Boston Marathon bombings: FIVE illuminati milestones from truth in plain sight to manhunt for aliens


Senior Member
Apr 26, 2014
Boston Marathon bombings: milestone for illuminati's commandment of truth in plain sight
Adding new or increasing existing elements to the post-event official picture:
- from 0 to 2 airplanes in 9/11 2001 to runners
- from a dozen to hundreds of runners in Boston Marathon bombings.
The reason why Boston is a milestone is not the number of added elements.
It's because for the first time the official photo deliberately exposes the official video.
But there are no less than other four illuminati milestones.

Boston marathon bombings milestones: from false flags staged in public only with actors to manhunt of perfectly integrated aliens
Boston marathon bombings hoax set four other milestones.
It was the first episode :
1. only with actors suposedly staged in public. Reality: staged after almost all runners had finished race and the few remaining were previously barred from entering the arrival area.
2. preparing martal law by simulating a manhunt, large urban areas in lockdown, everyone controlled by neo-Gestapo
3. where impostor impersonating Putin played the main role in convincing the audience that a "terrorist attack" staged with actors is reality.
4. "perfectly integrated" muslim suddenly turns into a terrorist (Tsarnaev brothers).

Following episodes advancing agendas for which Boston marathon set a milestone.
1. All actors in "public": train derailment Santiago de Compostela, Spain 2013; Westgate shopping mall attack, Kenya, 2013; Volgograd bombings, Russia, 2014; downed Malaysia Boeing 777 in Ukraine, 2014; Trans Asia crash, Taiwan, 2015; "open casket funeral" of Boris nemtsov, Moscow, 2015.
2. simulating a manhunt: the 2015 caricarturists series: Paris Charlie Hebdo; Copenhagen.
3. "Putin" in the leading role selling simulated false flags as reality: downed Malaysia Boeing 777 in Ukraine, "open casket funeral" of Boris Nemtsov, Moscow.
4. preparing the manhunt for ALL non-whites: latest are the british teens including minors girls who went to Syria to join ISIS and academic Jihadi John.

Crime fiction served as news: the Tsarnaev brothers
Dzhokhar and Tamerlan Tsarnaev - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Added Feb 2015:
From fully integrated Rolling Stone teen Dzhokhar Tsarnaev to the ISIS british teen girls, including minors:
Amira Abase went from London schoolgirl to Jihadi bride for ISIS Daily Mail Online
From only partly integrated aspiring boxer Tamerlan Tsarnaev to fully integrated fashion conscious dressed like a gangsta rapper academic Jihadi John:
Jihadi John A profile of the world s most wanted Islamist RT UK

Manhunt of non-whites

After Putin was murdered and until the Boston bombings hoad, the impostor had already the leading role convincing the audience that in episodes staged only with actors are real:
- with russian actors only, from Puzy Riot to Bolshoi star attacked with acid;
- with an international cast ("political asylum" for illuminati psy-op "Snowden" in the role of leaker).
For "Putin" start with:
Boris Nemtsov, first supposedly open casket funeral after a fake death:
Illuminati faking deaths Oppositor Boris Nemtsov killed by Putin for dummies parallel script to Spock Anna Lindh reverse script to Anna Politkovskaya

Illuminati Milestones Boston marathon bombings all actors in public to manhunt for perfectly integrated aliens
Tsarnaev sentenced to death as FULLY explained in advance only by Last Prophet:
it's NOT about the actor playing Joker Tsarnaev - it's about YOU
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Fifth milestone (only implicitly stated in first post):
5. sentencing to death anyone ("joker" Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was a minor at the time of the "crime") for any "crime" (Dzhokhar was only following orders from his older brother).
Psy-ops setting the stage to have the audience accept the genocide of children
It includes lowering the execution age for teenagers.
More actors playing the same role as Joker Tsarnaev in this agenda - Examples with acts also advancing the manhunt for non-whites agenda:
2 Oct 2015
Why was this 'admired and gentle' father-of-two brutally gunned down in cold blood? Police probing radicalised 15-year-old's motives for targeting accountant outside police HQ in Parramatta
Pictured: The father of two gunned down in Parramatta terror attack

7 Oct 2015
Massachusetts teen may use mental defense in murder trial:
Massachusetts teen may use mental defense in murder trial: judge
The illimaniti?

