Bloomberg's sure fire strategy? Be California

Deplorable Yankee

Diamond Member
Feb 7, 2019
Jan 08 2020
Bloomberg: Dysfunctional California Is Model to Emulate
Demographically transformed by mass immigration into a single-party Democrat state, California has become a canary in the coalmine of moonbattery:

• Homelessness is heavily subsidized and consequently out of control; crazed, drug-addled derelicts rule the streets, taking over whole neighborhoods and dumping buckets of diarrhea on the normal people who have not yet escaped.

• It is the state with the highest poverty rate.

• It is the state with the lowest quality of life.

• It is the least educated state.

• It ranks 48th in freedom.

• Income tax is the highest of any state.

• Confiscatory gas taxes are diverted from desperately needed highway maintenance to unneeded green B.S.

• The energy situation is going from bad to worse.

• Taxpayers are forced to buy healthcare for illegal aliens.

• Foreign criminals are pardoned.

• Sanctuary status has created mayhem.

• Anarchy has been imposed on schools.

• The public schools are failing.

• Freelancers are forbidden from working.

• Minimum wage insanity is closing businesses.

• It imposes the heaviest regulatory burden on small businesses.

• Stores are openly looted due to the collapse of law and order.

• The American dream has died there.

• Due to moral degeneracy, STDs are exploding.

Rats spread typhus amid the piles of garbage.

California is becoming America’s first Third-World state. No wonder so many people are leaving that California could lose a congression seat for the first time. Led by Los Angeles and San Francisco, the erstwhile Golden State is becoming a sh**hole.

Yet there is someone so clueless and/or malevolent that he explicitly proposes modeling America’s future on the Land of Fruits and Nuts — namely, Michael Bloomberg, one of the two kooky billionaires currently attempting to buy the Democrat presidential nomination.

Via the Washington Times:

“I think that California can serve as a great example for the rest of this country,” Bloomberg told supporters…

California “is something the rest of the country looks up to,” Bloomberg said. “California has been a leader in an awful lot of things.”

You can see why a society succumbing to anarchotyranny would appeal to Bloomberg. He has issued groveling apologies for keeping crime under control as Mayor of New York, but you won’t hear him apologize for his jihads against cigarettes, salt, firearms, trans fats, soda, soup, food donations, baby formula, escalators, earbuds, Styrofoam, sparklers, coal, and more.

Bloomberg is the quintessential nanny state totalitarian. He will decide what is best for the little people, then he will use Big Government to impose it by force. What he has decided is that the whole country should be California.

Hat tip: Maggie’s Farm.
All links highlighted

Sure to play well in Peoria........I'm sure

I'm going back to Cali
Going back to Cali no man I don't think so

Jan 08 2020
Bloomberg: Dysfunctional California Is Model to Emulate
Demographically transformed by mass immigration into a single-party Democrat state, California has become a canary in the coalmine of moonbattery:

• Homelessness is heavily subsidized and consequently out of control; crazed, drug-addled derelicts rule the streets, taking over whole neighborhoods and dumping buckets of diarrhea on the normal people who have not yet escaped.

• It is the state with the highest poverty rate.

• It is the state with the lowest quality of life.

• It is the least educated state.

• It ranks 48th in freedom.

• Income tax is the highest of any state.

• Confiscatory gas taxes are diverted from desperately needed highway maintenance to unneeded green B.S.

• The energy situation is going from bad to worse.

• Taxpayers are forced to buy healthcare for illegal aliens.

• Foreign criminals are pardoned.

• Sanctuary status has created mayhem.

• Anarchy has been imposed on schools.

• The public schools are failing.

• Freelancers are forbidden from working.

• Minimum wage insanity is closing businesses.

• It imposes the heaviest regulatory burden on small businesses.

• Stores are openly looted due to the collapse of law and order.

• The American dream has died there.

• Due to moral degeneracy, STDs are exploding.

Rats spread typhus amid the piles of garbage.

California is becoming America’s first Third-World state. No wonder so many people are leaving that California could lose a congression seat for the first time. Led by Los Angeles and San Francisco, the erstwhile Golden State is becoming a sh**hole.

Yet there is someone so clueless and/or malevolent that he explicitly proposes modeling America’s future on the Land of Fruits and Nuts — namely, Michael Bloomberg, one of the two kooky billionaires currently attempting to buy the Democrat presidential nomination.

