Black student admits hanging ‘White Only,’ ‘Black Only’ signs near school bathrooms, water fountains

Coral is a little slow. You have to excuse him. Weird how he thinks people seeing a "whites only" sign as racist is something unusual.

"My work directly involves black trauma and non-white suffering. I do not believe that there can be social healing without first coming to terms with and expressing our own pain, rage, and trauma.”

Segregation was a long time ago.

We're kind of bored hearing about it.
No one cares what you are bored hearing about. Did you really think she thought about you?

Then it would be polite for her to have this conversation where those who don't care won't be bothered by her beating a dead horse.
She specializes in making people like you uncomfortable. If you dont like it....dont look.

NOt uncomfortable, bored, maybe annoyed.
Again no one cares if you are annoyed. Avert your eyes and dont partake of the discussion. Other than that, I cant help you.
Segregation was a long time ago.

We're kind of bored hearing about it.
No one cares what you are bored hearing about. Did you really think she thought about you?

Then it would be polite for her to have this conversation where those who don't care won't be bothered by her beating a dead horse.
She specializes in making people like you uncomfortable. If you dont like it....dont look.

NOt uncomfortable, bored, maybe annoyed.
Again no one cares if you are annoyed. Avert your eyes and dont partake of the discussion. Other than that, I cant help you.

YOu are posting in a public forum. If you don't care to have people respond to your posts, you might be confused about what this place is about.
No one cares what you are bored hearing about. Did you really think she thought about you?

Then it would be polite for her to have this conversation where those who don't care won't be bothered by her beating a dead horse.
She specializes in making people like you uncomfortable. If you dont like it....dont look.

NOt uncomfortable, bored, maybe annoyed.
Again no one cares if you are annoyed. Avert your eyes and dont partake of the discussion. Other than that, I cant help you.

YOu are posting in a public forum. If you don't care to have people respond to your posts, you might be confused about what this place is about.
You are the one whining. If you are annoyed dont read my posts. I dont care if people respond to my posts.
If conservatives could have their way, whites only signs would be legal and enforceable.

Conservatives freed the slaves, liberals put them in chains, live with it. Besides once again you are completely off topic.

Conservatives demanded states rights to preserve and perpetuate slavery. And you're an idiot.

Southern liberal democrats put them all in chains and still do. Your ignorance is sometimes so breathtaking it is amazing you have the guts to even post.

Racism isn't "Liberal", Dumbass. Liberal is expressed in "all men are created equal". You can't be a racist unless you're first conservative.

The author of "all men are created equal" was certainly not what would be called Liberal today.
Today's Liberals are the group that purloined the name and exchanged their original one...Socialists.

The author of "all men are created equal" was a classical liberal, or what would be known as a conservative today....

...the basis of their beliefs was individualism, free markets, and limited constitutional government.....the very antithesis of today's "Liberals."

Please refrain from lying about this again.
Then it would be polite for her to have this conversation where those who don't care won't be bothered by her beating a dead horse.
She specializes in making people like you uncomfortable. If you dont like it....dont look.

NOt uncomfortable, bored, maybe annoyed.
Again no one cares if you are annoyed. Avert your eyes and dont partake of the discussion. Other than that, I cant help you.

YOu are posting in a public forum. If you don't care to have people respond to your posts, you might be confused about what this place is about.
You are the one whining. If you are annoyed dont read my posts. I dont care if people respond to my posts.

Calling it whining doesn't change the fact that you can't dispute what I said.

YOu aren't fooling anyone but yourself.
Even coons want to go back to their own bathrooms and water fountains.
You can't be Racist unless you are first Conservative? That might be the most ridiculous statement I've read yet on USMB. Do you even think about what you write?

If that's the most ridiculous thing you've read you must have just learned to read today.
Of course it is. A racist wants to keep his race just as it is and resists those revolutionary ideas like biracial breeding and subversive ideas like "all men are created equal". That kind of attitude sure as fuck ain't Liberal philosophy.
And yet LIBERALS are the ones that destroyed black families and work ethic and taught several generations of Blacks it pays to not work at all. Further Liberals taught the blacks in America that they can get ahead by being permanent victims.
So you completely missed the point altogether.
None of this has anything to do with Joe Stalin. Or "leftists". Or even "PC". It's a social experiment. Which apparently flies over your head in its predisposition to comic book fantasies of commies.

Coral is a little slow. You have to excuse him. Weird how he thinks people seeing a "whites only" sign as racist is something unusual.

"My work directly involves black trauma and non-white suffering. I do not believe that there can be social healing without first coming to terms with and expressing our own pain, rage, and trauma.”

Segregation was a long time ago.

We're kind of bored hearing about it.
No one cares what you are bored hearing about. Did you really think she thought about you?

Then it would be polite for her to have this conversation where those who don't care won't be bothered by her beating a dead horse.
She specializes in making people like you uncomfortable. If you dont like it....dont look.
And if a WHITE Student had posted the signs they would have been arrested and charged with a hate crime, remind us how just putting a rope over a statue rates 6 months in jail?

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