Blair: 'Downing Street memos' paint false picture


VIP Member
Feb 14, 2004
Blair: 'Downing Street memos' paint false picture

Associated Press

LONDON — British Prime Minister Tony Blair said today the "Downing Street memos" paint a distorted picture, and he insisted that the Iraq war was not predetermined by the United States.

"People say the decision was already taken. The decision was not already taken," he said in an exclusive interview with The Associated Press.

Blair added he was "a bit astonished" at the intensive U.S. media coverage about the leaked memos, which actually were leaked minutes of a July 23, 2002, meeting between Blair and top government officials at his Downing Street office.

According to the minutes of the meeting, Sir Richard Dearlove, then chief of Britain's intelligence service, said the White House viewed military action against Saddam Hussein as inevitable following the Sept. 11 attacks.

President Bush "wanted to remove Saddam, through military action, justified by the conjunction of terrorism and WMD," read the memo, seen by the AP. "But the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy."

In the interview, Blair said raising such concerns was a natural part of any examination of the cause for war.

"The trouble with having a political discussion on the basis of things that are leaked is that they are always taken right out of context. Everything else is omitted from the discussion and you end up focusing on a specific document," he said.

"It would be absolutely weird if, when the Iraq issue was on the agenda, you were not constantly raising issues, trying to work them out, get them in the right place," he said.

Details of the memos appeared in British newspapers last month but the news in Britain quickly turned to the May 5 election that returned Blair to power. In the United States, however, the revelations raised criticism among opponents of the Bush administration.

"I am a bit astonished at how this has received such coverage in the U.S. because the fact is, after the memo was done, we went to the United Nations," Blair said.

"What people forget about that memo is that that (it) occurred nine months before the conflict. ... So whatever issues there were, we resolved them ultimately by saying we have got to give it one last chance to work peacefully."

Blair also said it was "vitally important" for coalition troops to remain in Iraq "until the job is done."

"That is vitally important. If we defeat these insurgents and terrorists in Iraq — and we'll only defeat them with the Iraqi people — we will beat that terrorism and insurgency worldwide," he said.

Blair's comments came a day after Bush, in a nationally televised address, promised to keep U.S. forces in Iraq until the fight is won.

"The most important thing we can do in Iraq is concentrate on the fact ... that what is happening there is a monumental battle that affects our own security," Blair said.

"You've got every bad element in the whole of the Middle East in Iraq trying to stop that country (from getting) on its feet and (becoming) a democracy.

"The world for both of us changed after Sept. 11," Blair said. "What happened for me after Sept. 11 is that the balance of risk changed. I took the view that if these people ever got hold of nuclear, chemical or biological capability, they would probably use it."

Sept. 11 "changed the whole picture. It changed the politics of how we dealt with the threat. And I still believe in a time to come it will be seen as important that we took that decision."
Of course the decision had already been decided. That's why it didn't matter that the UN voted not to support the war. Bush was going anyway. No matter how the UN voted or what pre-war weapons inspectors found or didn't find. I don't even need the memo to tell me this, it's obvious from the course of events.
menewa said:
Of course the decision had already been decided. That's why it didn't matter that the UN voted not to support the war. Bush was going anyway. No matter how the UN voted or what pre-war weapons inspectors found or didn't find. I don't even need the memo to tell me this, it's obvious from the course of events.

You have something besides conjecture to support your assertion? I think evidence in this case would be a statement from Bush that he pre-planned to invade Iraq regardless circumstances would suffice.