Via the Washington Times:

“I think that California can serve as a great example for the rest of this country,” Bloomberg told supporters…

California “is something the rest of the country looks up to,” Bloomberg said. “California has been a leader in an awful lot of things.”

You can see why a society succumbing to anarchotyranny would appeal to Bloomberg. He has issued groveling apologies for keeping crime under control as Mayor of New York, but you won’t hear him apologize for his jihads against cigarettes, salt, firearms, trans fats, soda, soup, food donations, baby formula, escalators, earbuds, Styrofoam, sparklers, coal, and more.

Bloomberg is the quintessential nanny state totalitarian. He will decide what is best for the little people, then he will use Big Government to impose it by force. What he has decided is that the whole country should be California.

Hat tip: Maggie’s Farm.
All links highlighted

Sure to play well in Peoria........I'm sure

I'm going back to Cali
Going back to Cali no man I don't think so

so how long did you live there?....or is this stuff you just heard about or read?...just wonderin....
so how long did you live there?....or is this stuff you just heard about or read?...just wonderin....

I go out there regularly for work and I'm not finding a lot of fault with his list. There's a reason I chose to live in Nevada instead of California
not saying those things dont exist......there are just a lot of people here who have never been there and just seem to repeat what they read in some opinion piece......those who have actually lived there are more credible......
Jan 08 2020
Bloomberg: Dysfunctional California Is Model to Emulate
Demographically transformed by mass immigration into a single-party Democrat state, California has become a canary in the coalmine of moonbattery:

• Homelessness is heavily subsidized and consequently out of control; crazed, drug-addled derelicts rule the streets, taking over whole neighborhoods and dumping buckets of diarrhea on the normal people who have not yet escaped.

• It is the state with the highest poverty rate.

• It is the state with the lowest quality of life.

• It is the least educated state.

• It ranks 48th in freedom.

• Income tax is the highest of any state.

• Confiscatory gas taxes are diverted from desperately needed highway maintenance to unneeded green B.S.

• The energy situation is going from bad to worse.

• Taxpayers are forced to buy healthcare for illegal aliens.

• Foreign criminals are pardoned.

• Sanctuary status has created mayhem.

• Anarchy has been imposed on schools.

• The public schools are failing.

• Freelancers are forbidden from working.

• Minimum wage insanity is closing businesses.

• It imposes the heaviest regulatory burden on small businesses.

• Stores are openly looted due to the collapse of law and order.

• The American dream has died there.

• Due to moral degeneracy, STDs are exploding.

Rats spread typhus amid the piles of garbage.

California is becoming America’s first Third-World state. No wonder so many people are leaving that California could lose a congression seat for the first time. Led by Los Angeles and San Francisco, the erstwhile Golden State is becoming a sh**hole.

Yet there is someone so clueless and/or malevolent that he explicitly proposes modeling America’s future on the Land of Fruits and Nuts — namely, Michael Bloomberg, one of the two kooky billionaires currently attempting to buy the Democrat presidential nomination.

Via the Washington Times:

“I think that California can serve as a great example for the rest of this country,” Bloomberg told supporters…

California “is something the rest of the country looks up to,” Bloomberg said. “California has been a leader in an awful lot of things.”

You can see why a society succumbing to anarchotyranny would appeal to Bloomberg. He has issued groveling apologies for keeping crime under control as Mayor of New York, but you won’t hear him apologize for his jihads against cigarettes, salt, firearms, trans fats, soda, soup, food donations, baby formula, escalators, earbuds, Styrofoam, sparklers, coal, and more.

Bloomberg is the quintessential nanny state totalitarian. He will decide what is best for the little people, then he will use Big Government to impose it by force. What he has decided is that the whole country should be California.

Hat tip: Maggie’s Farm.
All links highlighted

Sure to play well in Peoria........I'm sure

I'm going back to Cali
Going back to Cali no man I don't think so

so how long did you live there?....or is this stuff you just heard about or read?...just wonderin....

oh Jesus......attack the messenger.... wait for the bu bu but California is da 8th larlrgest economy in da world ...

what does it matter ?
born and raised NYC .lived in NYC, London, Paris ...had a pad in Japan I rarely visited ...what in the fuck does it matter hillbilly ?

I've hung in San Fran does that count? ..

I could afford to live anywhere I choose pretty much

care to take on any of those links? probably not you are after all the least educated Muppets in the union.... or will you just proclaim your love for illegals and avacados derp ..

