Bolton Got Busy


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003
I missed this while in FL, seems there will be times China's and our goals will overlap. :laugh:

Bolton, China Agree to Stop Bid by U.S. Allies for UN Power

Aug. 3 (Bloomberg) -- John Bolton used his first full day as U.S. ambassador to the United Nations to forge a strategy with China aimed at defeating a formula offered by four U.S. allies to expand the Security Council, the Chinese envoy said.

Chinese Ambassador Wang Guangya said he and Bolton decided to coordinate efforts yesterday to block the initiative by Japan, Germany, Brazil and India, during one of Bolton's first meetings in New York with a UN envoy. President George W. Bush used a constitutional power known as a recess appointment to send Bolton, 56, to New York on Aug. 1 after Senate Democrats who called Bolton too brash for the job prevented a vote on his confirmation.

``We agreed to work together to make sure our interests are being maintained,'' Wang told reporters today at the UN. ``That means we have to work in parallel ways to make sure the unity of UN members will not be spoiled by this maneuver.''

The U.S. and China share veto power on the Security Council with the other three countries whose permanent seats date to the UN's founding in 1945: the U.K., Russia and France. The veto holders have final say over any Security Council changes.

The U.S. publicly backed Japan, the world's second biggest economic power, for a permanent seat last month, expressed opposition to India's attempt and has been noncommittal about the prospects of Brazil and Germany. The U.S. has called for one other permanent council member, besides Japan. Russia and France support Germany for a permanent seat.

Lobby `Friends'

Wang said they agreed to lobby ``our different friends in different parts of the world'' to defeat the draft resolution introduced by Brazil, Germany, India and Japan. The Group of Four, as they call themselves, want the Security Council to be expanded to 25 from 15 members as the first in a series of steps leading to their obtaining permanent seats on the panel. They would have no veto power for at least 15 years, according to their proposals.

The U.S. mission to the UN confirmed the Bolton meeting with the Chinese diplomat and wouldn't comment on the specifics of their discussion.

The U.S. on July 12 urged UN member governments to reject the Group of Four's measure, saying improvements in the world body's management and oversight were greater priorities that should be adopted first.

China opposes the resolution mainly because it wants to deny Japan a permanent seat. The Chinese government supports Security Council expansion to add developing countries.

``Tell Mr. Bolton for me that we are unstoppable,'' Indian Ambassador Nirupam Sen said in an interview today. ``We won't be defeated, certainly not by Mr. Wang and Mr. Bolton.''

Aid, Votes

The Group of Four also faces accusations it is attempting to buy votes from poor countries at the UN by plying them with offers of aid or threats to withdraw development money. Italy said last week the countries were engaging in blackmail. Germany and Japan deny they have linked aid with votes....
I do not like this decision. Let the Indians and others be on the council, it is political window dressing anyway and all we are doing is letting our relations with them and their citizens be soured by this. the japanese are quite pissed at us, i have talked to people on base and they do not like that america won't let them on the UNSC. I imagine the Indian writers I correspond with will share this with me as well. Its dumb and a poor choice of priorities when we should be embarrassing China at the UN over Sudan, Zimbabwe and Burma, as well as North Korea and Iran.

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