Boehner; A "Progressive"???????

Mr. Shaman

Senior Member
May 4, 2010
How 'bout that.....ol' John Boner (actually) thinks it might help to have an AGENDA for 2010.....and, everyone-ELSE wants to KEEP PLAYIN' STUPID!!!!!! :lol:
"Sometime after Labor Day, House Minority Leader John A. Boehner plans to unveil a blueprint of what Republicans will do if they take back control of the chamber. He promises it will be a full plate of policy proposals that will give voters a clear sense of how they would govern.

But will Republicans actually want to run on those ideas -- or any ideas? Behind the scenes, many are being urged to ignore the leaders and do just the opposite: avoid issues at all costs. Some of the party's most influential political consultants are quietly counseling their clients to stay on the offensive for the November midterm elections and steer clear of taking stands on substance that might give Democratic opponents material for a counterattack.

"The smart political approach would be to make the election about the Democrats," said Neil Newhouse of the powerhouse Republican polling firm Public Opinion Strategies, which is advising more than 50 House and Senate candidates. "In terms of our individual campaigns, I don't think it does a great deal of good" to engage in a debate over the Republicans' own agenda.

Republicans in the Senate, with dimmer prospects of gaining control, are plotting a much simpler course. Their platform, to the degree they have one, is to offer themselves as an even bigger roadblock to the Democrats than they are now."
Can't wait to see what the GOP wants to do to this country

Should make for some good threads
Can't wait to see what the GOP wants to do to this country

Should make for some good threads
....IF we can mange to FIND them in that cloud-o'-dust they're raising, running-FROM their inevitable-collapse!!!


It sounds TOO-familiar!!

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Can't wait to see what the GOP wants to do to this country

Should make for some good threads

We'll start with stitches and band-aids. Then assess the damage.

But, there is a key difference. We realize the Republican Party has done almost as much damage to this country as the Democrat Party is in the process of doing.

Thats why the Tea Party is trying to root out corrupt "R's". Liberals come in all forms, even red ones with an R by their name.

However, you guys are still falling to your knees at the sight of any Democrat, regardless of issues or policies or performance. We need the equivalent of a Tea Party on the left to root out the far left radical progressives in your party. You know, the kind who advocate teh cleansing of the American people of "unwanted populations" :Ruth Ginsburg makes controversial comments on Roe , and of course, the ones whose idea for economic stimulus is creating action figures of himself. Yeah, Dems are actually going to vote FOR that guy in November. Sad.

If we the people could cleanse out BOTH sides of the aisle, and get back to JFK Democrats and Reagan Republicans, hell I'd even settle for a Clinton Democrat, then we might end up OK no matter who wins. But the Bush/Obama liberalism has to end.

But, of course, that'll require all of you to back away from Obama's pelvis. Not likely.
Can't wait to see what the GOP wants to do to this country

Should make for some good threads
....IF we can mange to FIND them in that cloud-o'-dust they're raising, running-FROM their inevitable-collapse!!!


It sounds TOO-familiar!!

Um.....wouldn't we need to be in power to collapse? You guys have the presidency, house and senate. It is the Dems who are in danger of a collapse.

Then again..........we have been handing your party it's ass as a minority. Which is sad, since you had a super majority and really only got healthcare through, and that did irreversable damage to your party.

Again. Root out the scum on your side as we are trying to on ours. JFK, Reagan, Clinton, etc. Not that bad either way. Bush/Obama? Bad. It will however require you remove Obama's.....well, you know. We're hoping you will.​
Can't wait to see what the GOP wants to do to this country

Should make for some good threads

We'll start with stitches and band-aids. Then assess the damage.

But, there is a key difference. We realize the Republican Party has done almost as much damage to this country as the Democrat Party is in the process of doing.

Thats why the Tea Party is trying to root out corrupt "R's". Liberals come in all forms, even red ones with an R by their name.

