Brady/Patriots: MK Media [Lombardi at Vatican?]


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Sep 22, 2013
Now that Tom Brady is the official 'Lombardi QB [NFL] of the New Millennium' (having won a whopping 6 Super Bowls since 2000!), people wonder what this Patriots legend will market/endorse in modern consumerism markets.

We know that the holy Vatican City is no stranger to modern marketing/traffic, since the Vatican now features its own special website. While the Pope has warned recently that kids today should refrain from playing too many video-games, the Vatican has been adapting to the modern needs of marketing/networking in this new age 'pro-globalization' environment.

Video-games have become a hallmark in entertainment/consumerism, and video-game 'friendly' action/adventure films such as Mad Max: Fury Road (Tom Hardy, Charlize Theron) represent a modern perspective on marketing and aesthetics.

Perhaps we'll see Brady working with Hardy/Theron at an E3 conference or MK Tournament in which there's discussion about the 'spirituality' and 'imagineering' behind youth-targeted consumerism markets.

Isn't that what TrumpUSA should be all about (really)? Should we embrace 'pedestrian' metaphysics?

Incidentally, has Mortal Kombat replaced Pole Position?




"Tom Brady met with Charlize Theron and Tom Hardy at an incredible MK Tournament/Exposition featuring Bill Gates of Microsoft talking about MK games/tourneys hosted and featured on his company's working platform Xbox. Brady, Theron, and Hardy wanted to see what kids today were excited about in the world of video-games and consumer electronics. Christmas 2019 was approaching, and Brady wanted to toast his 6th Lombardi victory (over the Rams in Super Bowl LIII!) by celebrating with kids at the MK event."


"Brady, Theron, and Hardy remarked on the colorfulness of new age MK warrior-avatars such as Kitana, Raiden, Leatherface, Mileena, and Sonya Blade. Kids today were exposed to very graphic forms of action-adventure storytelling in video-game media, and Brady thought about the Pope's warning about kids today immersing themselves too much in the exotic world of video-games. Brady was particularly interested in the gender-symbolism of two MK female warrior-avatars, Kitana and Sonya Blade. Theron and Hardy, movie-star friends of Brady and recent co-stars on the action-adventure film Mad Max, were equally interest in the social value of Kitana and Sonya Blade."


"Brady had become a media celebrity and NFL god. His 6th Lombardi trophy made him a prime candidate for new age marketing. Various companies wanted to grab him for special deals and endorsements for shoes, consumer electronics, colognes, breakfast cereals, and even computers. That's what drew Brady to the MK event that early December, and Theron and Hardy wondered if a new Hollywood film about the great Tom Brady was already brewing in various movie studios in L.A."


"Hardy and Theron wanted to use the MK event to talk about the social value of consumer electronics and particularly video-games being marketed to today's youngsters across the world and especially in the USA. Hardy and Theron wanted to see if the new Madden NFL video-game, featuring the great Tom Brady on the cover of course, was going to be a key consumerism 'trophy' that Christmas shopping-season. Hardy and Theron were also interested in the Pope's warning about kids playing too much video-games in this new age of great electronics wizardry."


"Meanwhile, Brady was looking at some of the booth-art at the MK event featuring the female warrior-avatar Sonya Blade who usually wore some kind of guerrilla or earthen-colored gear/outfit. Brady noticed that young girls and boys liked playing with Sonya Blade and using her was a fighter to challenge the established 'combat-dominion' of male warriors such as Raiden and Leatherface. Brady noted that Sonya Blade was attractive and sharp and wondered if he would help market her in some MK or Xbox advertising campaign, to please companies seeking to use his 'Lombardi-celebrity' status to promote consumerism that Christmas. Brady considered Sonya Blade to be a modern rendition of Barbie or Gidget!"


"Because Mortal Kombat video-games, especially Mortal Kombat X, had become so iconic and popular among youngsters, Brady/Theron/Hardy believed marketing such a game would be symbolic of modern TrumpUSA capitalism-flowery(!). Journalists would remark how the trio of celebrities (an NFL star and two movie-stars) were involved in the MK event and hyping video-game sales to kids across America. Perhaps the involvement of social icons such as celebrities would add something beneficial in the discussion about the 'spiritual value' of video-games in modern consumerism consciousness."


"Brady was invited to a private inside-room at the MK event in which he was surprised to notice fellow New England Patriots [NFL] team-mates were already present and playing Mortal Kombat X and Madden NFL games(!). Brady got in the mix and played with the Sonya Blade avatar, challenging this team-mate Rob Gronkowski and TV talk-show host Conan O'Brien. Brady crushed O'Brien using Sonya Blade, and O'Brien remarked how Sonya Blade had become a favorite of the great Tom Brady. What would the Pope have said about all this media/gaming confetti? What would President Trump say?"


"Kids today play so many video-games, it's ridiculous. While Consumer Reports and other publications/websites help market and hype and also review many of these games, it's really up to the players/kids themselves to determine the metaphysics of the gaming-experience. Video-games are like the Vegas for kids! That's why Brady/Theron/Hardy were at the MK event, doing 'research' on the dynamics/sociology of consumerism imagination and possibly what it might mean for their advertising careers."


"Theron noticed a rather attractive woman at the MK event dressed as the warrior-avatar Sonya Blade. Theron approached the woman, named Shelbye, and explained that she herself had played two warriors, Aeon Flux and Furiosa, in two very different futuristic/dystopian films. Shelbye was impressed and told Theron she was a fan of her films and was at the MK event to see what kids (especially girls and young women) thought about Sonya Blade. Theron realized there was more to 'video-game dominions' than expected."


"Brady had appeared in a fun Halloween costume photo-shoot with his wife Gisele, in which the couple dressed up like foods. It was a fun photo, and it represented Tom Brady's interest in media/marketing to complement his thrilling NFL career. This was capitalism at its finest, and new age diplomats would have to see how ethics/spiritualism would be coordinated with the flurry and hustle of commerce (and magazine-culture!)."


"Of course, Brady didn't want to be an NFL celebrity who didn't reach out to kids/youngsters. His attendance at the MK event marked a sharp turn in media and marketing, and it highlighted his Lombardi-confetti NFL career(!). When asked by a journalist if Brady wanted to meet the Pope, the NFL celebrity explained he was no stranger to the divinity of Catholicism and would be humbled and honored by such a spiritual meeting. Brady was excited to discuss video-games with the Pope and wanted to see what the Pope thought about kids in America today wearing NFL fan-gear."


BRADY: Capitalism can be very cool...
TRUMP: You're a media guru now!
BRADY: I had so much fun with Theron/Hardy at the MK event.
TRUMP: Yes, I hear those two movie-stars are working on a MK movie now.
BRADY: Yes, that new movie directed by Brett Ratner features Sonya Blade!
TRUMP: I read somewhere you're a huge fan of Sonya Blade now, Tom.
BRADY: Winning Super Bowls has endeared me to the 'magic' of American media.
TRUMP: Great; I got this NFL-themed comic book for you.




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