Bob Turner: What It Means.


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
"Retired businessman Bob Turner of Breezy Point won the special election to replace Anthony Weiner as congressman for the 9th District Tuesday, defeating state Assemblyman David Weprin (D-Little Neck) and putting the seat in Republican hands for the first time since the 1920s.

Turner took 54 percent of the vote, compared to 46 percent for Weprin, according to preliminary results, completing a stunning come-from-behind victory in a race that had garnered national attention.

Running on a platform that focused on cutting federal spending — by as much as 35 percent over 10 years — and restructuring Social Security and Medicare for future retirees in order to keep the programs solvent, Turner had framed the race as a referendum on the Obama presidency.

Weprin tried to paint Turner as a radical Tea Party Republican whose views are out of line with the people of the district.

Turner also backs Second Amendment gun rights, while Weprin is pro-gun control; Turner is pro-life and Weprin pro-choice on abortion; and Turner is against any tax hikes on income and capital gains, while Weprin backs increasing rates on high earners to help close the federal deficit.

Another key element in the race was each candidate's support of Israel and Obama policy toward the Jewish state. The 9th Congressional District has the highest percentage of Jewish voters of any district in the country..."
Upset! Republican Turner wins congressional seat - Queens Chronicle: Central/Mid Queens News

1. Wow!
My district, heavily middle class, heavily Democrat, largely Jewish....declined to vote for the liberal-Left wing- progressive-Democrat- Obama clone candidate!
This district has many Orthodox Jews...and Turner's opponent is an Orthodox Jew!

2. What does it show? That the concepts embodied in the Tea Party movement are the wave of the future! Don't believe those polls stating that the Tea Party has lost support in this nation.

3. What does it mean? Obama is toast!

4. What does it tell? History repeats:
Democrats (Progressives) were thoroughly rejected by the voters in the election of 1920:
“The United States presidential election of 1920 was dominated by the aftermath of World War I and the hostile reaction to Woodrow Wilson, the Democratic president. Harding's victory remains the largest popular-vote percentage margin (60.3% to 34.1%) in Presidential elections after the so-called "Era of Good Feelings" ended with the victory of James Monroe in the election of 1820. ” United States presidential election, 1920 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

“In the 1920 election, he and his running-mate, Calvin Coolidge, defeated Democrat and fellow Ohioan James M. Cox, in what was then the largest presidential popular vote landslide in American history since the popular vote tally began to be recorded in 1824: 60.36% to 34.19%.”Warren G. Harding - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

So, once again, the American people got a look at progressives, and realized what fraud they are!
Beware, Obama:

If I were the Dems I'd be very worried about 2012.

That seat was a Dem lock since the 20's and now its a Rep seat??

I think that pendulum is gonna swing big time.
Well, this is good, but there were a lot of things in play.

A poll showed that most of Weiners' constiuents didn't want him to step down. That they felt he had been sandbagged by his party over a petty scandal. So I have to wonder how many Democrats stayed home because they got tired of the Party flipping off their wishes.

If anyone should have forced Weiner out, it should have been the voters of the 9th, not Nancy and Barack.

Not saying it was a major factor, but I wonder if it was a factor at all, given this district is going to vanish, anyway.

But was telling is that the Democrats sunk a lot of money in compared to the Republicans, and Turner still won.
Well, this is good, but there were a lot of things in play.

A poll showed that most of Weiners' constiuents didn't want him to step down. That they felt he had been sandbagged by his party over a petty scandal. So I have to wonder how many Democrats stayed home because they got tired of the Party flipping off their wishes.

If anyone should have forced Weiner out, it should have been the voters of the 9th, not Nancy and Barack.

Not saying it was a major factor, but I wonder if it was a factor at all, given this district is going to vanish, anyway.

But was telling is that the Democrats sunk a lot of money in compared to the Republicans, and Turner still won.

Hey, I think you have the headline for the day after the 2012 election:
" many Democrats stayed home..."
Well, this is good, but there were a lot of things in play.

A poll showed that most of Weiners' constiuents didn't want him to step down. That they felt he had been sandbagged by his party over a petty scandal. So I have to wonder how many Democrats stayed home because they got tired of the Party flipping off their wishes.