However, you guys are still falling to your knees at the sight of any Democrat, regardless of issues or policies or performance. We need the equivalent of a Tea Party on the left to root out the far left radical progressives in your party. You know, the kind who advocate teh cleansing of the American people of "unwanted populations" :Ruth Ginsburg makes controversial comments on Roe , and of course, the ones whose idea for economic stimulus is creating action figures of himself. Yeah, Dems are actually going to vote FOR that guy in November. Sad.

If we the people could cleanse out BOTH sides of the aisle, and get back to JFK Democrats and Reagan Republicans, hell I'd even settle for a Clinton Democrat, then we might end up OK no matter who wins. But the Bush/Obama liberalism has to end.

But, of course, that'll require all of you to back away from Obama's pelvis. Not likely.

Democratic party. "Democrat" is not an adjective.
Can't wait to see what the GOP wants to do to this country

Should make for some good threads

We'll start with stitches and band-aids. Then assess the damage.

But, there is a key difference. We realize the Republican Party has done almost as much damage to this country as the Democrat Party is in the process of doing.

Thats why the Tea Party is trying to root out corrupt "R's". Liberals come in all forms, even red ones with an R by their name.

However, you guys are still falling to your knees at the sight of any Democrat, regardless of issues or policies or performance. We need the equivalent of a Tea Party on the left to root out the far left radical progressives in your party. You know, the kind who advocate teh cleansing of the American people of "unwanted populations" :Ruth Ginsburg makes controversial comments on Roe , and of course, the ones whose idea for economic stimulus is creating action figures of himself. Yeah, Dems are actually going to vote FOR that guy in November. Sad.

If we the people could cleanse out BOTH sides of the aisle, and get back to JFK Democrats and Reagan Republicans, hell I'd even settle for a Clinton Democrat, then we might end up OK no matter who wins. But the Bush/Obama liberalism has to end.

But, of course, that'll require all of you to back away from Obama's pelvis. Not likely.

Democratic party. "Democrat" is not an adjective.

Oh. Thanks for correcting my grammar.

What chapter in the "Democratic" grammar book does ethinc cleansing, genocide, eugenics, "Making the Jew Impossible" and killing cracker babies come in?
I would think Republicans will run on the same issues they always run on, reduce the size of government, reduce government regulations that are hampering business growth, and reduce or keep taxes low. Throw in some local issues and launch some personal attaches on the president and other democrats. You know what's going to be in the speeches. The only fun speeches are the ones where they refute global warming, throw in some racist comments, and do a little bible thumping.
We'll start with stitches and band-aids. Then assess the damage.

But, there is a key difference. We realize the Republican Party has done almost as much damage to this country as the Democrat Party is in the process of doing.

Thats why the Tea Party is trying to root out corrupt "R's". Liberals come in all forms, even red ones with an R by their name.

However, you guys are still falling to your knees at the sight of any Democrat, regardless of issues or policies or performance. We need the equivalent of a Tea Party on the left to root out the far left radical progressives in your party. You know, the kind who advocate teh cleansing of the American people of "unwanted populations" :Ruth Ginsburg makes controversial comments on Roe , and of course, the ones whose idea for economic stimulus is creating action figures of himself. Yeah, Dems are actually going to vote FOR that guy in November. Sad.

If we the people could cleanse out BOTH sides of the aisle, and get back to JFK Democrats and Reagan Republicans, hell I'd even settle for a Clinton Democrat, then we might end up OK no matter who wins. But the Bush/Obama liberalism has to end.

But, of course, that'll require all of you to back away from Obama's pelvis. Not likely.

Democratic party. "Democrat" is not an adjective.

Oh. Thanks for correcting my grammar.

What chapter in the "Democratic" grammar book does ethinc cleansing, genocide, eugenics, "Making the Jew Impossible" and killing cracker babies come in?

American Thinker: Obama, Black Liberation Theology, and Karl Marx

Only the one in your head.
I've got a "blueprint" for you Boehner..