8th largest economy ..

my home state was the largest economy in the union for a lot longer.. decades of left wing policies have destroyed it ..

enjoy your decline Muppets
don't forget to vote for progressives
Jan 08 2020
Bloomberg: Dysfunctional California Is Model to Emulate
Demographically transformed by mass immigration into a single-party Democrat state, California has become a canary in the coalmine of moonbattery:

• Homelessness is heavily subsidized and consequently out of control; crazed, drug-addled derelicts rule the streets, taking over whole neighborhoods and dumping buckets of diarrhea on the normal people who have not yet escaped.

• It is the state with the highest poverty rate.

• It is the state with the lowest quality of life.

• It is the least educated state.

• It ranks 48th in freedom.

• Income tax is the highest of any state.

• Confiscatory gas taxes are diverted from desperately needed highway maintenance to unneeded green B.S.

• The energy situation is going from bad to worse.

• Taxpayers are forced to buy healthcare for illegal aliens.

• Foreign criminals are pardoned.

• Sanctuary status has created mayhem.

• Anarchy has been imposed on schools.

• The public schools are failing.

• Freelancers are forbidden from working.

• Minimum wage insanity is closing businesses.

• It imposes the heaviest regulatory burden on small businesses.

• Stores are openly looted due to the collapse of law and order.

• The American dream has died there.

• Due to moral degeneracy, STDs are exploding.

Rats spread typhus amid the piles of garbage.

California is becoming America’s first Third-World state. No wonder so many people are leaving that California could lose a congression seat for the first time. Led by Los Angeles and San Francisco, the erstwhile Golden State is becoming a sh**hole.

Yet there is someone so clueless and/or malevolent that he explicitly proposes modeling America’s future on the Land of Fruits and Nuts — namely, Michael Bloomberg, one of the two kooky billionaires currently attempting to buy the Democrat presidential nomination.

Via the Washington Times:

“I think that California can serve as a great example for the rest of this country,” Bloomberg told supporters…

California “is something the rest of the country looks up to,” Bloomberg said. “California has been a leader in an awful lot of things.”

You can see why a society succumbing to anarchotyranny would appeal to Bloomberg. He has issued groveling apologies for keeping crime under control as Mayor of New York, but you won’t hear him apologize for his jihads against cigarettes, salt, firearms, trans fats, soda, soup, food donations, baby formula, escalators, earbuds, Styrofoam, sparklers, coal, and more.

Bloomberg is the quintessential nanny state totalitarian. He will decide what is best for the little people, then he will use Big Government to impose it by force. What he has decided is that the whole country should be California.

Hat tip: Maggie’s Farm.
All links highlighted

Sure to play well in Peoria........I'm sure

I'm going back to Cali
Going back to Cali no man I don't think so

so how long did you live there?....or is this stuff you just heard about or read?...just wonderin....

oh Jesus......attack the messenger.... wait for the bu bu but California is da 8th larlrgest economy in da world ...

what does it matter ?
born and raised NYC .lived in NYC, London, Paris ...had a pad in Japan I rarely visited ...what in the fuck does it matter hillbilly ?

I've hung in San Fran does that count? ..

I could afford to live anywhere I choose pretty much

care to take on any of those links? probably not you are after all the least educated Muppets in the union.... or will you just proclaim your love for illegals and avacados derp ..

8th largest economy ..

my home state was the largest economy in the union for a lot longer.. decades of left wing policies have destroyed it ..

enjoy your decline Muppets
don't forget to vote for progressives
geezus dont have a shit hemorrhage...just asking.....dam some people are pretty fragile...
Jan 08 2020
Bloomberg: Dysfunctional California Is Model to Emulate
Demographically transformed by mass immigration into a single-party Democrat state, California has become a canary in the coalmine of moonbattery:

• Homelessness is heavily subsidized and consequently out of control; crazed, drug-addled derelicts rule the streets, taking over whole neighborhoods and dumping buckets of diarrhea on the normal people who have not yet escaped.

• It is the state with the highest poverty rate.

• It is the state with the lowest quality of life.

• It is the least educated state.

• It ranks 48th in freedom.

• Income tax is the highest of any state.

• Confiscatory gas taxes are diverted from desperately needed highway maintenance to unneeded green B.S.

• The energy situation is going from bad to worse.

• Taxpayers are forced to buy healthcare for illegal aliens.

• Foreign criminals are pardoned.

• Sanctuary status has created mayhem.

• Anarchy has been imposed on schools.

