Border agent shot dead in Arizona,


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Border agent shot dead in Arizona,
four arrested

PHOENIX (Reuters) – A U.S. Border Patrol agent was shot dead by assailants close to the Mexico border in southern Arizona and four suspects have been arrested, authorities said on Wednesday.

Agent Brian A. Terry was shot dead while on patrol near the border city of Nogales on Tuesday night, Tucson sector Border Patrol spokesman Mario Escalante said.

"We have four subjects in custody and we are continuing the search for more subjects,"
Escalante told Reuters.

Arizona straddles a furiously trafficked corridor for human and drug smugglers from Mexico.

Escalante said the FBI was leading the investigation into the shooting and would provide further details during the day. ... a_shooting

What does it take, for Obama, Janet and the rest of the sleeping idiots to get the message? Illegal aliens have been entering this country for the past 50+ years and committing crimes, killing Americans and raping children and all sorts of destructive things, to know we are being attacked by a foreign enity...
Yeah, right. Some how the justice department will find a way to justify this murder as an accident, self defense, etc

Four or more law abiding hardworking people who only want to take care of their families and have the American Dream. Probably have a couple of children with them.:
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Our government is as guilty as those who killed this agent. If they only enforced our immigration laws against businesses hiring illegal aliens and dangling amnesty before them this would not have happened. Also responsible for all the other Americans illegal aliens have killed and children that have been raped. Like the two year old in the dollar store.
Hi all, first post, drinks all around for everyone, barkeep!

This is a shame, the family must be just in pieces over this. And the so-called news media is tippy-toeing around this issue, even here in Phoenix. Huffington Post, who was so vocal about immigration back during the brou-ha-ha over 1070, is now strangely silent as in; Arizona? What? Who is that? Where? Nope, nothing to see here, just move along.
Typical liberal media, I suppose. did post an article today on the murder of this border patrol agent, though you have to do a search to actually find it.

From the article:

"The border is not secure," T.J. Bonner, president of the National Border Patrol Council said. "Those who say that it's secure are either misinformed or they're being disingenuous. If you have bandits operating that far north into the United States and there's enough activity to sustain that (criminal enterprise), it tells you there's a lot of traffic getting by the Border Patrol...There are men and women who go out and risk their lives every night. It never gets easy and it seems to get harder every time you lose another brother from law enforcement."

He's not saying anything we don't already know, obviously, but I decided to use this quote to contrast the oath our federal lawmakers must take as they are sworn into office.


"I, A__ B__, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God." (5 U.S.C. 3331.)

A failure to protect our borders is a direct violation of this oath. Our federal government has broken its contract with the states and the American people, yet they expect the states to be obedient and--dare I say--bend over and take it up the ass without a fight.
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The oath, what of it? I swore it along time ago and far far away. I have never been un-oathed, so I guess it still applies.

Should we ask our elected officials to stand with us, and take THIS oath?

"I hereby declare, on oath, that I absolutely and entirely renounce and abjure all allegiance and fidelity to any foreign prince, potentate, state, or sovereignty of whom or which I have heretofore been a subject or citizen; that I will support and defend the Constitution and laws of the United States of America against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I will bear arms on behalf of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform noncombatant service in the Armed Forces of the United States when required by the law; that I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God."

Our current CIC had a problem with the original oath of office, yes?
Our current CIC had a problem with the original oath of office, yes?

Hmmm...Refresh my memry.
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Originally posted by uptownlivin90
My prayer goes out to the family.


Too late for that, Haitian.

It is already Mexico on both sides of the border in case you haven't noticed.
It's a danergous job protecting the border.

We can expect more of this as Mexico's economy continues not to provide jobs with living wages for its people.

We probably cannot do much to elleviate that problem.

Then too, there's the stupid drug laws we have which give criminals opportunity to make the big bucks moving drugs across the border.

Now that we can do something about.

WE merely lack the political will to do anything about that.

This guy was still another victim of one or the other (possibly both) of those two aforementioned situations.

We ought to be hiring people to truly seal the boarder.

THAT would be an excellent WPA kind of job.
Our government is as guilty as those who killed this agent. If they only enforced our immigration laws against businesses hiring illegal aliens and dangling amnesty before them this would not have happened. Also responsible for all the other Americans illegal aliens have killed and children that have been raped. Like the two year old in the dollar store.
Wasn't the border agent enforcing immigration policy...and did someone force him to take that job?

Helloooooooooooooooooooo - Obama where are you??????????????? How many more??? I guess we are waiting for this violence to be in full force in the USA BEFORE those in WA wake up to this mess!!!
Our government is as guilty as those who killed this agent. If they only enforced our immigration laws against businesses hiring illegal aliens and dangling amnesty before them this would not have happened. Also responsible for all the other Americans illegal aliens have killed and children that have been raped. Like the two year old in the dollar store.
Wasn't the border agent enforcing immigration policy...and did someone force him to take that job?

What the fuck don't you understand?:confused:
Our government is as guilty as those who killed this agent. If they only enforced our immigration laws against businesses hiring illegal aliens and dangling amnesty before them this would not have happened. Also responsible for all the other Americans illegal aliens have killed and children that have been raped. Like the two year old in the dollar store.
Wasn't the border agent enforcing immigration policy...and did someone force him to take that job?


Oh give it the fuck up Ravi, if the border patrol agent had shot and killed a Mexican drug runner the border patrol agent would be in Federal Prison. Asswipe.
Our government is as guilty as those who killed this agent. If they only enforced our immigration laws against businesses hiring illegal aliens and dangling amnesty before them this would not have happened. Also responsible for all the other Americans illegal aliens have killed and children that have been raped. Like the two year old in the dollar store.
Wasn't the border agent enforcing immigration policy...and did someone force him to take that job?


All Americans are required to repel invading armies of foreigners. Grab a gun and shoot. No court could convict an American doing the same thing he or his family did for America for the last 500 years.

I never saw or heard of any piece of legislation that makes Mexicans immune to this.
Our government is as guilty as those who killed this agent. If they only enforced our immigration laws against businesses hiring illegal aliens and dangling amnesty before them this would not have happened. Also responsible for all the other Americans illegal aliens have killed and children that have been raped. Like the two year old in the dollar store.
Wasn't the border agent enforcing immigration policy...and did someone force him to take that job?


Oh give it the fuck up Ravi, if the border patrol agent had shot and killed a Mexican drug runner the border patrol agent would be in Federal Prison. Asswipe.

Wasn't the border agent enforcing immigration policy...and did someone force him to take that job?


Oh give it the fuck up Ravi, if the border patrol agent had shot and killed a Mexican drug runner the border patrol agent would be in Federal Prison. Asswipe.


Sup Wheelen bud?
Yeah its the guy with the FJ. This whole border prob could be solved by arming the border patrol with assualt rifles complete with grenade launchers and the ability to call in airstrikes.
This problem will go critical for the president and an immigration hardliner will be elected in 2012.

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