Black pastors group launches anti-Obama campaign around gay marriage


Gold Member
May 22, 2011
Everyone's abandoning him. Seems only the "left winged-kook fringe" are hanging on for dear life.
This isn't really a shocker. Religious black conservatives have spoken out against gay marriage the whole time.
No shit sherlock and democrats have taken blacks for granted for a long time.
Yeah, the guy sounds like he is going to rallying a lot of people. Lol
These type of comments don't get you far.
"“If you watch the men who have been caught having sex with little boys, you will note that all of them will say that they were molested as a child…” Owens said. “For the president to condone this type of thing is irresponsible.”"
This isn't really a shocker. Religious black conservatives have spoken out against gay marriage the whole time.

I agree - but this particular pastor's goal is to "Rally Black Americans," not just his peers.
Not going to go far with what he has said so far.
And Romney won't get the black vote.
This isn't really a shocker. Religious black conservatives have spoken out against gay marriage the whole time.

I agree - but this particular pastor's goal is to "Rally Black Americans," not just his peers.

Remember it was the black population in Californa who shut down gay marriage the left lame stream blamed it on "mormons" :lol::lol: then the 9th circuit reversed aka "disenfranchised the black vote" and not one liberal screamed about that? it was a hoot.
And Romney won't get the black vote.

I don't think Obama will either.

He'll get the majority of it. That's okay they vote based on skin color. I'm personally going to vote based on skin color too for the rest of my life.

Well, if the blacks vote based on skin color - those who do so are ignorant. Obama hasn't done JACK SHIT for unemployed blacks, or whites for that matter. His numbers are dismal. It's been a failed Presidency. Anyone with a quarter ounce of brain matter will vote this disaster out in November.
I don't think Obama will either.

He'll get the majority of it. That's okay they vote based on skin color. I'm personally going to vote based on skin color too for the rest of my life.

Well, if the blacks vote based on skin color - those who do so are ignorant. Obama hasn't done JACK SHIT for unemployed blacks, or whites for that matter. His numbers are dismal. It's been a failed Presidency. Anyone with a quarter ounce of brain matter will vote this disaster out in November.

And put in who? Romney? Who thinks the unemployed and poor are living on easy street.
Yeah, I don't think so.

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