• The public schools are failing.

• Freelancers are forbidden from working.

• Minimum wage insanity is closing businesses.

• It imposes the heaviest regulatory burden on small businesses.

• Stores are openly looted due to the collapse of law and order.

• The American dream has died there.

• Due to moral degeneracy, STDs are exploding.

Rats spread typhus amid the piles of garbage.

California is becoming America’s first Third-World state. No wonder so many people are leaving that California could lose a congression seat for the first time. Led by Los Angeles and San Francisco, the erstwhile Golden State is becoming a sh**hole.

Yet there is someone so clueless and/or malevolent that he explicitly proposes modeling America’s future on the Land of Fruits and Nuts — namely, Michael Bloomberg, one of the two kooky billionaires currently attempting to buy the Democrat presidential nomination.

Via the Washington Times:

“I think that California can serve as a great example for the rest of this country,” Bloomberg told supporters…

California “is something the rest of the country looks up to,” Bloomberg said. “California has been a leader in an awful lot of things.”

You can see why a society succumbing to anarchotyranny would appeal to Bloomberg. He has issued groveling apologies for keeping crime under control as Mayor of New York, but you won’t hear him apologize for his jihads against cigarettes, salt, firearms, trans fats, soda, soup, food donations, baby formula, escalators, earbuds, Styrofoam, sparklers, coal, and more.

Bloomberg is the quintessential nanny state totalitarian. He will decide what is best for the little people, then he will use Big Government to impose it by force. What he has decided is that the whole country should be California.

Hat tip: Maggie’s Farm.
All links highlighted

Sure to play well in Peoria........I'm sure

I'm going back to Cali
Going back to Cali no man I don't think so

so how long did you live there?....or is this stuff you just heard about or read?...just wonderin....

oh Jesus......attack the messenger.... wait for the bu bu but California is da 8th larlrgest economy in da world ...

what does it matter ?
born and raised NYC .lived in NYC, London, Paris ...had a pad in Japan I rarely visited ...what in the fuck does it matter hillbilly ?

I've hung in San Fran does that count? ..

I could afford to live anywhere I choose pretty much

care to take on any of those links? probably not you are after all the least educated Muppets in the union.... or will you just proclaim your love for illegals and avacados derp ..

8th largest economy ..

my home state was the largest economy in the union for a lot longer.. decades of left wing policies have destroyed it ..

enjoy your decline Muppets
don't forget to vote for progressives
geezus dont have a shit hemorrhage...just asking.....dam some people are pretty fragile...


It's not .... it's not listening to some lefty run in deluded circles .
I mean youre welcome to take any of it and his sources ,studies to task .... ya know since ya live there ....

It's like if you posted a thread about Bloomberg...and I said he was my mayor you cant have any opinion data or facts about him ...derp zero logic and bullshit

Jesus they brainwashed the shit outta yas
Does the crying, whining ,and derailing come automatically lol
Like a monkey hittin the button for a food pellet
Jan 08 2020
Bloomberg: Dysfunctional California Is Model to Emulate
Demographically transformed by mass immigration into a single-party Democrat state, California has become a canary in the coalmine of moonbattery:

• Homelessness is heavily subsidized and consequently out of control; crazed, drug-addled derelicts rule the streets, taking over whole neighborhoods and dumping buckets of diarrhea on the normal people who have not yet escaped.

• It is the state with the highest poverty rate.

• It is the state with the lowest quality of life.

• It is the least educated state.

• It ranks 48th in freedom.

• Income tax is the highest of any state.

• Confiscatory gas taxes are diverted from desperately needed highway maintenance to unneeded green B.S.

• The energy situation is going from bad to worse.

• Taxpayers are forced to buy healthcare for illegal aliens.

• Foreign criminals are pardoned.

• Sanctuary status has created mayhem.

• Anarchy has been imposed on schools.

• The public schools are failing.

• Freelancers are forbidden from working.

• Minimum wage insanity is closing businesses.

• It imposes the heaviest regulatory burden on small businesses.

• Stores are openly looted due to the collapse of law and order.

• The American dream has died there.

• Due to moral degeneracy, STDs are exploding.

Rats spread typhus amid the piles of garbage.

California is becoming America’s first Third-World state. No wonder so many people are leaving that California could lose a congression seat for the first time. Led by Los Angeles and San Francisco, the erstwhile Golden State is becoming a sh**hole.

