Boycott the Beast


Wood Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 17, 2014
I read somewhere that 17% of Americans are skipping out on Christmas (the consumer aspect of it).

The FED is doing everything in its power to stimulate inflation. I disagree with everyone who's been predicting a rise in interest rates. I also disagree with everyone who's been predicting runaway inflation. Wall Street's greatest fear is deflation, as illustrated by last week's crash due to falling oil prices.

This Voodoo Economic scheme depends on eternal growth and inflation. If the planet is consuming X number of widgets in 2014, it needs to consume (1.2)X widgets next year, ad infinitum. The economy relies on eternal growth, but the system is finite.

Americans generally have everything they need to survive. The problem for marketers, therefore, becomes one of cultivating artificial needs for the consumer. But at some point, people take a look at all the crap piled up in their garages, and realize the ridiculousness of their consumption habits.

In China and other developing domestic economies, people are just coming into their consumer identities.

But for the American, the next stage in his cultural evolution will be one characterized by simplification. Buy less, consume less, work less, and enjoy the simple things in life. We're at the very first light of dawn in that process, that non-violent revolution, but it will ultimately bring our present economic paradigm down.

"The more you know, the less you need."- Yvon Chouinard.
Interesting that the markets are down again today, so far. Oil dropped even lower. The futures before the opening bell were pointing toward a dead cat bounce. It could still materialize, I suppose.

The great thing about capitalism is the law of self-correction. ie. The low price of oil, in theory, would put a choke on production. In reality, there are other factors at play.

Elections don't matter. How you influence the future is via your consumer habits. That's how you really and truly leave a mark on the world.
My children and I are going to go shopping for each other on Jan 1 and open our gifts Jan 2. We have dedicated this month to various community/church/family events and gift exchanges.

We can't do everything in one month. There isn't enough money in one month for it. Though i am starting to get a little ahead with the gifts as my little stashes of homemade items grows....
Pouring rain in Cali kept me inside all day. Following the market, it just happened to be one of the most interesting days in recent memory.

Oil careened to a 5+ year low. The Ruble is free falling. All commodities fell

Ultimately, the USA is the winner in these developments. Maybe some jobs get shed in Houston and North Dakota, but as a whole the US has further entrenched itself as the lone Superpower on the planet.

Look for the SPX to rise to 2200 in 2015, and watch the rest of the planet burn.

I just call it like I see it.
Americans generally have everything they need to survive.

100% stupid, idiotic and liberal. Its not up to the Nazi liberal to decide what people need to survive. Some people need more food to survive and some who are higher on Maslow's hierarchy of needs, need opera, exotic sports cars, private schools, and art collections. Its not up to liberal Nazis to decide what people need. If you want to live off the land in Montana feel free but take your Nazi ways with you.
It's true. Americans enjoy the highest standard of living on the planet. Our welfare recipients enjoy a higher standard of living than the upper middle class in Mexico.

That's what freedom does for you. We are free to pursue happiness in all its many forms. That makes us more successful, and that's why everybody wants to come to the US.

If you don't like it, take yourself off to a third world shithole where the state tells you what your standard of living should be. Try N. Korea.
I'm calling for the SPX to rise to 2200 in 2015. I don't like it or dislike it. I call it as I see it.

As for me and myself, I will continue to live a minimalist lifestyle.
Ultimately, though, the minimalist lifestyle will become the path of integrity.
Ultimately, though, the minimalist lifestyle will become the path of integrity.
That's what the hippies said back in the 70s. Some have moved on to college tenure and are raping the living fuck out of the poor students.

yes minimilist with smart phones , social media, internet, and other modern high tech and expensive Republican inventions to help them bring about the lib commie revolution.
Ultimately, though, the minimalist lifestyle will become the path of integrity.
That's what the hippies said back in the 70s. Some have moved on to college tenure and are raping the living fuck out of the poor students.

yes minimilist with smart phones , social media, internet, and other modern high tech and expensive Republican inventions to help them bring about the lib commie revolution.

Ed, would create a list of all the Republican inventions for us?
Ultimately, though, the minimalist lifestyle will become the path of integrity.
That's what the hippies said back in the 70s. Some have moved on to college tenure and are raping the living fuck out of the poor students.

yes minimilist with smart phones , social media, internet, and other modern high tech and expensive Republican inventions to help them bring about the lib commie revolution.

Ed, would create a list of all the Republican inventions for us?

all American inventions are supplied via supply side or capitalist economics which liberals oppose. The liberal idea is to stimulate demand with various welfare programs. Get it? Inventions versus welfare. Which got us from the stone age to here?

Simple enough for a liberal to understand?
Gotta admit. I've been addicted to this iPhone for the last few months. What can I say? I'm a hypocrite. This phone is making me go blind, too. Seriously.

But, totally, Steve Jobs was a far right conservative. And Cupertino, CA, is a bastion of conservatism. Yeah, that's the ticket.
Gotta admit. I've been addicted to this iPhone for the last few months. What can I say? I'm a hypocrite. This phone is making me go blind, too. Seriously.

im trying to get the 6plus but its still not available. Its seems the ailing middle class has money to burn after all.

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