Black voters vs Fundie voters?

Which voting block is more valuable?

  • Total voters


Diamond Member
Feb 19, 2008
your dreams
Everyone knows the general rule that blacks vote democratic and fundies vote republican.

But which voting block is the more valuable?

Feel free to explain your vote
Blacks are only 13% of the population of which 90-95% vote Democrat (The party of Slavery) Fundies are currently 60% of the population but could be convinced to vote either way, thus making them more valuable to either side.
Everyone knows the general rule that blacks vote democratic and fundies vote republican.

But which voting block is the more valuable?

Feel free to explain your vote

The blacks, mainly because fundies can be swayed, but are usually reliable and always show up to the polls. On the other hand blacks generally feel that the gop is anti minority and will in most cases never vote republican, but will also not vote period, if the dem doesn't appeal to their interests. In essence, no matter what the gop does, they don't have to worry about anything but independents, while dems have liberal AND independants to consider.:poop:
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Blacks are only 13% of the population of which 90-95% vote Democrat (The party of Slavery) Fundies are currently 60% of the population but could be convinced to vote either way, thus making them more valuable to either side.

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None of that will matter much longer. The voting block that will be the most important will be the Hispanic vote. If Hispanics continue voting 2 to 1 Democrat, within the next ten years, Republicans will find it near impossible to ever win the White House again.
I read this yesterday:

Even many Republicans underestimate the centrality of evangelical voters in the GOP’s nominating process. In 2008, self-identified evangelical Christians constituted 44 percent of all Republican presidential primary voters, according to a cumulative analysis of state exit polls by former ABC polling director Gary Langer.

Candidates who rely almost entirely on evangelicals—such as Huckabee, Gary Bauer in 2000, and televangelist Pat Robertson in 1988—have never come close to winning the GOP nomination. But evangelicals are plentiful enough that any candidate whom they deem completely unacceptable faces a formidable obstacle—and not only in the Deep South, where they are most heavily concentrated.

Evangelical Christians represented a majority of 2008 GOP primary voters in 11 of the 29 states in which exit polls were conducted. In Iowa and South Carolina, two states that along with more-secular New Hampshire have proved decisive in Republican nomination contests since 1980, evangelicals provided exactly 60 percent of the vote. In 10 other states, including many outside the Deep South, evangelicals represented between one-third and 46 percent of the vote.
The GOP candidate will find it nearly impossible to clinch the nomination without the Religious Right.
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Everyone knows the general rule that blacks vote democratic and fundies vote republican.

But which voting block is the more valuable?

Feel free to explain your vote

Fundies. There's a lot more. The Black vote is becoming less and less significant since organizations like Planned Parenthood have been keeping the black population capped at around 13% and Hispanics are taking over as the predominate minority group in the US.
What is a "fundie"? The term is nonsense made up by fundamentally-secular liberals to denigrate religious people, our Founders among them.
Inner city working class black voters are generally more important because a) they are more concentrated than religiously conservative whites, and b) they are more adept at voter fraud of all kinds.
Inner city working class black voters are generally more important because a) they are more concentrated than religiously conservative whites, and b) they are more adept at voter fraud of all kinds.
:lol: Most of the time you claim blacks are mentally retarded and here you claim they are extremely clever.

What as ass.
Inner city working class black voters are generally more important because a) they are more concentrated than religiously conservative whites, and b) they are more adept at voter fraud of all kinds.
:lol: Most of the time you claim blacks are mentally retarded and here you claim they are extremely clever.

What as ass.

Actually I've never claimed either one.
You are a moral and intellectual degenerate.
Christianity in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

62.9 percent of Americans say they belive in god, that 62.9 break down this way

19 percent of American Christians are described by the researchers as Active Christians. They believe salvation comes through Jesus Christ, attend church regularly, are Bible readers, invest in personal faith development through their church, accept leadership positions in their church, and believe they are obligated to "share [their] faith", that is, to evangelize others.
20 percent are referred to as Professing Christians. They also are committed to "accepting Christ as Savior and Lord" as the key to being a Christian, but focus more on personal relationships with God and Jesus than on church, Bible reading or evangelizing.
16 percent fall into a category named Liturgical Christians. They are predominantly Lutheran, Roman Catholic, Episcopalian, or Orthodox. They are regular churchgoers, have a high level of spiritual activity and recognize the authority of the church.
24 percent are considered Private Christians. They own a Bible but don't tend to read it. Only about one-third attend church at all. They believe in God and in doing good things, but not necessarily within a church context. This was the largest and youngest segment. Almost none are church leaders.
21 percent in the research are called Cultural Christians. These do not view Jesus as essential to salvation. They exhibit little outward religious behavior or attitudes. They favor a universality theology that sees many ways to God. Yet, they clearly consider themselves to be Christians.
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