Yet there is someone so clueless and/or malevolent that he explicitly proposes modeling America’s future on the Land of Fruits and Nuts — namely, Michael Bloomberg, one of the two kooky billionaires currently attempting to buy the Democrat presidential nomination.

Via the Washington Times:

“I think that California can serve as a great example for the rest of this country,” Bloomberg told supporters…

California “is something the rest of the country looks up to,” Bloomberg said. “California has been a leader in an awful lot of things.”

You can see why a society succumbing to anarchotyranny would appeal to Bloomberg. He has issued groveling apologies for keeping crime under control as Mayor of New York, but you won’t hear him apologize for his jihads against cigarettes, salt, firearms, trans fats, soda, soup, food donations, baby formula, escalators, earbuds, Styrofoam, sparklers, coal, and more.

Bloomberg is the quintessential nanny state totalitarian. He will decide what is best for the little people, then he will use Big Government to impose it by force. What he has decided is that the whole country should be California.

Hat tip: Maggie’s Farm.
All links highlighted

Sure to play well in Peoria........I'm sure

I'm going back to Cali
Going back to Cali no man I don't think so

so how long did you live there?....or is this stuff you just heard about or read?...just wonderin....

oh Jesus......attack the messenger.... wait for the bu bu but California is da 8th larlrgest economy in da world ...

what does it matter ?
born and raised NYC .lived in NYC, London, Paris ...had a pad in Japan I rarely visited ...what in the fuck does it matter hillbilly ?

I've hung in San Fran does that count? ..

I could afford to live anywhere I choose pretty much

care to take on any of those links? probably not you are after all the least educated Muppets in the union.... or will you just proclaim your love for illegals and avacados derp ..

8th largest economy ..

my home state was the largest economy in the union for a lot longer.. decades of left wing policies have destroyed it ..

enjoy your decline Muppets
don't forget to vote for progressives
geezus dont have a shit hemorrhage...just asking.....dam some people are pretty fragile...


It's not .... it's not listening to some lefty run in deluded circles .
I mean youre welcome to take any of it and his sources ,studies to task .... ya know since ya live there ....

It's like if you posted a thread about Bloomberg...and I said he was my mayor you cant have any opinion data or facts about him ...derp zero logic and bullshit

Jesus they brainwashed the shit outta yas
Does the crying, whining ,and derailing come automatically lol
Like a monkey hittin the button for a food pellet
dam dude take it i said...just asking......Does the crying, whining ,and derailing come automatically?.....i dont know,you tell me......
Jan 08 2020
Bloomberg: Dysfunctional California Is Model to Emulate
Demographically transformed by mass immigration into a single-party Democrat state, California has become a canary in the coalmine of moonbattery:

• Homelessness is heavily subsidized and consequently out of control; crazed, drug-addled derelicts rule the streets, taking over whole neighborhoods and dumping buckets of diarrhea on the normal people who have not yet escaped.

• It is the state with the highest poverty rate.

• It is the state with the lowest quality of life.

• It is the least educated state.

• It ranks 48th in freedom.

• Income tax is the highest of any state.

• Confiscatory gas taxes are diverted from desperately needed highway maintenance to unneeded green B.S.

• The energy situation is going from bad to worse.

• Taxpayers are forced to buy healthcare for illegal aliens.

• Foreign criminals are pardoned.

• Sanctuary status has created mayhem.

• Anarchy has been imposed on schools.

• The public schools are failing.

• Freelancers are forbidden from working.

• Minimum wage insanity is closing businesses.

• It imposes the heaviest regulatory burden on small businesses.

• Stores are openly looted due to the collapse of law and order.

• The American dream has died there.

• Due to moral degeneracy, STDs are exploding.

Rats spread typhus amid the piles of garbage.

California is becoming America’s first Third-World state. No wonder so many people are leaving that California could lose a congression seat for the first time. Led by Los Angeles and San Francisco, the erstwhile Golden State is becoming a sh**hole.

Yet there is someone so clueless and/or malevolent that he explicitly proposes modeling America’s future on the Land of Fruits and Nuts — namely, Michael Bloomberg, one of the two kooky billionaires currently attempting to buy the Democrat presidential nomination.

Via the Washington Times:

“I think that California can serve as a great example for the rest of this country,” Bloomberg told supporters…

California “is something the rest of the country looks up to,” Bloomberg said. “California has been a leader in an awful lot of things.”

