Border watch in Pinal worries officials


Senior Member
Aug 22, 2009
A Phoenix man described as a neo-Nazi is calling for people to bring "plenty of firearms and ammo" to a border watch operation in Pinal County that he is promoting as the "Minuteman Project on steroids."

The man behind the rally call is Jason "J.T." Ready, who is identified as a "nativist" an "outright neo-Nazi" by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a civil rights organization that monitors hate groups.

In an e-mail titled "Border action alert," Ready calls for a "show of force and solidarity of concerned patriots ... to stand the line near Interstate 8 to show the world that the line in the sand has been drawn."

The operation is set to take place today in the Vekol Valley, located about halfway between Casa Grande and Gila Bend. It's the same area that Pinal County Sheriff Paul Babeu has said is now controlled by drug smugglers, and where a deputy from his department got into a gunfight with suspected smugglers on April 30.

Ready specifically invites militias, motorcycle clubs, National Guard, constitutional groups and the National Socialist Movement. The NSM is one of the largest neo-Nazi hate groups in the country with 61 chapters in 35 states, according to the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Reached by phone, Ready said he's a member of the group but said it's not a neo-Nazi hate group. Asked to describe it, he said it's a national socialism group. He said the Southern Poverty Law Center is among a group of organizations that is out to destroy America.

Ready said he and volunteers will shut down the major drug smuggling corridor for 24 hours by putting snipers on observation points and patrolling in vehicles and on foot. He declined to estimate how many people he expected. He and others were already out in the valley Friday doing work, he said.

"We've got assault rifles, we've got military equipment," Ready said. "This is a serious situation we have coming into Phoenix."

The proposed operation and the people Ready's recruiting makes it a potentially dangerous situation, said Heidi Beirich, director of research at the Southern Poverty Law Center.

Border watch in Pinal worries officials

...bound to was just a matter of time. This is what we get for not putting more pressure on the feds to do something sooner!!! We will have the inmates running the asylum in the USA also just as they are in MEXICO.

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