blacks cheer when blacks kill

That's why I gave up. I have no sympathy, empathy or compassion for any of the savages.
Only for savages like Zimmerman and cops shooting unarmed "savages" in the streets, we got that long ago.
He shot him because a black savage was trying to kill him. Black savages had him tired and a jury found him not guilty. You oughta meet you a black savage. If you survive, post it here.

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Above is a post crime image of poor Mr. Martin, who has been crime free for years now.
Oh how we worship the power of the state in the land of the fwee and home of the bwave.
Not in the Zimmerman-Martin case, it was a private citizen protecting himself from an attacker. You can think what you will about Zimmerman, but in that situation he was in the right. Gubmint or no gubmint.
It certainly has to be recast that way, because the system allowed a murderer to go free for staking and killing a teenager. The power structure must fabricate another version, luckily we were well into a season of Reality America when the murder occured.

And all a pussy coward has to say is, why, I was afraid, so I get to kill.

YOur scenario ignores the evidence, eye witness testimony and common sense.

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