BOEHNER/CANTOR blink on Killing Medicare


Apr 4, 2006
The Other Side of Paradise
Budget talks: Republicans offer to seek common ground with Democrats

By Lori Montgomery, Published: May 4
Senior Republicans conceded Wednesday that a deal is unlikely on a contentious plan to overhaul Medicare and offered to open budget talks with the White House by focusing on areas where both parties can agree, such as cutting farm subsidies.

On the eve of debt-reduction talks led by Vice President Biden, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (Va.) said Republicans remain convinced that reining in federal retirement programs is the key to stabilizing the nation’s finances over the long term. But he said Republicans recognize they may need to look elsewhere to achieve consensus after President Obama “excoriated us” for a proposal to privatize Medicare.

Budget talks: Republicans offer to seek common ground with Democrats - The Washington Post
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Budget talks: Republicans offer to seek common ground with Democrats

By Lori Montgomery, Published: May 4
Senior Republicans conceded Wednesday that a deal is unlikely on a contentious plan to overhaul Medicare and offered to open budget talks with the White House by focusing on areas where both parties can agree, such as cutting farm subsidies.

On the eve of debt-reduction talks led by Vice President Biden, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (Va.) said Republicans remain convinced that reining in federal retirement programs is the key to stabilizing the nation’s finances over the long term. But he said Republicans recognize they may need to look elsewhere to achieve consensus after President Obama “excoriated us” for a proposal to privatize Medicare.

Budget talks: Republicans offer to seek common ground with Democrats - The Washington Post[/QUOTE]

So they offered to seek common ground and the critics say "blink." There is just no pleasing some people.
They shot themselves in the foot with the medicare proposals. It was blatent and they were trying to slide this by seniors. Seniors, unfortunately for Republicans, saw through this scam and now Rs want to involve Democrats so the blowback at election time will affect both parties.

Boehner, Ryan and the idiot Cantor are the face of an attempt to screw future retirees out of much needed Medicare. They need to find a different way and if Dems join them in this scammy proposal, they deserve to be booted out as well.

Get out of Afghanistan and we'll save a lot of money.
YouTube - Rick Santorum endorses Ryan plan

Last month, House Republicans voted in near-lockstep for the Ryan budget. When Congress went on recess soon thereafter, the constituent backlash was immediate. Many Republican congressmen from across the country encountered constituents who were infuriated that their congressman voted to end Medicare, preserve tax breaks for the wealthy, and protect subsidies for oil companies.

As a result, some of the Republican presidential candidates have been hesitant to endorse Ryan’s unpopular budget plan, though a few tend to hedge their bets by calling the plan “courageous” and praising Ryan’s “leadership.

So, fellow Americans, next time you see those nasty socialist old folks, or physically or mentally handicapped citizen loafers among us, just pitch the nearest rock at 'em

in fact, get a few more rocks ready for all those pensioners, they're all socilaist suck up's killing the system too by gawd!
WASHINGTON – The GOP plan to replace Medicare with vouchers probably will have to wait, party leaders acknowledged Thursday as lawmakers and the White House bowed to political realities in pursuing a deal to allow more government borrowing in exchange for big spending cuts.

Both sides hinted at movement and Vice President Joe Biden reported progress from an initial negotiating session.

Spending cuts and increasing the amount of money the government can keep borrowing to pay its bills are "practically and politically connected," Biden said at the start of budget meetings with lawmakers at Blair House, the guest residence across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House.

The House Republican whose committee oversees Medicare said he's open to other approaches besides the voucher plan that recently passed by the House after a contentious debate that appears to have hurt the party with older voters.

Michigan Rep. Dave Camp, the House Ways and Means Committee chairman, said he supports the GOP approach, but isn't willing to go to the mat for legislation that has no prospects of becoming law.

"I'm not interested in laying down more markers," said Camp. "I'm interested in solutions. ... Let's figure out where there is common ground and let's get there as soon as we can."

Asked about Camp's comments, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said they are "a recognition of the political realities that we face." Nonetheless, Boehner said the GOP Medicare remake remains on the table.

GOP concedes Medicare vouchers unlikely to advance - Yahoo! News

And in other news......:lol::lol::lol::lol:
WASHINGTON – The GOP plan to replace Medicare with vouchers probably will have to wait, party leaders acknowledged Thursday as lawmakers and the White House bowed to political realities in pursuing a deal to allow more government borrowing in exchange for big spending cuts.

Both sides hinted at movement and Vice President Joe Biden reported progress from an initial negotiating session.

Spending cuts and increasing the amount of money the government can keep borrowing to pay its bills are "practically and politically connected," Biden said at the start of budget meetings with lawmakers at Blair House, the guest residence across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House.

The House Republican whose committee oversees Medicare said he's open to other approaches besides the voucher plan that recently passed by the House after a contentious debate that appears to have hurt the party with older voters.