You can see why a society succumbing to anarchotyranny would appeal to Bloomberg. He has issued groveling apologies for keeping crime under control as Mayor of New York, but you won’t hear him apologize for his jihads against cigarettes, salt, firearms, trans fats, soda, soup, food donations, baby formula, escalators, earbuds, Styrofoam, sparklers, coal, and more.

Bloomberg is the quintessential nanny state totalitarian. He will decide what is best for the little people, then he will use Big Government to impose it by force. What he has decided is that the whole country should be California.

Hat tip: Maggie’s Farm.
All links highlighted

Sure to play well in Peoria........I'm sure

I'm going back to Cali
Going back to Cali no man I don't think so

so how long did you live there?....or is this stuff you just heard about or read?...just wonderin....

oh Jesus......attack the messenger.... wait for the bu bu but California is da 8th larlrgest economy in da world ...

what does it matter ?
born and raised NYC .lived in NYC, London, Paris ...had a pad in Japan I rarely visited ...what in the fuck does it matter hillbilly ?

I've hung in San Fran does that count? ..

I could afford to live anywhere I choose pretty much

care to take on any of those links? probably not you are after all the least educated Muppets in the union.... or will you just proclaim your love for illegals and avacados derp ..

8th largest economy ..

my home state was the largest economy in the union for a lot longer.. decades of left wing policies have destroyed it ..

enjoy your decline Muppets
don't forget to vote for progressives
geezus dont have a shit hemorrhage...just asking.....dam some people are pretty fragile...


It's not .... it's not listening to some lefty run in deluded circles .
I mean youre welcome to take any of it and his sources ,studies to task .... ya know since ya live there ....

It's like if you posted a thread about Bloomberg...and I said he was my mayor you cant have any opinion data or facts about him ...derp zero logic and bullshit

Jesus they brainwashed the shit outta yas
Does the crying, whining ,and derailing come automatically lol
Like a monkey hittin the button for a food pellet
dam dude take it i said...just asking......Does the crying, whining ,and derailing come automatically?.....i dont know,you tell me......

Uh boy
so how long did you live there?....or is this stuff you just heard about or read?...just wonderin....

oh Jesus......attack the messenger.... wait for the bu bu but California is da 8th larlrgest economy in da world ...

what does it matter ?
born and raised NYC .lived in NYC, London, Paris ...had a pad in Japan I rarely visited ...what in the fuck does it matter hillbilly ?

I've hung in San Fran does that count? ..

I could afford to live anywhere I choose pretty much

care to take on any of those links? probably not you are after all the least educated Muppets in the union.... or will you just proclaim your love for illegals and avacados derp ..

8th largest economy ..

my home state was the largest economy in the union for a lot longer.. decades of left wing policies have destroyed it ..

enjoy your decline Muppets
don't forget to vote for progressives
geezus dont have a shit hemorrhage...just asking.....dam some people are pretty fragile...


It's not .... it's not listening to some lefty run in deluded circles .
I mean youre welcome to take any of it and his sources ,studies to task .... ya know since ya live there ....

It's like if you posted a thread about Bloomberg...and I said he was my mayor you cant have any opinion data or facts about him ...derp zero logic and bullshit

Jesus they brainwashed the shit outta yas
Does the crying, whining ,and derailing come automatically lol
Like a monkey hittin the button for a food pellet
dam dude take it i said...just asking......Does the crying, whining ,and derailing come automatically?.....i dont know,you tell me......

Uh boy
do you mean....oh boy?....
Jan 08 2020
Bloomberg: Dysfunctional California Is Model to Emulate
Demographically transformed by mass immigration into a single-party Democrat state, California has become a canary in the coalmine of moonbattery:

• Homelessness is heavily subsidized and consequently out of control; crazed, drug-addled derelicts rule the streets, taking over whole neighborhoods and dumping buckets of diarrhea on the normal people who have not yet escaped.

• It is the state with the highest poverty rate.

• It is the state with the lowest quality of life.

• It is the least educated state.

• It ranks 48th in freedom.

• Income tax is the highest of any state.

• Confiscatory gas taxes are diverted from desperately needed highway maintenance to unneeded green B.S.

• The energy situation is going from bad to worse.

• Taxpayers are forced to buy healthcare for illegal aliens.

• Foreign criminals are pardoned.

• Sanctuary status has created mayhem.

• Anarchy has been imposed on schools.

• The public schools are failing.

• Freelancers are forbidden from working.

• Minimum wage insanity is closing businesses.