Otherwise, you are stating as fact something you just want to believe as it suits your political agenda.
Well GUNNY, the sergeant stripes you use to show off, certainly represent your viewpoint. But ignorance aside, you need to look at all the evidence that has been accumulating, not just the Downing Street memo, which is evidence enough in itself to impeach Bush out of the office he was never elected to. For instance how about Joe Wilson, just another sore loser?....I don't think so! And Richard Clark, who tried desperately to warn the Administration through Ms Condi about the impending threat from Al Queada. And guess what? .......9-11-01!!! Just another sore loser eh. And the other smoking gun.....the Presidential Daily Briefing Memo dated August 6, 2001. That specifically stated that Al Queada was planning to attack the USA using commercial aircraft. I guess 9-11 must have just been a coincidence right? You could almost be convinced that they actually wanted this to happen, just so they could use it as an excuse to attack Iraq, which had absolutely nothing to do with 9-11. And Iraq wasn't a threat to anybody. Oh and how about you go read some older history about the Carlyle Group. Maybe then and you will have a better understanding of what has been happening outside your sheep herd.
the Ghoat said:
Well GUNNY, the sergeant stripes you use to show off, certainly represent your viewpoint. But ignorance aside, you need to look at all the evidence that has been accumulating, not just the Downing Street memo, (which is evidence enough in itself to impeach Bush out of the office he was never elected to. For instance how about Joe Wilson, just another sore loser?....I don't think so! And Richard Clark, who tried desperately to warn the Administration through Ms Condi about the impending threat from Al Queada. And guess what? .......9-11-01!!! Just another sore loser eh. And the other smoking gun.....the Presidential Daily Briefing Memo dated August 6, 2001. That specifically stated that Al Queada was planning to attack the USA using commercial aircraft. I guess 9-11 must have just been a coincidence right? You could almost be convinced that they actually wanted this to happen, just so they could use it as an excuse to attack Iraq, which had absolutely nothing to do with 9-11. And Iraq wasn't a threat to anybody. Oh and how about you go read some older history about the Carlyle Group. Maybe then and you will have a better understanding of what has been happening outside your sheep herd.

Wow, welcome with that great first post. I've never rep'd anyone prior to posting a welcome, but thanks for a first!

I would suggest you watch the name calling, i.e., 'sheep herd' before getting a bit acquainted around here.
the Ghoat said:
Well GUNNY, the sergeant stripes you use to show off, certainly represent your viewpoint. But ignorance aside, you need to look at all the evidence that has been accumulating, not just the Downing Street memo, (which is evidence enough in itself to impeach Bush out of the office he was never elected to. For instance how about Joe Wilson, just another sore loser?....I don't think so! And Richard Clark, who tried desperately to warn the Administration through Ms Condi about the impending threat from Al Queada. And guess what? .......9-11-01!!! Just another sore loser eh. And the other smoking gun.....the Presidential Daily Briefing Memo dated August 6, 2001. That specifically stated that Al Queada was planning to attack the USA using commercial aircraft. I guess 9-11 must have just been a coincidence right? You could almost be convinced that they actually wanted this to happen, just so they could use it as an excuse to attack Iraq, which had absolutely nothing to do with 9-11. And Iraq wasn't a threat to anybody. Oh and how about you go read some older history about the Carlyle Group. Maybe then and you will have a better understanding of what has been happening outside your sheep herd.

Well, well ....what do we have here? A dyed-in-the wool, flaming idiot who starts out insulting something he could never hope to attain. Try to not be too jealous, jackass. I'm sure you have some DNC or Clinton bumper sticker indicative of your self-inflicted stupidity.

The Downing Street Memo has not beeen corroborated by anyone but drooling, presumptuous left-wingnuts. Hardly acceptable as fact.

Bush won both elections and your saying otherwise is a lie. Simple as that.

Your comments on 9/11 are the comments of a moron. Obviously you have no clue where our intelligence community is concerned, and accusing the administration/Bush of being in colusion is just left-wing hatred and ranting.

Please feel free to go screw yourself, jackass.
Wow Gunny, tell me when and how you actually did attain those stripes. Then come back and I'll tell you about my REAL (not imagined) experience in the service as Vietnam Veteran. Another words Grunt...don't even go there...I'll eat you for breakfast!
And someone sent ME a message warning that my language could be interpreted as a little strong.
However putiing your ignorance aside once again! The tack of your message is sooo..........Ditto Head! meaning that you attack with irrational insults and rhetoric as a deliberate diversion and distraction to avoid the specific and clear information that I posted. (Pure Bushthink!). And you do this simply because you have absolutely no idea about what I was talking about. I'll bet you don't even know who I was talking about. If you're such the smart BIG and BRAVE sergeant then specifically discount each any every point in my post. I dare you!
the Ghoat said:
Wow Gunny, tell me when and how you actually did attain those stripes. Then come back and I'll tell you about my REAL (not imagined) experience in the service as Vietnam Veteran. Another words Grunt...don't even go there...I'll eat you for breakfast!
And someone sent ME a message warning that my language could be interpreted as a little strong.
However putiing your ignorance aside once again! The tack of your message is sooo..........Ditto Head! meaning that you attack with irrational insults and rhetoric as a deliberate diversion and distraction to avoid the specific and clear information that I posted. (Pure Bushthink!). And you do this simply because you have absolutely no idea about what I was talking about. I'll bet you don't even know who I was talking about. If you're such the smart BIG and BRAVE sergeant then specifically discount each any every point in my post. I dare you!