Person sets a bomb / explosive device.

Bomb / explosive device detonates. Shock wave decompresses the body and or internal organs, or if person(s) are close enough and explosive is powerful enough.....the shock wave ( blast wave ) shears the body. Most likely cause of death is severe head concussion.....secondary to internal damage of the ears. In most instances involving explosives, the air around the explosive becomes over pressurized. An explosive detonated inside a building ( especially a steel building - or a cave ) causes the blast wave to reflect inward...... of the steel building ( frame - steel or metal frame....... hundreds or thousands of times before the shock wave subsides; and the over pressure of the atmosphere caused from the explosion to stay contained inside the has no where to go.

Fragmentation ( if any ) parts ( shrapnel - nails - broken metal parts - ball bearings - scrap metal & aluminum ) of the explosive flies through the air at varying speeds.....depending on type of explosive used ( explosive have different blast velocities ) - and enter body structures......even at supersonic speeds, tearing tissue, blood vessels and internal organs. Death from explosives can be instantaneous, or slow

If the explosive is on the ground ( briefcase or backpack bomb ).....dirt, gravel and other objects are picked up with the explosive force and hurled through the air with the shock/blast wave and any shrapnel attacked.

If the explosive is in a vehicle - steel, glass, aluminum and vehicle parts become secondary shrapnel. The vehicles gas tank could be used as a secondary detonator for the explosive process.

Explosives are tricky devices. One whom has only been trained needs to deal with them. The explosive and any booby-traps ( mercury switch if it is moved - Motion / seismic detection if anyone approaches - photo / light sensor if a flashlight or room light is turned on around it ) need to be dealt with by the professionals.

Terror is not done by some secret squirrel organization. Terror is done by......terrorist.

Shadow 355
INDIA GANG RAPES staged by India's puppets - from demonize indians before manhunt for non-whites in US and EU to legalize terror in India
Leaders of BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa) are TOTALLY controlled by the illuminati, same as nearly every other UN recognized government.

illuminati media's INDIA GANG RAPE broken record for dummies - agendas exposed worldwide first by LAST PROPHET
1. Like any other case today non-stop "covered" by illuminati media, it's TOTALLY staged with actors, what is justified first of all by illuminati's religon principle of ENDLESS DECEPTION.

2. Another general goal for staging these kind of cases using ONLY actors, is illuminati's religion principle of HIDDEN in PLAIN SIGHT: tell to the human cattle that "we TOTALLY control your government, politics, justice, media".

3. Another general agenda: having the human cattle robotically repeating that "Black is white", which also proes the truth of the illuminati religion.
Black is white in this case: asians in general and indians in particular are rapists while in fact sexual assaults and sex slavery are much higher in the US and EU.

4. "Black is white" pushed even further, as the indians protesting are in fact being used in the psy-op preparing the genocide of asians, in the race war to be launched in US and EU following the 2013 BIG BANG.
In other words: same agenda as the "China owns you" psy-op.

5. Acceptance of death penalty even for minors, part of legalizing terror to suppress protest, same as having a minor, joker Tsarnaev, as the star of the Boston marathon hoax.

6. Rally the masses behind the illuminati puppets of the govermemt.

Jan 2016: Talk of Mass gang rape psy-ops: syrian refugees:
Why staged at Cologne main train station: explained by Last Prophet months in advance
Mind Control Techniques - in fact just the Big Lie at work: Death trains; Paint Refugees as criminal migrants to set stage and after to keep them rolling
Illuminati Agenda, illustrated with key acts of illuminati theater: India Gang Rapes staged: from demonize to terrorize indians
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