Book Penpals


May 29, 2011
I saw this great idea that'd help numerous people understand a tough read and be able to learn a lot. I was wondering if anyone would be interested (Can be more than one) in choosing a book and reading it at the same time. Then, we can talk about the chapter together and have a great understanding of what we're reading.

For instance, I have Capitalism and Freedom by Milton Friedman, is anyone interested in being a penpal?
Pretty surprised nobody is interested, it'd be a huge help to political junkies like us!
Try "A People's History of the United States" by Howard Zinn.

Yes...Zinn was a Socialist and he inserts some of that rhetoric into the book.....mostly in the end in the author's notes. But nonetheless, it is a very interesting read and taken from the perspective of the people you don't read about in the mainstream history books. Slaves, working men and women, native Americans....etc.
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I love reading. I always have, ever since I was 4 years old and learned to read from my sister, who was two years older than I.

However, I reached the age, when my life experience makes it more or less unnecessary for me to read books with a political topic, unless, of course I know that the book was written by someone who has a healthy sense of humor.

Such as Ann Coulter, Glen Beck, Bill O'Reilley, Laura Ingraham, Michelle Malkin or Thomas Sowell.

Therefore, liberal authors need not apply.

Nowadays, I read mostly for amusement and entertainment. My favorite authors are Michael Connelly, Lee Child and James Lee Burke, with C.J. Box and William Tapply as close second.

Anyone cares to read along with me is welcome.
Of course liberal authors need not apply....your faith in your politics is far too sacred to listen to any other point of view....keeps you in your safe little place where you can never be wrong.....or even challenged. Ignorance and narrow mindedness hates differing perspectives.

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