Bored Beyond Belief

mom4 said:
And here I thought you were a lone wolf!

The more the merrier, for the most part. I'm only really opposed to one thing. "Severe Tire Damage", know what I'm sayin'?
rtwngAvngr said:
The more the merrier, for the most part. I'm only really opposed to one thing. "Severe Tire Damage", know what I'm sayin'?
No. I have virgin ears.
fuzzykitten99 said:
Tim and I are at a loss as to what to do for entertainment or just to occupy our time, without spending money, because we have very little until next week. This is hard because I am SO sick of TV and movies (and the computer), we have Nathan who is 2, and I am pregnant with lower back issues (limits time on my feet), so what can we do??

Weather sucks right now, so outdoor activites are no go, all our friends are busy doing other things, and the house is clean, so nothing to do there.

Anyone have any ideas that do not involve watching TV or movies? Something that we can all do together without spending money, unless it is like $15 max? thanks!!
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