Boehner, take the gavel and back away slowly...


Gold Member
Jul 5, 2004
...that is.....if Nancy will actually let go of it....:lol:

As a new Speaker takes over the House today Americans everywhere will be breathing a huge sigh of relief as one of the most delusional (insane?) and catastrophic Speakers steps down...

"we have to pass the bill so we can find out what is inside it"

"this is the most ethical Congress ever"

“Deficit reduction has been a high priority for us. It is our mantra, pay-as-you-go.”
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I love the headline pic on Drudge right now..... they are wasting NO time taking that bitch's name plate down.
Well in a round about sort of way Pelosi kept her promise to drain the swamp. She pushed the legislation in the House, Dimocrats backed it with their votes, and then 63 of them went down the drain last November. Well done, Nance.
She presided over the most ethical and transparant Congress in history. WOW I'm still marveling at all she accomplished. She's gotta be one proud gal.

She accomplished all that even though the voters were screaming "No" at their Congressmen and Senators. What a gal.

Ah well. What do the voters know??

Nov 2010.

Hope she chokes on her minority speakers role. The hag.
She presided over the most ethical and transparant Congress in history. WOW I'm still marveling at all she accomplished. She's gotta be one proud gal.

She accomplished all that even though the voters were screaming "No" at their Congressmen and Senators. What a gal.

Ah well. What do the voters know??

Nov 2010.

Hope she chokes on her minority speakers role. The hag.

Agreed. But I'm praying they keep her, she's become 1 of our best and biggest assets.:lol:
In both the US and in England, the authority of the speaker is demonstrated with a great big mace. In the US, it sits in a stand to the speaker's right while the house is in session.


In England, it sits on the table in front, and must weigh a bunch


Either one is good for swatting the obstreporous.
...that is.....if Nancy will actually let go of it....:lol:

As a new Speaker takes over the House today Americans everywhere will be breathing a huge sigh of relief as one of the most delusional (insane?) and catastrophic Speakers steps down...

"we have to pass the bill so we can find out what is inside it"

"this is the most ethical Congress ever"

“Deficit reduction has been a high priority for us. It is our mantra, pay-as-you-go.”

Trading one Tard for another Retard. LMAO!!!!
"Are Long National Nightmare is over" ....The Pelosi speaker ship :clap2:


Now hopefully we can start to undo some of the damage she has done to this country
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After Nutty Nazi Nancy's long drawn out self-congratulatory speech (most outgoing Speakers don't give long speeches...especially about themselves) she FINALLY passed the big ole gavel from her sticky hands....

This is an alternate ending of that significant passing....

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"Are Long National Nightmare is over" ....The Pelosi speaker ship :clap2:


Now hopefully we can start to undo some of the damage she has done to this country
oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.....that's quite the list you provided.

Nothing wrong with a man that is emotional and cries. Have seen many cry after dropped TD passes, fumbles, missed FGs, important wins and losses.
And also the important things like when Dad died last May.
I like Boehner.

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