If anyone should have forced Weiner out, it should have been the voters of the 9th, not Nancy and Barack.

Not saying it was a major factor, but I wonder if it was a factor at all, given this district is going to vanish, anyway.

But was telling is that the Democrats sunk a lot of money in compared to the Republicans, and Turner still won.

Hey, I think you have the headline for the day after the 2012 election:
" many Democrats stayed home..."

Voter turnouts are generally low when Republicans win.
What it means is that in the last 3 special elections in NY, the Democrats took 2 traditionally GOP seats and the Republicans won 1 traditionally Democratic seat.
I live in NYC, and I followed this election closely. Both candidates ripped Obama.

It's a fact that Jews have come to fear Obama (as they should).

That means he will lose crucial Jewish votes in swing states, and he won't get as much money from Jewish donors.
Notice the different reaction our forum Marxists are having in this thread, where their guy lost, compared to the NY-29 thread, where their guy won.

This Thread

You mean this isn't an indicator that Rick Perry is going to carry New York in 2012??

Comon!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

That thread

That's absolutely false. As Davis declined in the polls in the last couple weeks, Hochul rose.

Hochul just singlehandedly saved Medicare for a generation, and booted Paul Ryan back into the crackpot hole he climbed out of.

Exactly as I predicted btw, lololol.

This thread

Start chilling the champagne, PC, 2012 is a lock!

Voter turnouts are generally low when Republicans win.

That thread


The 2010 election was an outlier mainly won due to Republican misdirection. They made a big deal about Obama's plan to cut 500 Billion from Medicare (Which was to be done through removing redunancy and waste) and promoted "Death Panels". That and a weak economy got them seats.

Now that they are in..what do they do? Break Unions, try to dismantle Medicare, try to ban abortion and/or Tax it to death, and in the case of Jan Brewer..really did kill people via a de facto Death Panel.

Over reach. And Ryan.

Democrats could not hope for better.

And the Osama thing didn't hurt either. :lol:

This thread

It means nothing.

That thread

The problem with the right in my opinion is when one disagrees with another they get tossed under the bus.
I've seen it time and time again from high profile people to regular posters.

You dont see it as often on the left as you do on the right. Its just two different animals. While the left are push overs, the right as 17 different heads pulling in 17 different directions all wanting their way.

I've seen people tossed from Steele, To Karl Rove. Thats the problem with todays Climate. Its become single issues and not a whole, So the divide becomes greater.
Typically special elections dont get decent turn out. Had this been a normal election i would agree with you. This wasnt therefore it didnt really matter.

I sleep quite fine with obamas numbers.

Do we know what the turn out was? The margin of victory for Turner was quite staggering for this district, low turn out or not.
I live in NYC, and I followed this election closely. Both candidates ripped Obama.

It's a fact that Jews have come to fear Obama (as they should).

That means he will lose crucial Jewish votes in swing states, and he won't get as much money from Jewish donors.

No current republican presidential candidate is going to carry new york.
Notice the different reaction our forum Marxists are having in this thread, where their guy lost, compared to the NY-29 thread, where their guy won.

This Thread

You mean this isn't an indicator that Rick Perry is going to carry New York in 2012??

Comon!!!!!! :lol::lol::lol::lol:

That thread

That's absolutely false. As Davis declined in the polls in the last couple weeks, Hochul rose.

Hochul just singlehandedly saved Medicare for a generation, and booted Paul Ryan back into the crackpot hole he climbed out of.

Exactly as I predicted btw, lololol.

This thread

That thread

This thread

It means nothing.

That thread

The problem with the right in my opinion is when one disagrees with another they get tossed under the bus.
I've seen it time and time again from high profile people to regular posters.

You dont see it as often on the left as you do on the right. Its just two different animals. While the left are push overs, the right as 17 different heads pulling in 17 different directions all wanting their way.

I've seen people tossed from Steele, To Karl Rove. Thats the problem with todays Climate. Its become single issues and not a whole, So the divide becomes greater.

Um..I'm not a Marxist..and I don't remember mapping you to any political ideology.

It's a generally weak debater that finds the need to denigrate his opposition on a personal level.

Because it generally stops the debate and starts the mudslinging.

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