Holy's John Kerry! :bow3:
Wow Gunny, tell me when and how you actually did attain those stripes. Then come back and I'll tell you about my REAL (not imagined) experience in the service as Vietnam Veteran. Another words Grunt...don't even go there...I'll eat you for breakfast!

Boy are you in for a rude awakening..

I wonder if I could sell tickets to this one...
Well I don't have the time to waste waiting for just another sheep in Rush Limbaugh's herd to Bleet out another nasty response, I'll be back another time. Sorry Gunny, you'll just have to write faster next time.....bye!
the Ghoat said:
Wow Gunny, tell me when and how you actually did attain those stripes. Then come back and I'll tell you about my REAL (not imagined) experience in the service as Vietnam Veteran. Another words Grunt...don't even go there...I'll eat you for breakfast!
And someone sent ME a message warning that my language could be interpreted as a little strong.
However putiing your ignorance aside once again! The tack of your message is sooo..........Ditto Head! meaning that you attack with irrational insults and rhetoric as a deliberate diversion and distraction to avoid the specific and clear information that I posted. (Pure Bushthink!). And you do this simply because you have absolutely no idea about what I was talking about. I'll bet you don't even know who I was talking about. If you're such the smart BIG and BRAVE sergeant then specifically discount each any every point in my post. I dare you!
I think you meant, "in other words", not another words...

If you were a grunt, what was your MOS and which unit did you serve in?
the Ghoat said:
Wow Gunny, tell me when and how you actually did attain those stripes. Then come back and I'll tell you about my REAL (not imagined) experience in the service as Vietnam Veteran. Another words Grunt...don't even go there...I'll eat you for breakfast!
And someone sent ME a message warning that my language could be interpreted as a little strong.
However putiing your ignorance aside once again! The tack of your message is sooo..........Ditto Head! meaning that you attack with irrational insults and rhetoric as a deliberate diversion and distraction to avoid the specific and clear information that I posted. (Pure Bushthink!). And you do this simply because you have absolutely no idea about what I was talking about. I'll bet you don't even know who I was talking about. If you're such the smart BIG and BRAVE sergeant then specifically discount each any every point in my post. I dare you!

Dude you are a piece of work. Specific and clear information you posted? WHAT message board was that on?

Your posts are nothing but left-wing drivel unspported by any real fact. But you feel free to post whatever evidence you have to support any of that trash.

I don't have to go any further than THIS thread to discount the Downing Street Memo. Obviously refuting Blair's statements is beyond your ability to think coherently. You didn't even bother to read the thread ... you just waded in and attacked.

The Supreme Court of the US refutes your lie that Bush did not win the election in 2000. Sorry if your tree-hugging, Clinton-wannabe's master plan to steal an election backfired. Well, actually, I'm not.

The US receives hundreds of threats daily, mostly in bits and pieces. OBL made threats against the US continually beginning in 91, that he never carried out. But being smarter than the average bear, you of course, knew exacly which one to take seriously beforehand?

Your Monday-morning quarterbacking is dishonest, and stupid.

And I am not going to even try an refute an accusation that the administration/Bush was involved as it is completely absurd, and you're just another conspiracy fruitloop in need of some serious therapy.

As far as you being a Vietnam vet goes, you dishonor yourself, jimbob. What is it that you think I am supposed to be in awe of? It sure as hell ain't that you're going to outthink anyone around here.
the Ghoat said:
Well I don't have the time to waste waiting for just another sheep in Rush Limbaugh's herd to Bleet out another nasty response, I'll be back another time. Sorry Gunny, you'll just have to write faster next time.....bye!

Awwww....mommy calling you to get in your jammies and hop into bed?
GunnyL said:
Damn. That leaves only shattered to play with and she cheats.

Maybe, but I'm a hell of a lot cuter, and you like me better anyway, so it's all good. :funnyface

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