• It imposes the heaviest regulatory burden on small businesses.

• Stores are openly looted due to the collapse of law and order.

• The American dream has died there.

• Due to moral degeneracy, STDs are exploding.

Rats spread typhus amid the piles of garbage.

California is becoming America’s first Third-World state. No wonder so many people are leaving that California could lose a congression seat for the first time. Led by Los Angeles and San Francisco, the erstwhile Golden State is becoming a sh**hole.

Yet there is someone so clueless and/or malevolent that he explicitly proposes modeling America’s future on the Land of Fruits and Nuts — namely, Michael Bloomberg, one of the two kooky billionaires currently attempting to buy the Democrat presidential nomination.

Via the Washington Times:

“I think that California can serve as a great example for the rest of this country,” Bloomberg told supporters…

California “is something the rest of the country looks up to,” Bloomberg said. “California has been a leader in an awful lot of things.”

You can see why a society succumbing to anarchotyranny would appeal to Bloomberg. He has issued groveling apologies for keeping crime under control as Mayor of New York, but you won’t hear him apologize for his jihads against cigarettes, salt, firearms, trans fats, soda, soup, food donations, baby formula, escalators, earbuds, Styrofoam, sparklers, coal, and more.

Bloomberg is the quintessential nanny state totalitarian. He will decide what is best for the little people, then he will use Big Government to impose it by force. What he has decided is that the whole country should be California.

Hat tip: Maggie’s Farm.
All links highlighted

Sure to play well in Peoria........I'm sure

I'm going back to Cali
Going back to Cali no man I don't think so

so how long did you live there?....or is this stuff you just heard about or read?...just wonderin....

I'm still here.

Every word is true.
Jan 08 2020
Bloomberg: Dysfunctional California Is Model to Emulate
Demographically transformed by mass immigration into a single-party Democrat state, California has become a canary in the coalmine of moonbattery:

• Homelessness is heavily subsidized and consequently out of control; crazed, drug-addled derelicts rule the streets, taking over whole neighborhoods and dumping buckets of diarrhea on the normal people who have not yet escaped.

• It is the state with the highest poverty rate.

• It is the state with the lowest quality of life.

• It is the least educated state.

• It ranks 48th in freedom.

• Income tax is the highest of any state.

• Confiscatory gas taxes are diverted from desperately needed highway maintenance to unneeded green B.S.

• The energy situation is going from bad to worse.

• Taxpayers are forced to buy healthcare for illegal aliens.

• Foreign criminals are pardoned.

• Sanctuary status has created mayhem.

• Anarchy has been imposed on schools.

• The public schools are failing.

• Freelancers are forbidden from working.

• Minimum wage insanity is closing businesses.

• It imposes the heaviest regulatory burden on small businesses.

• Stores are openly looted due to the collapse of law and order.

• The American dream has died there.

• Due to moral degeneracy, STDs are exploding.

Rats spread typhus amid the piles of garbage.

California is becoming America’s first Third-World state. No wonder so many people are leaving that California could lose a congression seat for the first time. Led by Los Angeles and San Francisco, the erstwhile Golden State is becoming a sh**hole.

Yet there is someone so clueless and/or malevolent that he explicitly proposes modeling America’s future on the Land of Fruits and Nuts — namely, Michael Bloomberg, one of the two kooky billionaires currently attempting to buy the Democrat presidential nomination.

Via the Washington Times:

“I think that California can serve as a great example for the rest of this country,” Bloomberg told supporters…

California “is something the rest of the country looks up to,” Bloomberg said. “California has been a leader in an awful lot of things.”

You can see why a society succumbing to anarchotyranny would appeal to Bloomberg. He has issued groveling apologies for keeping crime under control as Mayor of New York, but you won’t hear him apologize for his jihads against cigarettes, salt, firearms, trans fats, soda, soup, food donations, baby formula, escalators, earbuds, Styrofoam, sparklers, coal, and more.

Bloomberg is the quintessential nanny state totalitarian. He will decide what is best for the little people, then he will use Big Government to impose it by force. What he has decided is that the whole country should be California.

Hat tip: Maggie’s Farm.
All links highlighted

Sure to play well in Peoria........I'm sure

I'm going back to Cali
Going back to Cali no man I don't think so

so how long did you live there?....or is this stuff you just heard about or read?...just wonderin....

I'm still here.

Every word is true.
i never said it wasnt.....and i know you live there....

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