Blame the prosecution, not Kate's killer


Diamond Member
Nov 8, 2014
I was thinking about this. We are all mad because we say he got away with murder. However, the fact that the bullet bounced off the ground shows it was not murder. They charged him with murder and the jury had to find him not guilty. Murder is about intent, not death. We know shes dead, but when they tried to say he meant to do it they couldn't prove it.

It's a classic overreach by the prosecution. He was found not guilty of all other charges except felon with a gun, but I think they jury didn't like the fact that the prosecutor threw a bunch of charges just to see what would stick.

So IMHO, its the prosecutor we should be mad at, not the defendant or jury.
Involuntary Manslaughter should have "stuck" at the very least.

uh...a lot of blame is on the SF jurors..
Undocumented immigrant found not guilty in Kate Steinle murder case

"The trial began on Oct. 23, 2017.

The jury had a number of choices to make. They could have gone with a second degree verdict, involuntary manslaughter or consider a first degree murder verdict."
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Blame the prosecutor...

Blame the jury...

Blame the state's lenient policy towards illegal immigrants which certainly attracts...

Blame a border policy that lets deported illegal immigrants to return time after time...

And sure as shit blame the killer.
Do not tell us who to be mad at. I have a long list. California, the shit city San Fran,, Obama, the Democrats, and the jury. Last but not least the 7 time felon, five time deported lying scumbag from Mexico. All Democrats have her blood on their hands.
I don't blame the killer for being found not guilty. That was his job. And he did it well.

I'm talking about blame for the verdict, not the crime, moron.
Yep, it's kind of like the prosecution of George Zimmerman. Classic overreach. Had they gone only for manslaughter he'd have been convicted. One of many stupid moves resulting in a botched case.


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