Michigan Rep. Dave Camp, the House Ways and Means Committee chairman, said he supports the GOP approach, but isn't willing to go to the mat for legislation that has no prospects of becoming law.

"I'm not interested in laying down more markers," said Camp. "I'm interested in solutions. ... Let's figure out where there is common ground and let's get there as soon as we can."

Asked about Camp's comments, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said they are "a recognition of the political realities that we face." Nonetheless, Boehner said the GOP Medicare remake remains on the table.

GOP concedes Medicare vouchers unlikely to advance - Yahoo! News

And in other news......:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Water is wet and the sun rises in the morning.

The hole $4Trillion in cuts didn't have legs. The dems have no honest desire to cut spending to lower the debt. They need another bill clinton at the helm
WASHINGTON – The GOP plan to replace Medicare with vouchers probably will have to wait, party leaders acknowledged Thursday as lawmakers and the White House bowed to political realities in pursuing a deal to allow more government borrowing in exchange for big spending cuts.

Both sides hinted at movement and Vice President Joe Biden reported progress from an initial negotiating session.

Spending cuts and increasing the amount of money the government can keep borrowing to pay its bills are "practically and politically connected," Biden said at the start of budget meetings with lawmakers at Blair House, the guest residence across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House.

The House Republican whose committee oversees Medicare said he's open to other approaches besides the voucher plan that recently passed by the House after a contentious debate that appears to have hurt the party with older voters.

Michigan Rep. Dave Camp, the House Ways and Means Committee chairman, said he supports the GOP approach, but isn't willing to go to the mat for legislation that has no prospects of becoming law.

"I'm not interested in laying down more markers," said Camp. "I'm interested in solutions. ... Let's figure out where there is common ground and let's get there as soon as we can."

Asked about Camp's comments, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said they are "a recognition of the political realities that we face." Nonetheless, Boehner said the GOP Medicare remake remains on the table.

GOP concedes Medicare vouchers unlikely to advance - Yahoo! News

And in other news......:lol::lol::lol::lol:

In other words, they care the MOST about the ability to get re-elected.
WASHINGTON – The GOP plan to replace Medicare with vouchers probably will have to wait, party leaders acknowledged Thursday as lawmakers and the White House bowed to political realities in pursuing a deal to allow more government borrowing in exchange for big spending cuts.

Both sides hinted at movement and Vice President Joe Biden reported progress from an initial negotiating session.

Spending cuts and increasing the amount of money the government can keep borrowing to pay its bills are "practically and politically connected," Biden said at the start of budget meetings with lawmakers at Blair House, the guest residence across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House.

The House Republican whose committee oversees Medicare said he's open to other approaches besides the voucher plan that recently passed by the House after a contentious debate that appears to have hurt the party with older voters.

Michigan Rep. Dave Camp, the House Ways and Means Committee chairman, said he supports the GOP approach, but isn't willing to go to the mat for legislation that has no prospects of becoming law.

"I'm not interested in laying down more markers," said Camp. "I'm interested in solutions. ... Let's figure out where there is common ground and let's get there as soon as we can."

Asked about Camp's comments, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said they are "a recognition of the political realities that we face." Nonetheless, Boehner said the GOP Medicare remake remains on the table.

GOP concedes Medicare vouchers unlikely to advance - Yahoo! News

And in other news......:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Water is wet and the sun rises in the morning.

The hole $4Trillion in cuts didn't have legs. The dems have no honest desire to cut spending to lower the debt. They need another bill clinton at the helm

At this stage they need 5 Bill Clintons to help them and Bill Clintons that spray goo over interns dresses.....:)
Budget talks: Republicans offer to seek common ground with Democrats

By Lori Montgomery, Published: May 4
Senior Republicans conceded Wednesday that a deal is unlikely on a contentious plan to overhaul Medicare and offered to open budget talks with the White House by focusing on areas where both parties can agree, such as cutting farm subsidies.

On the eve of debt-reduction talks led by Vice President Biden, House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (Va.) said Republicans remain convinced that reining in federal retirement programs is the key to stabilizing the nation’s finances over the long term. But he said Republicans recognize they may need to look elsewhere to achieve consensus after President Obama “excoriated us” for a proposal to privatize Medicare.
Budget talks: Republicans offer to seek common ground with Democrats - The Washington Post


As far as I know neither Boehner nor Cantor ever wanted to kill Medicare. In fact, I am pretty sure Boehner never even wanted to bring Ryan's budget, which is what you are falsely claiming will kill medicare when what it will actually do is reform it so it works just like Obamacare, up for a vote.

If Ryan's plan for Medicare is so bad why is Obamacare so good anyway? Could it possibly be because Ryan has an (R) behind his name, and Obama has a (D)?
WASHINGTON – The GOP plan to replace Medicare with vouchers probably will have to wait, party leaders acknowledged Thursday as lawmakers and the White House bowed to political realities in pursuing a deal to allow more government borrowing in exchange for big spending cuts.