1. Cut taxes
2. Ban Gay marriage
3. End Abortion
4. Stop Obama from confiscating guns
5. Cut taxes
6. Repeal Healthcare
7. Repeal the Banking Bill
8. Cut taxes
9. Ban teleprompters
10. Cut taxes

You don't actually have to do any of these.....but it makes a nice blueprint
The letter in the title of this Thread were scrambled. It should be:

Boehner; A "Regressive"???????
Can't wait to see what the GOP wants to do to this country

Should make for some good threads

We'll start with stitches and band-aids. Then assess the damage.

But, there is a key difference. We realize the Republican Party has done almost as much damage to this country as the Democrat Party is in the process of doing.

Thats why the Tea Party is trying to root out corrupt "R's". Liberals come in all forms, even red ones with an R by their name.

However, you guys are still falling to your knees at the sight of any Democrat, regardless of issues or policies or performance. We need the equivalent of a Tea Party on the left to root out the far left radical progressives in your party. You know, the kind who advocate teh cleansing of the American people of "unwanted populations" :Ruth Ginsburg makes controversial comments on Roe , and of course, the ones whose idea for economic stimulus is creating action figures of himself. Yeah, Dems are actually going to vote FOR that guy in November. Sad.

If we the people could cleanse out BOTH sides of the aisle, and get back to JFK Democrats and Reagan Republicans, hell I'd even settle for a Clinton Democrat, then we might end up OK no matter who wins. But the Bush/Obama liberalism has to end.

But, of course, that'll require all of you to back away from Obama's pelvis. Not likely.
You got to root them liberals out of the party. You don't want the party exposed to any opposing views or impure thoughts.
Can't wait to see what the GOP wants to do to this country

Should make for some good threads

We'll start with stitches and band-aids. Then assess the damage.

But, there is a key difference. We realize the Republican Party has done almost as much damage to this country as the Democrat Party is in the process of doing.

Thats why the Tea Party is trying to root out corrupt "R's". Liberals come in all forms, even red ones with an R by their name.

However, you guys are still falling to your knees at the sight of any Democrat, regardless of issues or policies or performance. We need the equivalent of a Tea Party on the left to root out the far left radical progressives in your party. You know, the kind who advocate teh cleansing of the American people of "unwanted populations" :Ruth Ginsburg makes controversial comments on Roe , and of course, the ones whose idea for economic stimulus is creating action figures of himself. Yeah, Dems are actually going to vote FOR that guy in November. Sad.

If we the people could cleanse out BOTH sides of the aisle, and get back to JFK Democrats and Reagan Republicans, hell I'd even settle for a Clinton Democrat, then we might end up OK no matter who wins. But the Bush/Obama liberalism has to end.

But, of course, that'll require all of you to back away from Obama's pelvis. Not likely.
You got to root them liberals out of the party. You don't want the party exposed to any opposing views or impure thoughts.

Yes the GOP insists on ideological purity

No room for independent thought in that tent
We'll start with stitches and band-aids. Then assess the damage.

But, there is a key difference. We realize the Republican Party has done almost as much damage to this country as the Democrat Party is in the process of doing.

Thats why the Tea Party is trying to root out corrupt "R's". Liberals come in all forms, even red ones with an R by their name.

However, you guys are still falling to your knees at the sight of any Democrat, regardless of issues or policies or performance. We need the equivalent of a Tea Party on the left to root out the far left radical progressives in your party. You know, the kind who advocate teh cleansing of the American people of "unwanted populations" :Ruth Ginsburg makes controversial comments on Roe , and of course, the ones whose idea for economic stimulus is creating action figures of himself. Yeah, Dems are actually going to vote FOR that guy in November. Sad.

If we the people could cleanse out BOTH sides of the aisle, and get back to JFK Democrats and Reagan Republicans, hell I'd even settle for a Clinton Democrat, then we might end up OK no matter who wins. But the Bush/Obama liberalism has to end.

But, of course, that'll require all of you to back away from Obama's pelvis. Not likely.
You got to root them liberals out of the party. You don't want the party exposed to any opposing views or impure thoughts.

Yes the GOP insists on ideological purity

No room for independent thought in that tent

There are plenty of folks on both sidea of the aisle who go by the mantra, "The perfect is the enemy of the good."

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