Boy Am I Glad We're Giving All That Taxpayer Cash To Egypt...

Egypt in general is a pretty shoddy country, people just throw shit and garbage everywhere, most Middle Eastern countries are like that for the most part.

In Afghanistan they throw their feces onto the sidewalks from where it is swept up and burned. The smoke from it is always in the air. Our servicemen have to take antibiotics the entire time they are in country and for 3 months after they return home.

Most places in Afghanistan don't have running water or toilets, they have been disposing of feces and waste like this for decades now. For the most part most people in Afghanistan are illiterate and live in mud huts, and they seem content to stay in those huts reciting their Qurans, fucking goats, and living in squalor. I say we let them have at it.

Hey, I can dig it!

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