*Boehner Is A Rino*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. He snivels like a liberal, whines when he can't win.
2. Never fucking wins!
3. Why is he allowed to be *Speaker*???
4. Lets gang up on him and kick his ass out!!!
5. All he will do is cry!!!!:badgrin:

Of course he's a RINO. He spends like a liberal.
Sorry bout that,

1. He snivels like a liberal, whines when he can't win.
2. Never fucking wins!
3. Why is he allowed to be *Speaker*???
4. Lets gang up on him and kick his ass out!!!
5. All he will do is cry!!!!:badgrin:


Yup, kick out any RINO or so called Republican if they are not a whacked out nut job like most of the loons here. I love it. You loons and the loons you elect are going to lead to the absolute destruction of the Republican Party. Start your own stupid conservative party. Either way, it will lead to a one party system in this country as the Dems take complete control. I really don't think that would be good for the country, but that is where we are headed with so many imbeciles controlling the Republican Party.
You are a rino OP!!!!!!!!!:mad:

Rinos don't say “Go fuck yourself” to the dinosaurs , stubborn ,mules , idiotic Reids of this world!

Boehner is Ok!
Last edited:
Sorry bout that,

1. There are countless Rino's in the party.
2. Boehner with all his visits to the white house to negotiate with Obama directly over the budget and get nothing done while doing it is for cover.
3. Boehner is up in Obama's hip pocket.


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