Both sides hinted at movement and Vice President Joe Biden reported progress from an initial negotiating session.

Spending cuts and increasing the amount of money the government can keep borrowing to pay its bills are "practically and politically connected," Biden said at the start of budget meetings with lawmakers at Blair House, the guest residence across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House.

The House Republican whose committee oversees Medicare said he's open to other approaches besides the voucher plan that recently passed by the House after a contentious debate that appears to have hurt the party with older voters.

Michigan Rep. Dave Camp, the House Ways and Means Committee chairman, said he supports the GOP approach, but isn't willing to go to the mat for legislation that has no prospects of becoming law.

"I'm not interested in laying down more markers," said Camp. "I'm interested in solutions. ... Let's figure out where there is common ground and let's get there as soon as we can."

Asked about Camp's comments, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said they are "a recognition of the political realities that we face." Nonetheless, Boehner said the GOP Medicare remake remains on the table.

GOP concedes Medicare vouchers unlikely to advance - Yahoo! News

And in other news......:lol::lol::lol::lol:

In other words, they care the MOST about the ability to get re-elected.


Also it could be they failed to explain it worth a damn and decided to drop it for the time being.

And thier own people didn't like it, so they are doing what thier people want them to do.

People don't like radical changes, even if they are for the better. And it seems fewer and fewer people want to be responible for themselves and thier families.
WASHINGTON – The GOP plan to replace Medicare with vouchers probably will have to wait, party leaders acknowledged Thursday as lawmakers and the White House bowed to political realities in pursuing a deal to allow more government borrowing in exchange for big spending cuts.

Both sides hinted at movement and Vice President Joe Biden reported progress from an initial negotiating session.

Spending cuts and increasing the amount of money the government can keep borrowing to pay its bills are "practically and politically connected," Biden said at the start of budget meetings with lawmakers at Blair House, the guest residence across Pennsylvania Avenue from the White House.

The House Republican whose committee oversees Medicare said he's open to other approaches besides the voucher plan that recently passed by the House after a contentious debate that appears to have hurt the party with older voters.

Michigan Rep. Dave Camp, the House Ways and Means Committee chairman, said he supports the GOP approach, but isn't willing to go to the mat for legislation that has no prospects of becoming law.

"I'm not interested in laying down more markers," said Camp. "I'm interested in solutions. ... Let's figure out where there is common ground and let's get there as soon as we can."

Asked about Camp's comments, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, said they are "a recognition of the political realities that we face." Nonetheless, Boehner said the GOP Medicare remake remains on the table.

GOP concedes Medicare vouchers unlikely to advance - Yahoo! News

And in other news......:lol::lol::lol::lol:

Water is wet and the sun rises in the morning.

The hole $4Trillion in cuts didn't have legs. The dems have no honest desire to cut spending to lower the debt. They need another bill clinton at the helm

At this stage they need 5 Bill Clintons to help them and Bill Clintons that spray goo over interns dresses.....:)

One of the things that helped clinton was he had to deal almost constantly with a gop controlled congress.

By himself, with a dem controlled congress.....

I shudder to think what would have been done to the military then.
The discussion now is around spending cuts tied to the debt ceiling increase. The government is not going to reform a massive entitlement program in this phase of negotiations. The real negotiations will begin with the debate over the Ryan Budget.
They shot themselves in the foot with the medicare proposals. It was blatent and they were trying to slide this by seniors. Seniors, unfortunately for Republicans, saw through this scam and now Rs want to involve Democrats so the blowback at election time will affect both parties.

Boehner, Ryan and the idiot Cantor are the face of an attempt to screw future retirees out of much needed Medicare. They need to find a different way and if Dems join them in this scammy proposal, they deserve to be booted out as well.

Get out of Afghanistan and we'll save a lot of money.
What about obamacare? Isn't it supposed to take care of everybody? First off, the Republicans do not want to scrap retirement and medicare, stop with the scare tactics. The biggest threat to any sector of society, seniors, retirees, and consumers are the dimwit lefties.
So in other words we are no closer to solving the debt problem.

And Dems are happy about this.

Now if they can just shoot down the rest of Ryans cuts....

Damn, they may just throw a parade.

another bloated, fraud filled government program gets passed on until the next election is over

then the next
and the one after that
and another

so on and so forth
With the general public strongly against killing Medicare, the House has really no alternative but to preserve it.
So if the GOP doesn't compromise they are the "party of no." If they do compromise then "they blinked."
Is this all that matters to the Dums? Stupid score cards of "winning and losing"? I have news for them: We are all losers if we cannot get this deficit under some kind of control. We will see our debt ratings down-graded, cost of borrowing soar, and the U.S. relegated to a 3rd rate power like Argentina. Which is probably what Obama wants anyway.
As Bill Press put it, Ryan mixed the Kool Aid and the GOP all drank it.
Now, they will have to live with it when time comes to be reelected. They're all on record for voting to abolish Medicare as we know it.

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