how accomplished and otherwise respected, has an obligation to comply with the rules and must be held accountable for his actions when those rules are violated and the public’s confidence in the game is called into question.”

"There will be an immediate impact for the team, but the greater harm may come to Brady’s reputation, which was previously simply that he was one of the best players in the history of the game."

Troy Vincent to Brady Accountable no matter how accomplished ProFootballTalk

ANOTHER former teammate of Bradys besides former pats center damien woody calling him out.Oh my oh my the butthurt is flowing for pooper and mack.:lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha::haha:

the only thing that makes me sick about that report is the free pass Belicheat gets on this.That it doesnt say the same thing about him at the end that it did on Brady.

that they dont say the greater harm can come to Belicheats reputation as well.
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pooper and mack trolls only see what they WANT to see when it comes to their two heros here so they wont read it.

I called it.I have said several times here on many threads he would just get a mere slap on the wrist and it would not be more than a couple games because Goodel has his head up Krafts ass and the proof is in the pudding on that with this mere joke suspension. a couple more games that what I said it would be.four games.big wow,huge punishment there.

The cheats as always,get special treatment. I was talking about this with a coworker today and he brought up what any thinking person knows.How could Brady know about this but his coach did not? i have said a few others times as well on other thread.Brady is Belicheats fall guy.

the cheats are the NFL's rich spoiled brats who get away with murder so they cant have BOTH of them go down.just Brady so they can say Belicheat was an innocent pawn in all this.

Except everyone knows differently since he was the driving force behind spygate.

even with this joke punishment by the NFL for Brady.It doesnt matter,him and Belicheat have now tarnished the NFL and the pats will be remembered right up there with the black sox scandal for the worst scandal in sports history and pooper,mack and the other brady/belicheat worshippers feelings are hurt over this.:biggrin:
Okay you piece of shit, quit trolling my threads. I think Brady got what he deserved .

You are a fuckin screw lose asshole. You say the fuckin Cubs are your favorite NL team then two fuckin posts later you claim the Pirates are. You tell everyone the Seahawks will probably win all their games then when called on your shit, you whine and cry for months trying to redefine your spunk. The we have you cumming all over the board claiming the Rams will be in LA in 2015, fuckin wrong again bitch. Not only do you have a 40 million page thread on the Rams moving to LA you drag the shit to other threads. 95% of the fuckin posts are from you, no one else gives a shit. Get a clue!
Then you lie about ignoring me, what a joke, you wouldn't know I started threads. So you again caught lying. Then you say "someone farted" really? Are you a first grader? It was funny the first 16 million times you posted it it isn't funny anymore, you,mp remind of the kid who pissed his pants in school and is always trying to get respect. It is typical troll behavior. If you really don't like my fuckin posts leave me the fuck alone got it dumb shit. The you have the fact you don't know where or where not to capitalize letters and your punctuation is awful. Let's talk about spelling, how many ways can you fuckin spell Goodell? I have seen it several ways with you. Did your momma drop you on your head a few dozen times or is stupid just natural for you?

I respect everyone on this board but you, you are nothing but a little bitch wanting attention and thinking your fuckin opinion is better than those you disagree with. You are a shit storm troll nothing more.

You got on my thread now I am going to go after your threads, troll bitch.

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